A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: If there is an afterlife (2)

The new master's surname is Xie, and his eyes have been hurt, and he is afraid of light. Even if it is rainy and cloudy, he will have his eyes covered. Shen Jue sat down at the desk and looked at the youth opposite. The sound in the ear is not fast or slow, mixing with the sound of rain. He listened and couldn't help but lie down on the table.

The lecture stopped suddenly.

"Ajue, are you uncomfortable in any way?"

A cool hand stretched out and reached his forehead.

Shen Jue thought for a while and shook his head, "Master, I don't feel uncomfortable, but I...I'm sleepy." When he said the next three words, his face was slightly red.

Xie Fuzi paused, and then a very light smile appeared on her lips like a begonia, "Sorry, I told you for too long, then..." He looked outside and said, "Should I call the nurse in?"

Shen Jue blinked slowly, "Can I sleep in Master's place?"

He thought the scent in the other party's room was very good, faint.

"Okay." Xie Fuzi quickly agreed, and then he asked the nurse to come in and help Shen Jue take off his shoes and coat. Shen Jue slept in Xie Fuzi's quilt, with the scent he liked to smell between his nose. Before he knew it, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found that it was dark outside, and he could not help but grab the quilt with some fear.

"Nanny." He called the nanny.

The sound of footsteps came quickly, but the person who appeared was not the nurse, but Xie Fuzi. Xie Fuzi saw Shen Jue, who was obviously terrified on the bed, and immediately bent over and picked him up, "It's okay, I'm here."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt my neck was hugged tightly by two short hands. The child in his arms seemed to be really afraid, being held by him, and trying to shrink into his arms.

Xie Fuzi's body was obviously stiff, but soon he relaxed and held Shen Jue to light the lamp. After lighting the lamp, he sat back on the bed, helping to put on clothes, but without shoes. Shen Jue was not so scared when he had a lamp. He looked at the little shoes on the ground and wanted to wear it, but he was hugged again before his feet were halfway down.

"Ajue, are you hungry? I have some snacks here, let's have some." Xie Fuzi coaxed softly.

Shen Jue did not want to eat snacks, but felt that it was not good to refuse, so he nodded.


The sound of rain outside was getting louder, and Shen Jue’s thoughts of eating snacks were half lost by Yufen, and the remaining half he was thinking about why the nanny didn’t pick him up, so his thoughts were hardly placed on the snacks, although his little hand held it. Dim sum, but I only ate a little for a long time.

But before long, a hand that contrasted sharply with Shen Jue's short and fat little hand reached out.

That slender, white hand was holding a piece of rose cake.

"Ajue, come, open your mouth."

Shen Jue was often fed by Shen's mother, and when she heard these words, she habitually opened her mouth. After the bite, he realized that it was his master who was feeding him, and he couldn't help but look up at him.

Because he was sitting in the other's arms, he raised his head, and needed to raise his head almost parallel to the ground to see the other's face, "Master, I can eat by myself."

It was just a very common sentence, but he found that the smile on the other party's lips disappeared instantly, and even his lips were tight. Even Shen Jue, who was still young, noticed that Master Xie was emotionally wrong.

He thought for a while, and then said again: "I can't seem to eat by myself, can the Master feed me?"

Well, that gentle smile reappeared.

After being fed a piece of rose cake, Shen Jue finally saw the nurse coming over. His eyes lit up, but he tried his best to hold back his joy. He is not used to sitting in Xie Fuzi's arms.

When having dinner, Mother Shen held her young son like she did in the past, but today there is one more question, "Xiao Jue, do you like the new master?"

Shen Jue thought about it, then nodded.

Shen's mother smiled when she heard the words, "Just like it, we Xiao Jue will learn from Master."

Shen Jue waited for the next sentence from Shen's mother, but couldn't help but asked: "Mother, what about the next sentence?"

"What's the next sentence?" Mother Shen had doubts in her eyes.

Shen Jue's expression was serious, "Shouldn't my mother say that I want to study hard, should I be the champion in the future?"

"Your dad is the champion, and your brother is the champion. You don't need to be the champion. You will grow up well. Joy Changan is the mother's greatest expectation of you."

Shen Jue nodded slowly after hearing the words.

Joy Changan.

He got it.

People in the mansion like Master Xie, and Shen Jue also likes it, but the other person likes to feed him too much. He has never eaten some things in the mansion. At first he was not used to sitting in the other's arms, but gradually got used to it later, and even fell asleep in the other's arms.

After half a year, he was completely accustomed to sleeping on the other side. After Shen's father found out, he was very melancholy. He complained privately to Shen's mother, saying that the younger son did not want to sleep with him, but he slept soundly in the arms of an outsider.

Shen's mother laughed at him, "You always like to pierce him with a beard, why would he like to sleep with you? I think the Master treats him well, he likes the Master, this is a good thing, you are also jealous, and Xiao Jue will grow up in the future. I’m getting older and I’m no longer kissing us, so what do you do?"

When Father Shen heard these words, he sighed for a long time.

"I hope time goes slower."

There was another person who thought the same.

The man looked down at the child in his arms, raised his hand to touch his cheek, but hesitated again. He hesitated repeatedly, Shen Jue in his arms woke up at some point, and Hei Grape's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, which symbolized that the owner had not yet fully awakened.

Shen Jue saw the young man's raised hand, blinked slowly, then took the initiative to move his face, and touched the opponent's hand. After touching, he raised his head and looked at the person in front of him, "Master, do you want to pinch my face? Squeeze it, they all like to pinch, I am used to it."

The young man paused and said softly for a long time: "I won't pinch, how can I give up..." He didn't say the rest, and Shen Jue didn't pay attention, because he just yawned at that time.


Even though Shen's father wanted time to go slower, time still passed quickly. Ten years later, Shen Jue was fifteen years old.


This is the outside of the Beauty Dungeon, and has nothing to do with the main line. The main line will end in this outside and continue, that is, the Heavenly Court Dungeon.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-1013:07:48~2019-11-1123:17:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 kiru;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 4 trees in a tree; grapefruit tea to drink acridine every day, goddess magnifies the pit, rich girl, hears words, life winner Zhao Zhensheng, frantic deep well ice, Nasingashi, (:3_ヽ) _, Abai, Jue'er, the **** of power, Jiang Shui Yingying, YICA, a little cute, giving people the cloud, spectacle cat, and falling grass as a Kou;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 67 bottles of Zixi; 50 bottles of Zixi; 47 bottles of a tree; 40 bottles of Luyouyuan; 30 bottles of Puff Puff; Gagen quack, (:3_ヽ)_, Tianwang cover the land 20 bottles of tiger; 19 bottles of goddess magnifying pit; 12 bottles of nine adults; puff puff puff chicken puff, leaves fall know autumn, there is a temple in the mountains. . . , Anty, Lotus, 2244795610 bottles; fish meal without coriander, 5 bottles of thank you, Chobe, Beiming, grape rum sorbet; 3 bottles of full-order red leaves; Wushuang, the other half of the milk cap, AME bleat bleat! 2 bottles; 1 bottle of dumplings, Yangong dumplings (*?︶?*), Fengxin, Hualoujiyiqing, Matatabi, Ruo, Ningning zl, Ciran, hahah23, Xixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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