A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: If there is an afterlife (1)

"If there is no predestined relationship in the previous life, wait for the renewal and the next life."


It has rained for half a month in the capital, and the rain has been continuous, making the atmosphere of the originally prosperous capital dull. People who haven't seen Golden Crow for a long time, their faces are as gray as the sky.

Beijing Shenfu.

A white soft hand protruded out of the eaves, and the crystal rain dripped on the palm of the hand, and the cool touch made the fingertips shake. But before receiving much rain, that hand was caught back.

"Xiao Jue, why play in the water again? Carefully catch the cold." The speaker was a boy with red lips and white teeth. The boy knelt down, took out his handkerchief, carefully wiped his hands clean, and hugged the owner of the hands.

The owner of the little hand is a boy about four or five years old. After he was picked up, he looked out, "Cousin, I want to go to the flower garden."

The boy walked across the crimson promenade with the boy in his arms. The rainwater flowed on the floor tiles on both sides of the promenade, and the boy had to look down and pay attention. He heard the boy's words and asked casually: "Why go to the flower garden?"

"The flower inside is dying." Because of his young age, the boy always sounded soft when talking, just like his face, white and tender, like a white jade steamed bun sold by Shi Shanglou. It feels soft.

The boy raised his head to look at the boy, and sighed softly, "But it's useless for Xiao Jue to go to the flower garden. Flowers have their own destiny just like people."

"Destiny? What is destiny?" The boy tilted his head, his eyes like black grapes were full of doubts, and when the teenager was about to answer, a voice not far away interrupted them.

"Xiao Jia, Xiao Jue, ready to eat."

The boy and the boy looked for fame at the same time, and smiles appeared on their faces when they saw the gorgeously dressed woman standing not far away.

"Auntie, why are you calling us in person? It's raining now, and the weather is cold." The boy quickly walked over there.

The woman smiled softly, "I have nothing to do in the house, so I have come to ask you Quandang to take a walk." While she was talking, she looked at the boy held by the boy, "Xiao Jue, why let the cousin hold him again? You? Don't be ashamed. The master your father asked you is coming soon, so you can't be so sweet."

"Auntie, I want to hug Xiao Jue." The young man said with a smile, "While I can still hug now, hug more. In a few years, Xiao Jue will grow taller and I can't hold him anymore. I guess I won't let you hug anymore."

The woman said that the boy loves Jiao, and she asked the boy to sit in her arms when she was going to eat.

After eating, the boy became sleepy not long before he was held by the nurse and went back to the house for lunch. Halfway through his sleep, he was awakened by the sudden increase of rain outside.

The rain was pouring, crackling on the floor tiles, as if to smash the floor tiles out of a hole. The boy rubbed his eyes, sat up, and thought of the flowers in the garden.

He wanted to go to the flower garden, but he thought of what his cousin said.

"... Flowers, like people, have their own destiny."

But what is fate?

People also have fate, so what is his fate?

He didn't think about it for a long time because his father came back. Father Shen was born tall and mighty. He liked to pierce his little son with a beard when he came back, often waking the boy from his dream.

"Xiao Jue, are you happy to see Dad?" Father Shen rubbed the boy's long hair with his hands, and finally rubbed it into a henhouse, and turned to his face. When it became red, the people next to him couldn't see it. When the sound stopped, he stopped.

"Father, Xiao Jue has a tender face and can't stand your rubbing like this." It was the boy's elder brother Shen Ze who looked exactly like Father Shen, but had a much more calm personality.

Father Shen saw that his little son's face was indeed reddened, and he coughed embarrassingly, but this is really no wonder he, his little son is so well-behaved, he won't cry or make trouble no matter how tossing, he will only open the pair of black grapes. He looked at him with big eyes, even if it hurts. Unlike his eldest son, he liked to talk back to him when he was young, but now he has grown up and started to teach him.

After he coughed a few times, he remembered his business affairs, "Xiao Jue, Dad has hired a master for you. I have no choice in talent or appearance. Dad and your brother have seen it and think you will like him. of."

Hearing this, the boy didn't react much, but just nodded. This well-behaved appearance instantly made Father Shen want to play a trick again. Fortunately, Shen Ze next to him quickly picked up the boy.

"Xiao Jue, my brother will take you to eat snacks. Today, my brother bought a lot of delicious snacks for Xiao Jue." Shen Ze said as he asked the nurse to come in and help dress.


The master arrived at the mansion the next day.

When he arrived, the boy was squatting on the ground, observing the earthworms crawling out of the soil.

"What are you looking at?" The gentle male voice sounded.

The boy didn't look back, his voice was soft, "Earthworm."

"Why look at earthworms?"

"Daddy said that earthworms can be divided into several segments, and I'm waiting." After the boy said, he realized that the voice was strange, although it was very nice. He turned his head and saw a pair of legs first. The legs were too long, so he lifted his head up along the way, until his head was sore, he barely saw the face of the speaker.

Is a Tsing Yi guest.

The Tsing Yi guest has a long body, with a white complexion like snow, sapphire shark cloth covering his eyes, and a straight and straight nose with red lips like begonia in Xifu.

Seeing his appearance, the boy was stunned for a moment. At this time, because of his excessive head-up, he was unstable and fell back. Fortunately, the Tsing Yi guest immediately reached out to protect him.

The boy looked at his face close at hand, blinked, and said slowly, "Are you my Master?"

"Yeah." Tsing Yi guest pursed his lips slightly.

For some reason, the boy felt the other person's body trembling, as if nervous, and as if excessively sad. He thought about it, the other party should be nervous, after all, he wants to be a master.

The boy said soothingly: "Don't be afraid, I'm very easy to teach."

As he spoke, there was a sudden sound of thunder. The boy was not afraid of thunder since he was a child, so he turned his head to look, but he found that the person holding him was trembling more severely.

"Master, are you afraid of thunder?" He turned his head and saw that the other party was silent. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out two small hands to cover the other party's ears, "So you won't be afraid."

There was another thunder.


The loud voice seemed to split the world.

The boy covered the Tsing Yi guest's ears and said, "Master, my name is Shen Jue."

He wanted to distract the other person.

But as these words landed, he was instantly hugged.

For some reason, he felt that the person holding him was like the rain in Beijing.

The endless sadness and desolation.


Quotation: "If there is no predestined relationship in the previous life, we will reconcile and wish for the next life."-Le Wan "Bu Suanzi·Da Shi"

Seriously quoted~

When writing this chapter, I have been listening to the pure music of "Huang Zhou".

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: Tang Xu, who gave people Yiyun 1;

Thank you for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: A Jing, Beauty Harvest File, Yunyan, Kiru 1;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mine]: natural rolls, 2 paper kites; fylli, Yuchen, Juer Shenweihehe, grapefruit tea to drink every day, delicious **** soup, the Great Wall crying to death Meng Jiangnu, mm, Sishui young man, Pikachooo, half, lonely path fan, Xiaofan, Da Miaojin, Qin Ling, Oh Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, Deng Nian, Ah Zhang is very long, 21 pieces;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

3704490850 bottles; 30 bottles of Zizi, Ren, and delicious **** soup; 27 bottles of refuge; 22 bottles of Zhengzhengyuan; 20 bottles of girl; I can do it alone, Jin Yaohan! 15 bottles; 12 bottles of sake; SM., Du. , And the south bank of the green river, Ran Ran, Fu Suo, Suddenly. Looking back, the bottle is only evil, Qiang Nanzi, Chu Feng, Kongkongfei Ruye, Seventy-seven forty-seven, 10 bottles of Tuanbao; Guinea pigs that raise cats, small 8 bottles of Fan; 6 bottles of Huoliu Zen; 5 bottles of red tooth karo, ice cream-eating people, a nervous fool, blueberry cat meow, floating Apiao, sake, far way, pure lard; If the song is wrong, only 3 bottles are waiting for you; you can reach 2 bottles of Duck and Sweet Cone; Matatabi, Zhan Xuyang, Dumplings, 39346898, Mu Qisheng, Gusu°, Jiang Ruoxian 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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