A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1734: Not a place for ordinary people to stay!

"Elder Zhu, do I still need a token to enter the Eternal Temple?"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but frown.

"This is an eternal order. Every eternal temple in God's Domain needs an eternal order to enter it."

Zhu Qing pointed to the place where there was a long line on the side: "There is the place where the eternal order is applied. An eternal order can be used in all eternal temples in God's Domain."

Jiang Chen received the empty boat, and then waited in line with Zhu Qing and others.

After a while.

It was Jiang Chen's turn.

"One eternal order, one hundred high-grade crystals, spend a day in the eternal temple, consume one high-grade crystal."

The silver-robed elder who was responsible for the issuance of the eternal order was straightforward.

"So expensive?"

Hearing the words of the old man in Yinpao, Jiang Chen couldn't help being surprised.

Although there are no restrictions on entry into this eternal temple, the consumption of crystals is really terrifying.

To know.

In most areas of God's Domain, the common currency is basically a low-grade God Crystal.

A high-grade magic crystal is equivalent to one hundred middle-grade magic crystals and 10,000 low-grade magic crystals.

This eternal order is equivalent to one million lower-grade **** crystals.

Millions of low-grade **** crystals are also a lot of wealth for the average heavenly **** realm powerhouse.

Not to mention, every day in the Temple of Eternity, 10,000 lower-grade **** crystals are consumed.

This eternal temple is simply not a place where ordinary people can stay.

"Boy, the eternal temple is opened in the eternal void, and it needs a lot of crystals to maintain every day."

"Do you think it is easy to build such a world full of heaven and earth energy in the eternal void?"

"If it's too expensive, you can just leave."

The silver-robed old man said impatiently.

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out two million lower-grade **** crystals. One million is used to purchase the eternal order, and the remaining one million is used to purchase time in the eternal temple.

"Fortunately, there were a lot of **** crystals in the destruction of the Snow God Palace, otherwise I would really not be able to produce so many **** crystals."

In the Gulong tribe these years, Jiang Chen has been frantically improving his strength, and he hasn't paid much attention to the Shenjing.

Especially after breaking through the Celestial God Realm, the lower grade God Crystal has little effect on the Celestial God Realm.

All the time.

Jiang Chen almost ignored the existence of the **** crystal, and there was no **** crystal on his body.

Fortunately, after destroying the Snow God Palace, Jiang Chen scraped away the resources of the Snow God Palace and took all the crystals stored in the Snow God Palace into his bag.


Jiang Chen has at least hundreds of millions of low-grade crystals, and one or two million low-grade crystals are naturally nothing to him.

As for Zhuqing and his party, most of them have had the experience of entering the eternal temple, and they don't need to purchase an eternal order.

Only Zhu Xinyu, who came here for the first time, spent a million crystals to purchase the eternal order.

As a direct line of the Realm God family, Zhu Xinyu is also very wealthy, and naturally he won't worry about this Shenjing.

The two bought the eternal order, and then dripped blood certification.


Jiang Chen discovered that in his eternal order, a number 100 appeared directly and ghostly.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that the number 100 represented the number of days he could stay in the Eternal Temple.

Once this number becomes 0 and he does not renew the purchase time, he will be expelled from the Eternal Temple.

With the token in hand, the group of people went straight through the gate of the Eternal Temple and headed inside.

very quickly.

An extremely lively and bustling world also appeared directly in Jiang Chen's sight.

Enter the eternal temple.

Jiang Chen just discovered that the actual space of the Eternal Temple is larger than he imagined. I am afraid that the two or three Shenlong Cities are far from being comparable to the city in front of him.


In the city, the figures shrouded in colorful rays of light shuttled back and forth, and most of them were powerhouses whose strength reached the realm of the gods.

Jiang Chen only felt it a little, and he found several Tier 4 gods who were not inferior to Zhu Qing.

"This Eternal Temple has a lot of powerhouses."

Jiang Chen couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the situation around him.

"The Eternal Temple is located in the Eternal Void. It accepts the strong from all directions in the Eternal Void, and there are naturally many strong gatherings."

"What's more... The strength of the Eternal Temple is not weak. It is said that every Eternal Temple in the Eternal Void has at least another World God Venerable. The strength is much stronger than the surrounding small realms. ."

"However, private fights are forbidden in the Eternal Temple. Even the Venerable World God would never dare to do it in private in the Eternal Temple, so don't worry too much."

Zhu Qing smiled slightly.

Jiang Chen nodded and continued to look at the Eternal Temple.

In the Eternal Temple, there are many large and solemn pavilions and palaces, which are guarded by the guards of the Eternal Temple.

In addition.

On both sides of the streets in the Temple of Eternity, there are various shops, large and small.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the buildings of the Eternal Temple are mainly divided into two categories."

"One of them is the buildings guarded by guards. These are all belonging to the eternal temple. Most of them are trading places, such as martial arts treasures, magical medicine, void boat repair, bodyguard **** and other services. "

"The remaining category is some private buildings, and there are also other realm forces that have established some strongholds in order to facilitate their own people to stop in the Eternal Temple."


Zhu Qing kept introducing the situation of the Eternal Temple to Jiang Chen.

As a Tier 4 powerhouse who has lived for millions of years, Zhu Qing has walked in the eternal void many times, and has stayed in the eternal temple many times, and naturally knows a lot about the eternal temple.

"Let's go to repair the place of the void boat first."

Jiang Chen groaned slightly and said directly.

No matter what, Jiang Chen decided to repair the void boat first, and then consider other things.

"it is good!"

Zhu Qing nodded, and then led Jiang Chen straight towards a tall palace.


And just shortly after Jiang Chen and the others entered the Eternal Temple.

A hundred miles away from the Temple of Eternity, a black shadow exuding a terrifying aura burst from a distance.

Even some ordinary Heavenly God Realm powerhouses around had a shuddering feeling in the face of the terrifying aura of that dark shadow.

"Okay... what a terrifying aura, I'm afraid it's at least a quasi-world **** of the sixth-order deity!"

Everyone looked at the black shadow that burst, and they were all shocked, and quickly gave way to the black shadow.

"Have you entered the eternal temple?"

"Dare to move my things, no matter how you struggle, take a break and escape from my palm!"

The black shadow looked up at the eternal temple in front of him, a cold flash of cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his figure flashed directly into the eternal temple...

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