A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1726: Who dares to form me, kill without mercy!

An hour later.

Almost everyone returned to their peak state.

Jiang Chen didn't waste any time either, and he led a group of people straight to the thundering river of Zixiao ahead.

The distance of thousands of miles is naturally nothing to Jiang Chen and his group.

Only a moment.

Jiang Chen and the others came to a place less than a hundred miles away from the Zixiao Jinglei River.

The Zixiao Jinglei River is extremely wide, the majestic and magnificent currents, the turbulent waves hit the shore, and the waves of waves exude suffocating terrifying power.

The entire sky above the river was enveloped by a faint purple thunder, and it was impossible to see the situation on the opposite bank.

The purple thunder seemed indifferent, but it contained extremely terrifying destructive power.

Even with Jiang Chen's current strength and feeling the power of the purple thunder, he couldn't help feeling a kind of palpitations.

"It's no wonder that the Venerable World God cannot cross the Zixiao Thunder River. The power of thunder on the Zixiao Thunder River is too terrifying."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and suppressed the horror in his heart.

His eyes moved away from the Zixiao Jinglei River, and soon fell on a building standing on the bank.

This is a fortress built on the Zixiao Jinglei River.

The fortress is about a thousand feet in size.

On the Purple Thunder River behind the fortress, there is a special area that is not covered by purple thunder.

Jiang Chen knew.

This area should be a passage through the Zixiao Thunder River safely.


This passage was completely blocked by the fortress standing on the shore.


Just as Jiang Chen and the others looked at the situation in front of them, the people in the fortress quickly discovered Jiang Chen and the others.

I saw a group of people with a strong aura, and they flew out of the fortress in an instant.

The first two are the Zixiao **** emperor Lei Lei Jingxiao, and Ziyunmen elder Yan Sanjue.

"Ms. Zhu Xinyu, the eldest bamboo family of Qingye Jie, and the old Zhuqing of the bamboo family. The emperor has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lei Jingxiao looked at Jiang Chen and his group in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"There are actually two powerhouses of the fourth-order deity!"

Zhu Qing's gaze swept across Lei Jingxiao's body, and her heart couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

As far as he knew, the Zixiao Divine Kingdom should only have such a powerful fourth-order **** as the Zixiao Divine Emperor.

Now beside him, there is an extra powerhouse of Tier 4 deity.

No need to think about it, Zhu Qing knew that this Heavenly God Realm powerhouse was sent by Ziyun Sect in all likelihood.

First, they hired void thieves to intercept and kill them in the eternal void, and now they do not hesitate to trade with world **** forces like Ziyunmen.

It seems that this time, the opponents of the Zhu Family have really done their best to intercept him and Zhu Xinyu.

Zhu Qing took a deep breath and stared at the Emperor Zixiao Divine Emperor with gloomy eyes: "Divine Emperor Zixiao, I don't know what benefits the Ye Family of Qingyejie has given you, is it worth your action to kill us?"

"You don't need to know this."

The Emperor Zixiao said indifferently: "Today you are destined to be unable to leave the Kingdom of Zixiao. If you know a little bit more, you will be obedient to this emperor."

Zhu Qing sneered coldly: "What if... I don't?"

If he is the only one today, facing two strong fourth-order gods, perhaps there will be no chance.

And now.

Next to him, there was Jiang Chen, who could easily kill the fourth-order **** of the sky.

As long as he drags one of them and lets Jiang Chen kill another Tier 4 deity in a short time, they will pass here without the slightest problem.

"Lei Jingxiao, stop talking nonsense with him, take them down for me."

At this moment, Yan Sanjue's face couldn't help showing an impatient look.

"Yes, Elder Yan."

Lei Jingxiao responded, and no longer hesitated at the moment, he directly took the several Heavenly God Realm powerhouses behind him and killed them towards Jiang Chen.

Zhu Qing broke out with all his energy, directly facing the Purple Heaven God Emperor Lei Jingxiao.

The remaining four Celestial God Realm, led by an old man of Tier 3 Celestial God, rushed to Jiang Chen and the others fiercely.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Chen's face was cold, and with a sudden wave of his palm, a storm of destruction suddenly burst out of the void space.

The four Heavenly God Realm powerhouses of the Purple Cloud Divine Kingdom hadn't even reacted yet, and under the impact of the devastating storm, they retreated a hundred feet away in embarrassment.

"How... how is it possible?"

Looking at the black-clothed youth who shook them back with a single move, a touch of horror that could not be concealed appeared in the eyes of the four strong celestial realms.

They obviously did not expect it.

The black-clothed young man in front of him would have the terrifying power to shock the four of them.

"This kid is not easy. Compared with the top geniuses of Ziyunmen, I am afraid they will not be inferior to them!"

Seeing this scene, Yan Sanjue, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but condensed in vain.

The cultivation base of the third rank of the gods, the combat power is probably not inferior to the power of the ordinary fourth rank of the gods!

"The **** of the Ye Family in Qingye Realm, didn't even tell us that there is such a person in the Zhu Family team!"

Yan Sanjue suddenly cursed inwardly.

According to the news provided to them by the Ye Family of the Green Leaf Realm, in the team of the Zhu Family going to the Great Wilderness Realm, there was only one Tier 4 deity and several Tier 1 deities.

Because of this.

Ziyunmen only sent him to Zixiao Divine Kingdom.

With him and Zixiao God Emperor Lei Jingxiao, the two gods of Tier 4 sitting in town, there is absolutely no problem in intercepting the team of Zhu Family.


Yan Sanjue never thought of it anyway.

In the Zhu Family's team, there is actually a monster genius comparable to the fourth-order deity.

Such a character, even he is not sure to take it easily.

If he had known that there was such a genius, how could Ziyunmen send him alone?

"Today, I'm overwhelmed by this Zixiao thundering Thunder River. Who dares to stop me and kill me!"

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes coldly looking down at the four heavenly gods, his indifferent voice resounded through the world.

"Huh! Don't be ashamed!"

That day, the old man of God Tier 3 burst into anger, and the power of the three worlds burst to the limit in an instant, and then turned into a purple thunder electric knife, slashing towards Jiang Chen volley.


Jiang Chen's face became cold, and he stretched out his hand to face the void a little, an invisible sword light quietly shot out at the old man.

this moment.

The space around a hundred li seems to be freezing, the void trembles, and an invisible crack is faintly cracked.

This invisible crack continued from in front of Jiang Chen to the front of the third-order elder.

Everything along the way, including the purple thunder electric knife that blasted towards Jiang Chen, was instantly annihilated under the invisible sword light.

And the old man hadn't reacted at all, his entire body had suddenly split under the invisible sword light, and he was directly cut into two pieces...

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) The hundredfold training system is upgraded to 999 in an instant, and the literature update is the fastest.

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