A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1733: The terrifying power of the Eternal Temple!

"What is the origin of this eternal temple, and why is it built in the eternal void?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"do not know."

Zhu Qing shook his head and said: "The Eternal Temple is extremely mysterious. Few people in the entire God Realm know the power of the Eternal Temple. I only know a little about the Eternal Temple."

Zhu Qing did not conceal it, and told Jiang Chen all the information he knew about the Eternal Temple.

The eternal temple is a special existence distributed in the eternal void.

For most people who walk in the eternal void, the eternal temple is a place to trade supplies.

The eternal emptiness is endless.

Some of the larger eternal voids may walk in them for a year or a half without reaching the nearby realm.

Especially in some areas in the center of God's Domain, it may even take years or even decades.

Walking in the eternal void for such a long time is naturally prone to many changes. Such as resource shortage and damage to the void boat.

The eternal temple is built in these eternal voids, which can provide convenience for those who walk in the eternal void.

of course.

The Eternal Temple is not simply a supply ground for trading, and it will also absorb warriors who walk in the eternal void to join the Eternal Temple.

Some people who have not joined the power can participate in the eternal temple and become a member of the eternal temple.


In the eternal temple, there is generally a teleportation array leading to the nearby main realm.

In the area where Jiang Chen and the others are located, the Great Wilderness Realm is the only main realm that has the King of Gods.

In other words.

If they want to save time, they can reach the Great Wilderness through the teleportation array of the Eternal Temple.


It is said that the cost of using the teleportation array in the Eternal Temple is extremely high, and most people simply cannot afford it.

after all.

This kind of cross-border teleportation array that can cross the eternal void can't even be arranged by ordinary world gods.

This alone is enough to see how unfathomable the strength of the Eternal Temple is!

"The location of this eternal temple should not be far from us? In that case, let's go to the eternal temple first."

Jiang Chen stared at the red marker on the map, and soon made a decision in his heart.

Jiang Chen was also very curious about this mysterious force built in the eternal void, and naturally wanted to go and see it.

not to mention……

Since killing the giant void whale, Jiang Chen instinctively felt that a crisis was approaching.

If he guessed right.

This must be the owner of the Void Giant Whale, following his whereabouts with some secret method.

The only way to do this is to reach the Eternal Temple as soon as possible.

The eternal temple, this is the overlord of the eternal void.

Even the power of the **** king level has to be afraid of them by three points.

As long as he entered the Eternal Temple, even if the owner of the Void Giant Whale is really the Venerable World God, I am afraid that he would not have the guts to do it in the Eternal Temple.

By the time.

He may also be able to use the teleportation array of the Eternal Temple to reach the great wilderness directly.

"Well, in at most half a month, we should be able to reach the Eternal Temple."

Zhu Qing smiled and nodded.

In fact, even if Jiang Chen didn't propose it, he planned to suggest Jiang Chen to the Eternal Temple.

This void boat is not of high grade. After sailing in the eternal void for such a long time, there are signs of damage in some places and must be repaired as soon as possible.

The Eternal Temple is the best place to build and restore the void boat.

Including their damaged void ship, Zhu Qing also plans to repair it in the Eternal Temple to prevent accidents.

Half a month passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen and the others are finally approaching the area where the Eternal Temple is located.

Jiang Chen, Zhu Qing and others stood proudly on the top of the Void Boat, their expressions becoming more alert.

As they get closer and closer to the eternal temple, there are more and more powerful men and void boats nearby.

Many people even clashed with each other, and an extremely tragic battle broke out.


Jiang Chen and his party have six Heavenly God Realms, among which Zhu Qing has a cultivation base that has reached the fourth-order Heavenly God, but no one has caught up with him to trouble him.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the Eternal Temple is here."

Zhu Xinyu pointed to a place in front, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Jiang Chen looked up. A mysterious light cluster emitting silver light appeared in front of him.

As Jiang Chen and the others approached quickly, the silver light group also rapidly enlarged.


Many powerful men and some void boats nearby flew towards the mysterious silver light group.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others came to a place less than a hundred miles away from the silver light group.

In the silver light group, the outline of a palace about a thousand meters in size also clearly appeared in Jiang Chen and the others.

"Is this the eternal temple?"

Jiang Chen looked at the independent world separated from the eternal void by the silver ray, and a strange look also appeared in his eyes.

And at this time.

Many people nearby all flew into the outline of the palace in the silver light cluster.

Jiang Chen and the others did not hesitate either, they also quickly passed through the silver light group outside the Eternal Temple.

Passing through the silver light cluster, a strong energies of heaven and earth rushed to his face instantly.

Jiang Chen's gaze swept slightly, and he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

The outline of the palace, which originally looked only a thousand meters in size from the outside, was basically a huge city connected by palace walls.

Its magnificence is even worse than that of the Dragon City, the largest ancient dragon clan!

The eternal temple!

Above the gate of the city, four fonts with dazzling silver light exuded a breathtaking breath.

Even with Jiang Chen's current strength, when staring at these four fonts, he felt a terrifying pressure straight through his soul!

"It's such a terrifying handwriting, I'm afraid that even an ordinary World God Venerable may not be able to describe such a handwriting."

Jiang Chen felt awe-inspiring.

Just then.

Many people who came to the Eternal Temple on the side showed their tokens to the guards at the gate of the city, and then entered the Eternal Temple.

At the gate of the Eternal Temple, there are a total of four strong guards.

The breath of these four people is at least above the third rank of the gods.

In particular, the leader is much stronger than Zhu Qing's breath, I am afraid that he has reached the fifth rank of the gods!

"The strength of this eternal temple is really not ordinary horror."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen couldn't help taking a breath.

The four heavenly gods in front of them are almost enough to sweep any side of the ancient dragon world's heavenly gods.

Such power is only responsible for keeping the gate in this eternal temple.

And this is the eternal temple sub-temple on the edge of God's Domain.

Jiang Chen couldn't imagine how terrifying the strength of the eternal temple in the center of God's Domain would reach!

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