A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1798: Wind and Thunder Destruction Sword!

I heard Jiang Chen's faint words.

Feng Xuan was very frightened, and his expression was hard to see the extreme.

Didn't this kid come from a small realm outside the great wilderness, how could he wield such a terrifying combat power?

The Wind-Scarred Sword Art he just displayed was one of the Feng Family's unique skills.

With his full strength, even many Tier 4 powerhouses would not dare to accept it easily.

But the boy in front of him was so easily blocked!

This... how is this possible?

"Brother Jiang Chen is really amazing. Feng Xuan still has a sword. Please enlighten me from Brother Jiang Chen!"

Feng Xuan stared sharply at Jiang Chen, and the aura on his body rose to the peak in an instant.


When he moved his palm, a terrifying force of wind and thunder rose from the blue sword. The energies of the heavens and the earth in a radius of a hundred li were all mobilized, and began to center on Fengxuan, like a storm.


Lightning and thunder, wind pierced through the air.

Feng Xuan's complexion was slightly pale and he controlled the cyan sword and swung a sword at Jiang Chen!

"Fengxuan, stop!"

At this moment, Feng Yanghua, the elder of Feng's family, also appeared out of thin air and shouted at Feng Xuan.

Feng Yanghua has been following Jiang Chen secretly.

The reason why he didn't come forward to stop Feng Xuan from looking for Jiang Chen to discuss with him was because he wanted to try Jiang Chen's strength through Feng Xuan.

after all.

Although Jiang Chen killed the fourth-tier powerhouse of Luo Shashan with a second move not long ago, the situation at that time was too weird, and he did not see Jiang Chen's details.

It's just that Feng Yanghua didn't expect it.

Feng Xuan's strength would be so far behind Jiang Chen.

Standing still in place like this, he defeated Feng Xuan's several attacks lightly, and Feng Xuan, who was so embarrassed and angry, displayed the Feng Family's secret technique!

Wind and Thunder Destruction Sword!

This is one of Feng's Xeon's secret techniques, which can stimulate potential in a short period of time, gather the whole body's strength and exert a sword beyond its own strength.

With Feng Xuan's strength, he fully used the secret technique Feng Lei Destruction Sword, even if he had to retreat.

Although Jiang Chen was powerful, it would be difficult to resist Feng Xuan's supreme sword.

not to mention……

Although the Wind and Thunder Destruction Sword is strong, it is also extremely overbearing and will make the caster fall into a weak state.

Feng Xuan is now fully urging this sword, I am afraid it will take at least a few months to return to its peak state.

"Feng Lei Destruction Sword, go!"

Feng Xuan ignored Feng Yanghua's shout, and since the Feng Lei Destruction Sword had been activated by him, there was absolutely no possibility of it being recovered.

Jiang Chen dares to despise him many times, and he will make Jiang Chen pay for it!


The dazzling wind, thunder and sword light, with an extremely domineering aura, slammed towards Jiang Chen.

"Open Heaven Seal, break it to me!"

Jiang Chen's face was expressionless, his palms suddenly turned over, and the energy of the heavens and the earth in a radius of a hundred miles instantly turned into a golden gleaming seal of the Heavenly Opening God, and hit the wind thunder sword light.


I saw Feng Xuan's extremely domineering wind thunder sword light, directly smashed by Jiang Chen's seal of the Open Heaven God.

Feng Xuan's figure trembled, his complexion turned pale in an instant, and the whole person fell into a distance of tens of feet in embarrassment!

"you you……"

Looking at Jiang Chen who was still standing proudly in place, Feng Xuan's eyes finally showed unconcealed panic.

His throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

Feng Xuan's sense of weakness after using the Fenglei Destruction Sword also hit him instantly, making his eyes black and fainting directly.

Looking at Feng Xuan, who had passed out, the whole building fell into deathly silence at this moment.

Everyone stared at Jiang Chen with dull eyes, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

No one can think of it.

Feng Xuan was still defeated by Jiang Chen after displaying the Feng Lei Pi Destroying Sword.

What shocked them most was.

From beginning to end, Jiang Chen stood motionless and never moved half a step.

Such strength is really terrifying!

Feng Yanghua came back to his senses and couldn't help but flashed before him quickly, and said to Jiang Chen apologetically: "Little friend Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, Feng Xuan is too impulsive, I am here to accompany you for him."

This son's talent is really too enchanting, even if it is compared with the top genius of the Cold Moon Palace, it will not be inferior in the slightest!

Such a genius, even if he cannot be a friend, must never be an enemy with him.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, it's just a discussion. Elder Feng, don't blame me for taking too much action."

"Feng Xuan always has eyes higher than the top. Little friend Jiang Chen can teach him a lesson, which is not a bad thing for him."

Feng Yanghua shook his head.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Jiang Chen has kept his hands, otherwise Feng Xuan might not be as simple as backlash.

After Feng Yanghua finished speaking, he directly said to the two Feng Family disciples on the side: "You two, take Feng Xuan back to the cabin for training."


The two disciples of the Feng family hurriedly helped Feng Xuan and hurriedly moved towards the cabin.

Jiang Chen and Feng Yanghua exchanged greetings, then turned around and returned to their room.

The next trip also became very calm.

About two days later.

Jiang Chen finally arrived at Coldwind City and came to a huge building complex in the center of Coldwind City, with mountains and rivers in it, covering a large area, beautiful scenery, and fragrant birds.

"The Three Elders are back!"

Several Fengjia guards stepped forward to greet.

In a short while, Feng Yanghua took Jiang Chen to the Feng Family Discussion Hall, and Feng Tianchi, the master of the Feng Family, was already waiting here.

The Feng's senior management had already known about the attack on Feng Yanghua and his party.

Fortunately, Feng's family encountered the help of noble people and did not suffer any loss.


Once Feng Yanghua and his party fell in the hands of Mount Rosha, it would definitely hurt the Feng Family's vitality.

"This must be little friend Jiang Chen, right? In Fengtianchi, the owner of the Xiefeng family, thank you for helping me. If the little friend is useful to my Feng family in the future, my Feng family will not refuse."

Fengtianchi greeted Jiang Chen very politely.

Before that, Feng Yanghua had already sent the news back to Feng's house in advance.

Fengtianchi also knew that Jiang Chen was a peerless talent with a very enchanting talent, and naturally wanted to make friends with Jiang Chen.

"I do have one thing that needs your Feng Family's help."

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the door: "It's true that you are coming to Hanyue State next time, you are coming to Hanyue State to find someone."

Feng Tianchi heard the words and quickly patted his chest to promise: "Don’t worry, little friend Jiang Chen, my Feng Family can be considered as having some energy in Hanyue State. No matter who the little friend is looking for, my Feng Family will definitely do my best to help you find it. ."

"So, thank you very much."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and slowly said, "The person I am looking for is Ji Wushuang, and she should be in Hanyue Palace!"

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