A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1727: I’ve never killed the people at Ziyun Gate

One sword killed the old man of Tier 3 deity.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all, and three invisible sword auras burst out at the other three heavenly gods.

How could these three people be able to withstand Jiang Chen's attack if they were not at the first level of the gods.

Just blink of an eye.

The bodies of the three Heavenly God Realm powerhouses had already been penetrated by Jiang Chen's sword energy, and then they burst into the void with a bang.

With Jiang Chen's current combat power, killing the heavenly gods below Tier 4 was almost the same as slaughtering chickens and dogs.

"Boy, you **** it!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed the four Heavenly God Realms lightly, Lei Jingxiao, who was shaking with Zhu Qing, couldn't help but let out an angry roar.

Although the Zixiao Divine Kingdom is one of the best in the Ziyunmen area, there are only eight Celestial God Realm powerhouses in total.

This time when Jiang Chen and the others appeared, first the Thunder Mountain guarding the south of the Zixiao Kingdom fell, and now there are four great heavenly gods killed by Jiang Chen.

Just a few days.

Their Zixiao Divine Kingdom has fallen to five strong heavenly gods!

This was a devastating blow to their Kingdom of Purple Clouds.

Having lost the five great powers of the Heavenly God Realm, once the Heavenly Lin Divine Kingdom in the north strikes, what will he use to resist the attack of the Heavenly Lin Divine Kingdom?


Although Lei Jingxiao was full of anger, but at the moment he was completely controlled by Zhu Qing, and Jiang Chen couldn't help it.

He had to shout to Yan Sanjue on the side: "Elder Yan, quickly kill that kid!"

Yan San never spoke.

He fixed his eyes on Jiang Chen for a while, then slowly said, "If I guessed right, your Excellency is not from the Qingye Realm Bamboo Family?"

The Green Leaf Realm is a realm weaker than the Zilin Realm.

The Green Leaf Realm Bamboo Family is even more of a declining Realm God power, and it is simply difficult to cultivate such an enchanting genius.

not to mention……

Since the Ye Family of Qingye Realm spent such a big price, it should be impossible for them to intercept and kill the people of Zhu Family in Zilin Realm.


It was probably an accident that this kid was staying with the Zhu family.

Jiang Chen glanced at Yan Sanjue faintly: "Is it right? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"If you are not a member of the Bamboo Family, as long as you don't interfere with the affairs of the Bamboo Family, you can pass the Purple Thunder Jingtianhe at any time. I promise that there will be no obstacles."

Yan Sanjue took a deep breath and said solemnly to Jiang Chen.

The combat power of this kid is unfathomable, and even he has no certainty to deal with it.

Anyway, this kid wasn't their target.

In that case, it is better to let this kid go, but it will reduce some unnecessary troubles.

"Sorry. Although I am not from the Zhu family, since they are with me now, they are my friends."

Jiang Chen said lightly: "My friend, it's not anyone who wants to move."

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Boy, since you have to toast and not eat fine wine, you can blame me for being impolite!"

Yan Sanjue laughed extremely angry, and a burst of icy light suddenly burst out of his eyes, and the power of the world swept across the sky in an instant, oppressing Jiang Chen.

"Qianlong Zhentian!"

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and the first vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture condensed in an instant.


Qianlong Town Tiantu suppressed, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Sanjue's world power was suppressed into nothingness.

Yan Sanjue's figure trembled, and his whole body broke away hundreds of feet away.

"This...what kind of cultivation technique vision, how can it be so terrifying?"

Yan Sanjue raised his head to look at the black-clothed youth on the opposite side, the color of horror in his eyes became more and more intense.

As the fourth-order elder of the Ziyunmen Tianshen, Yan Sanjue's status in Ziyunmen is naturally not low.

He is now cultivating a very powerful realm **** level technique at Ziyun Gate.

But the power of the vision he condensed was totally different from the vision of this kid in front of him.

Could it be...

Could this kid's cultivation technique be the legendary god-king technique?

"Long Xiao for nine days!"

Just when Yan Sanjue was horrified, Jiang Chen's cold voice resounded again.

Yan Sanjue suddenly looked up and saw a more terrifying picture of nothingness, which had condensed the void above Jiang Chen's head.

Jiang Chen's eyes were cold, and he didn't intend to give Yan Sanjue any chance to breathe. The second vision of Taixu Sacred Dragon, once again suppressed towards Yan Sanjue.

Feeling the terrifying power of Jiang Chen's vision, Yan Sanjue couldn't help but feel inexplicably cold.

He no longer hesitated now, and directly used the power of the four worlds to evolve a purple world of heavenly gods, which collided with Jiang Chen's Dragon Xiao Nine Heavens Map.


Two terrifying forces slammed together in midair.

In an instant...

The void vibrates, the chaos soars, the sun and the moon hang upside down.

I saw Yan Sanjue's heavenly **** world, constantly twisted and transformed under the suppression of Long Xiao Nine Heavens Map, and soon became shaky.

Just less than a moment.

Yan Sanjue's world of heavenly gods broke apart in the void with a bang.


The world of the gods was shattered, and Yan Sanjue's entire body was under the suppression of Long Xiao Jiu Tiantu, smashed down from the sky.


The dust flew up and the earth shook.

Yan Sanjue's body smashed to the ground fiercely, directly punching a thousand-meter-long crack in the ground, like an abyss!

"Elder Yan was also defeated by that kid, how could it be possible?"

Seeing that Yan Sanjue was directly driven into the ground from the void by Jiang Chensheng, Lei Jingxiao, who was fighting Zhuqing, his expression also instantly became horrified.

To know.

Yan Sanjue is the elder of Ziyunmen.

Although his cultivation base was almost the same as Yan Sanjue, Yan Sanjue was even higher than him in terms of combat power.

With Yan Sanjue's strength, he was defeated so easily.

Lei Jingxiao never expected that the combat power of the black-clothed youth would be so terrifying!

Lei Jingxiao's heart was frightened.

If Yan Sanjue were to lose in this way, the Zixiao Kingdom might be completely over today!


Just when Lei Jingxiao was frightened, there was a loud bang in the abyss below.


A figure wrapped in purple light rose to the sky, it was Yan Sanjue.

He looked pale and bloodstained at this moment, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

He stared at Jiang Chen grimly: "Boy, are you really going to be against my Ziyun Gate? I am the elder of Ziyun Gate. If you dare to move me, Ziyun Gate will definitely not let you go!"

"Hehe...what about Ziyun Gate?"

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth could not help but set off a slight arc: "You people from Ziyun Gate, I haven't killed you!"

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