Temple Arena.

Jiang Chen stood proudly on the arena with his hands under his hands, looked directly at the referee on the side, and said lightly: "Can you announce the result?"

"Congratulations on your successful challenge to the Temple Arena for ten consecutive victories."

The referee recovered and took a deep breath and announced the result of this ten-game winning streak challenge.

Although Jiang Chen has only won seven games in a row, he has defeated even the third-tier Celestial God, the strongest of the Eternal Temple, and it doesn't make any sense to continue with the next three games.

not to mention……

With the terrifying combat power that Jiang Chen has shown now, the third-order **** of the temple arena, who else has the guts to challenge Jiang Chen?

"Your Excellency Jiang Chen, in accordance with the rules of my Eternal Temple, I have won ten consecutive victories in the Temple Arena. People who are not Gods and above will be eligible to join the Eternal Temple."

"Of course, if your Excellency does not join the Eternal Temple, you can obtain the Eternal Temple Silver Eternal Order."

The referee said with a smile.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: "Sorry, I do not meet the conditions for joining the Eternal Temple."

"It's okay, if that's the case, then I will take you to receive the Silver Rank Eternal Order."

The referee smiled faintly, obviously expecting it.

Like Jiang Chen and other enchanting geniuses, even the vast majority of the realm gods in the Great Desolate Cosmos could not be cultivated.

The forces behind this kid are so extraordinary that it is naturally impossible to join the Eternal Temple.


As soon as the referee's voice fell, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation over the arena.

The next moment...

I saw a golden robe old man who was covered in a faint golden glow, also directly emerged out of thin air on the arena.

"This old guy... is very strong."

Looking at the golden robe old man who appeared out of thin air, Jiang Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The aura of this old guy in front of him is not inferior to Pang Qingyuan, who had restored his peak state at the beginning. I am afraid that he is at least a powerhouse of the sixth-order peak of the gods!

"I have seen Elder Xu."

The referee was surprised when he saw the appearance of the old man in the golden robe.

He obviously didn't expect that Jiang Chen's ten-game winning streak challenge would make this person appear directly.

"Xu Cheng, the chief elder of the Eternal Temple!"

Around the arena, many people looked at the golden-robed old man on the arena, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xu Cheng, the chief elder of this eternal temple in front of him, is second only to the existence of the eternal temple master, and is also a quasi-world **** powerhouse at the peak of the sixth-order deity.


Jiang Chen's defeat of Ren Feng also attracted great attention from the top of the Eternal Temple.

"Little guy, Xu Cheng, the chief elder of the old man's eternal temple, congratulations on becoming the first person in this temple to win ten consecutive victories in the temple arena in eight years."

The old man in the golden robe said with a smile.

Jiang Chen looked at the old man in the golden robe in front of him and couldn't help but smile faintly: "Senior's appearance this time, shouldn't it be just to congratulate me?"

The reputation of the Eternal Temple in God's Domain is not bad, and Jiang Chen is not worried that Xu Chengxun is coming to trouble.

"Your Excellency is extremely talented, rare in the world. The old man came here to give you a golden eternal order on the order of the Lord."

Xu Cheng's voice fell, and a golden token shot directly at Jiang Chen.

"Whhhhhhh-trough! It turned out to be a golden eternal order!"

When everyone looked at the situation on the arena, they couldn't help but feel an uproar.

To know.

The VIP Eternal Order of the Eternal Temple is not so easy to obtain for the people of the Celestial God Realm.

Even the silver eternal order of the lowest level needs to challenge ten consecutive victories in the Temple Arena.

The golden eternal order, it is even more necessary to challenge 20 consecutive victories in the Temple Arena.

And these 20 consecutive victories have faced opponents whose cultivation base is one level higher than their own.

The highest level of the Supreme Eternal Order requires 30 consecutive victories, and all 30 games must defeat opponents whose cultivation base is two tiers higher than their own!

The difficulty of obtaining the three types of VIP eternal orders has almost increased exponentially.

Not to mention the final Supreme Eternal Order, the difficulty of obtaining the Golden Eternal Order alone has already made most of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouses in God's Domain stop.

after all.

It is already a very rare genius to be able to defeat an opponent whose cultivation base is one level higher than himself in the Heavenly God Realm.

But to defeat twenty such opponents in a row, even in the many geniuses who can go beyond the ranks, it is absolutely impossible to persist.

not to mention……

Among these twenty opponents, there will also be some geniuses who can go beyond the ranks.

For example, if Jiang Chen wants to obtain the Golden Eternal Order through the Temple Arena, he must defeat twenty fourth-tier powerhouses in a row.

Among the twenty fourth-tier powerhouses of the heavenly gods, it is possible that Ren Feng will always be a genius of the fourth-order heavenly gods.

With Ren Feng's talent, if his cultivation reached the peak of the fourth-order deity, his combat power would not be inferior to the fifth-order peak of the deity, and he could even compete with the powerhouses of the sixth-order deity.

If there were such an existence, Jiang Chen would naturally not have the slightest fear.

But if there are ten or eight geniuses like this, even with Jiang Chen's strength, it may not be able to withstand it.

It can be said.

The golden eternal order of the Eternal Temple can be obtained in the Heavenly God Realm, and even in the entire God Realm, it is almost a handful of existence.

No one thought of it.

The Lord of the Eternal Temple will make an exception and give Jiang Chen a golden eternal order!

The golden eternal order, this is a VIP order that most of the world gods cannot easily get in the eternal temple.

"Golden Eternal Order?"

Jiang Chen looked at the golden token floating in front of him, and did not easily reach for it.

He hugged his fist to Xu Cheng and said, "Senior, thank you for your kindness from the lord of the palace for me. I can't ask for this golden eternity."

As the saying goes, nothing can be done without gain.

Although the golden eternal order of the Eternal Temple is indeed a good thing, Jiang Chen did not know the intention of the Eternal Temple's move, and naturally would not bear this sentiment.

"Little guy, you don't need to think too much, the Lord just wants to use this golden eternal order to form a good relationship with you."

"With your talent, even if the Lord does not give you this golden eternal order, you can surely get it on your own. It just takes a little more time."

Xu Cheng seemed to see through Xu Cheng's thoughts and couldn't help but smile.

Jiang Chen couldn't deny Xu Cheng's words.

Although the 20-game winning streak in the Temple Arena seemed very difficult, it was nothing to Jiang Chen.

As long as the Temple of Eternity does not produce a dozen or so Tianshen Tier 4 pinnacle geniuses of Ren Feng's level, he has to challenge 20 consecutive victories, and there should be no big problem.

"In that case, Jiang Chen is more respectful than his fate."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and directly took the golden eternal order in front of him.

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