Golden eternal order.

This is the VIP order of the Eternal Temple second only to the Supreme Eternal Order, and enjoys extremely high privileges in the Eternal Temple.

Those who have the golden eternal order not only enjoy a 30% discount on purchases in the eternal temple, but also do not need to consume any crystals no matter how long they stay in the eternal temple.

Since Xu Cheng's words are for the whole purpose, he doesn't have to refuse the kindness of the eternal palace master.

"It's so good. If little friend Jiang Chen has any other needs in the Eternal Temple, you can come directly to the old man!"

Xu Cheng said with a smile, and immediately disappeared in front of Jiang Chen.

After Xu Cheng left.

Jiang Chen also floated down from the arena and came directly to the place where he had bet before.

This time.

Before Jiang Chen took the stage, he bet 10 million on his ten-game winning streak, winning a hundred times the odds, instantly turning 10 million into 1 billion.

And Zhu Qing and others, who followed Jiang Chen's bet, also made a fortune.

The group of people excitedly received the Hundredfold Divine Crystal, and then left the Temple Arena under countless envy and jealous eyes.

After leaving the Temple Arena, Zhu Qing couldn't help but tilt his head to look at Jiang Chen beside him: "Brother Jiang Chen, where are we going next?"

"Find a place to live and wait for the upgrade of the Void Boat."

Although Jiang Chen already had the golden eternal order, he could use the eternal temple's teleportation array to reach the Great Wilderness, but he had to wait another half a month to get the void boat that had been upgraded with 100 million lower-grade **** crystals.

"it is good."

Zhu Qing nodded, and was about to take Jiang Chen to find an inn to live in. He faced a black robe old man exuding a mysterious aura, but slowly stepped forward and blocked Jiang Chen and the others.

"Who is your Excellency, why do you stand in my way?"

Zhu Qing stared at the black robe old man who suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes condensed suddenly.

The black robe old man's breath is mysterious and unfathomable. With his fourth-tier cultivation base of the god, he couldn't see the details of the opponent at all.

If he guessed right.

This black-robed old man is at least a powerhouse above the fifth rank of the gods.

The black robe old man didn't even glance at Zhu Qing.

His dark gaze fell directly on Jiang Chen, and said coldly: "Boy, I finally found you."

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly: "I have never met you before, I don't know what your words mean?"

The black-robed old man in front of him was not inferior to Xu Cheng's strength just now, and he was probably at least a quasi-world **** of the sixth-order peak of the god.

After entering the eternal void from the southern realm, Jiang Chen didn't have too many people anxious along the way.

The only offense was the person behind the giant void whale.

Is the black-clothed old man in front of him the owner of the giant void whale?

"It is true that you and I have never known each other, but in the eternal void, you killed the Void Whale that I managed to conquer."

The black-robed old man was filled with a violent killing intent: "The pet that the old man keeps can be killed if you want to kill it?"


As the black robe old man said this, Zhu Qing and the others' expressions changed drastically.

They obviously did not expect it.

The giant void whale that Jiang Chen killed had a master behind him, and this one was chasing it all the way!

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

Jiang Chen stared closely at the black-clothed old man, his heart stunned slightly.

After killing the Void Giant Whale, Jiang Chen knew that the owner behind the Void Giant Whale was extremely extraordinary, and he might soon overtake them.

The facts are just as he expected.

Not long after they entered the Eternal Temple, this guy had already caught up.

The only thing that made Jiang Chen thankful was that this old guy was just a sixth-order Celestial powerhouse with extremely high Soul Dao attainments, not a realm god.


Even though this black-robed old man was only a sixth-order god, the oppression he brought to him was a bit stronger than Xu Cheng just now.

Jiang Chen even vaguely felt a breath of danger from the black robe old man.

"Senior, I'm very sorry."

"We didn't know that the Void Whale had a master, and when the Void Whale attacked our Void Boat, we had no alternative but to kill it."

Zhu Qing took a deep breath and held his fist at the black robe old man.


The black-robed old man's eyes were cold: "Kill my Void Whale, I just want to finish it with a word of sorry, how can it be so easy?"

"Does the predecessor still want to do it? Don't forget, this is the eternal temple!"

Zhu Qing's face sank slightly, and he shouted sharply.

"You are right, in this eternal temple, I really can't help you."

The black-robed old man smiled sternly: "But as long as you leave the eternal temple, I see who else can protect you. Unless you can stay in the eternal temple for the rest of your life, never leave."

Hearing the words of the old man in black robes, Zhu Qing and the others' complexions suddenly changed.

The consumption of the Eternal Temple is extremely high, and it is impossible for ordinary people to survive in the Eternal Temple for a long time.

not to mention……

They traveled to the Great Wilderness Realm this time, but they have an important task.

If it is too long in this eternal temple, the Aoba Realm Bamboo Family might be in danger.

"Okay, old man, you don't need to scare people here anymore."

Jiang Chen glanced at the black-robed old man lightly: "I killed your Void Whale. If you have anything, come at me."

A quasi-world **** at the peak of the sixth-order Tianshen, but also good at Soul Dao.

Although this kind of existence is very difficult, Jiang Chen can now break through the fourth stage of the gods at any time.

With his Tier 4 cultivation base, even if he can't defeat this old guy with the combat power he exerts, this old guy can't easily win him.

"Boy, you have a bit of courage."

The black-robed old man squinted his eyes slightly: "At your age, you can kill the Void Whale of the fifth rank of the gods, it is a rare genius. As long as you are willing to join my sect, I can forget the blame.

This kid in front of him is extremely talented, even in the sect where he is, he is a rare genius.

If he can bring it back to the sect, he must also be able to get a lot of benefits.

Jiang Chen frowned and said coldly: "I'm sorry, I refuse!"

"Boy, I am the elder of the Ghost Sect of the Great Desolate Realm God Force. It is your honor to be able to invite you to join the Ghost Sect. Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's refusal, the face of the black-robed old man also showed a look of anger and anger.

As an elder of a realm **** force in the Great Wilderness Realm, even in the Great Wilderness Realm, countless people smashed their heads and wanted to join the Ghost Sect through him.

Now he took the initiative to invite, the boy in front of him turned down.

This makes the black robe old man not angry in his heart?

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the corners of his mouth also raised a proud arc: "Even if I toast and not eat fine wine, what can you do?"

I like the hundredfold training system to upgrade to 999 in an instant, please collect it: ( The hundredfold training system is upgraded to 999 in an instant, and the literature update is the fastest.

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