A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1797: You won’t have a chance when I do it!

"Brother Jiang Chen is very confident in his own strength."

Feng Xuan smiled and said: "I just want to see the strength of Brother Jiang Chen. If Brother Jiang Chen is unwilling, then forget it."

Although Feng Xuan was very polite on the surface, an imperceptible cold light flashed across his eyes.

As the first genius of the Feng Family and the future heir of the Feng Family Patriarch, Feng Xuan has always been a superior presence in the Feng Family.

This guy from the small realm in front of him dared to despise him so much. How could he not be angry?

Although Jiang Chen just killed a Tier 4 deity with a single move, Feng Xuan felt that this should be just a coincidence.

One move spiked the existence of the fourth-order peak of the gods.

Not to mention the geniuses of other small realms, even in the Great Wilderness Realm, only the top geniuses of the realm gods can do it.

The fourth-order **** of Luosha Mountain must have been too careless, and he just followed Jiang Chen's way.

How could he be the first genius of his own dignified family, and he would lose to a little boy from a small realm?

the most important is……

It was Feng Qingman's attitude towards Jiang Chen.

Even the woman he likes thinks he is inferior to Jiang Chen, this is something Feng Xuan cannot accept anyway.


Feng Xuan proposed a contest.

He wants to be Feng Qingman's face, defeat Jiang Chen, let Feng Qingman know the gap between him and Jiang Chen!

Feng Qingmanliu frowned slightly: "Brother Xuan, Brother Jiang Chen is a guest of our Feng family, and he is a life-saving grace to us. You are not so good."

To know.

Jiang Chen just killed the strongman at Luo Shashan's fourth-order peak with a single move. Even if that person was careless, it was enough to prove Jiang Chen's extraordinary.

At least in Feng Qingman's eyes, Feng Xuan was far inferior to Jiang Chen.

The reason she wanted to stop her was not because she was worried about Jiang Chen's safety, but because she was afraid that Feng Xuan would do something irritated after losing.

"Sister Qingman, we also want to see the true strength of Brother Jiang Chen."

"Yes, it's just a discussion. It doesn't seem to matter whether Brother Jiang Chen is a guest of our Feng Family?"

Next to Feng Xuan, the two Feng Family disciples also said with a smile.

Feng Xuan is the first genius of the Feng Family. In order to take over the power of the Feng Family's heir, they naturally helped Feng Xuan speak.

Seeing that Feng Xuan insisted on discussing with him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

He first came to Hanyue State and was unfamiliar with the place where he was born. He is planning to use Fengjia to understand the situation in Hanyue State and to inquire about his mother.

It was only the first day that the Hefeng family was making an unpleasant disturbance. This was not what Jiang Chen wanted to see.

Jiang Chen naturally knew very well that Feng Xuan was so targeting him mainly because Feng Qingman was beside him.

The roots of troubles!

Although he didn't have any thoughts about Feng Qingman, he still made Feng Xuan hostile towards him.

Jiang Chen shook his head, then looked at Feng Xuan and said, "Well, since Brother Feng Xuan insists on discussing one or two, then I will accompany him."

Now Feng Xuan took the initiative to propose a discussion, if he avoids fighting, he will only make the Feng family despise.

If he wants to use the power of the Feng Family to inquire about his mother's news, he also has to show certain strength and attract the attention of the Feng Family.

"Brother Jiang Chen is really refreshing."

Feng Xuan said with a smile on his face: "You and I are limited to ten moves, and I hope Brother Jiang Chen will not stay behind, let me see your true strength!"

Jiang Chen stood with his hands behind and looked at Feng Xuan faintly: "Let's move!"

"Brother Jiang Chen, please be merciful."

Seeing Jiang Chen agreed to the discussion, Feng Qingman had no choice but to retreat aside.

Although Feng Qingman's talent is slightly inferior to Feng Xuan, his eyesight is even greater than Feng Xuan.

She never felt that Jiang Chen's move to kill Tier 4 of the Heavenly God in a second, to force the people back from Luo Sha Mountain, was just luck.

Intuition tells her that Feng Xuan might be extremely miserable in Jiang Chen's hands.

It was precisely because of this that she made Jiang Chen's men be merciful.

after all.

Feng Xuan is also the future heir of the Feng Family. If Jiang Chen is beaten too badly, the Feng Family's face will not look good.

Seeing that Feng Qingman seemed to believe that he was not Jiang Chen's opponent, a gloomy color that was not easily detectable flashed in Feng Xuan's eyes!


With a move of Feng Xuan's palm, a cyan sword emerged from the palm of his palm, and the cyan wind gangs on it continued to swallow, making the surrounding space almost distorted.

"Brother Jiang Chen, where are your weapons?"

Feng Xuan held the cyan sword in his hand and looked at Jiang Chen, who was still standing proudly in place, and couldn't help but remind.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "No need, you can do it."

Although Feng Xuan's talent was not weak, it was still a bit worse than Nanli Clan Young Master Yan Jin's existence.

He can easily suppress Yan Jin, how can this guy pose a threat to him?

"Then I'm welcome!"

Feng Xuan's eyes were cold.

This kid, obviously just doesn't put him in the eyes.

call out!

With a wave of the long sword in Feng Xuan's hand, a cyan sword light flashed across the dark night with a sky-breaking sword aura and shot at Jiang Chen.

Just blink of an eye.

Sword Qi had already torn the space and appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't move at all, raised his hand and slapped out the oncoming Sword Qi.


Only a clear sound was heard, and the sky-breaking sword energy exploded in mid-air.

"This guy... really has some strength!"

Feng Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and the cyan sword in his hand quickly swung again.

call out! call out! call out!

Three sword blade storms condensed by the cyan sword light, almost simultaneously slashed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen still stood motionless in place, but with three understatements, he resisted Feng Xuan's three attacks again.

He looked up at Feng Xuan and said lightly: "If you have any means, just use it. Otherwise, you won't have a chance when I do it!"

"Wind Mark Sword Art!"

Feng Xuan shouted in anger, and the six sword auras that shook the space directly turned into a tornado capable of destroying everything in mid-air, and shrouded Jiang Chen.

If it weren’t for the Feng Family’s flight path that had an array reinforcement, enough to carry the power of the sixth tier of the Celestial God, I’m afraid Feng Xuan’s move would destroy the ship.

Jiang Chen waved his palm, and the majestic power of the world condensed a layer of defensive barrier above his head.


The cyan tornado instantly bombarded the defensive barrier above Jiang Chen's head, and the bright energy ripples also spread instantly.

When everything was gone, Jiang Chen still stood motionless in place, as if he hadn't been affected at all.

"How can it be!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Feng Xuan's pupils shrank, and an incredible horror finally appeared on his face.

Jiang Chen stood proudly, looking down at Fengxuan condescendingly, and said lightly: "I said, you are not my opponent, do you want to continue?"

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