A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1799: Unforeseen circumstances, the wind family crisis!

"Little friend Jiang Chen is looking for someone from Hanyue Palace?"

Feng Tianchi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and said, "My Feng Family also has some power in Hanyue Palace. There should be news in two or three days at most."

The Hanyue Palace is the power of the world gods of the Mighty Hanyue Prefecture, and their Feng Family is within the sphere of influence of the Hanyue Palace.

The Hanyue Palace has a long inheritance history and profound heritage, possessing the top cultivation resources and inheritance techniques of the Great Wilderness World.

Whenever the Cold Moon Palace recruits disciples, the Feng Family will send some geniuses to the Cold Moon Palace to practice.


There are still many people in the Feng Family still in the Cold Moon Palace, and they still have a not low status.

Since the person Jiang Chen was looking for was in the Cold Moon Palace, it was not difficult for the Feng Family's abilities.

"Thank you, Patriarch Feng."

Jiang Chen hugged his fist at Fengtianchi and said, "If the Feng Family can find this person for me, Jiang Chen will be grateful."

"It's just a matter of raising a hand. Please also invite little friend Jiang Chen to stay at Feng's house for a few days and wait for good news."

After Feng Tianchi finished speaking, he immediately said to Feng Qingman and other Feng family disciples: "Qingman, you can take your little friend Jiang Chen down to rest."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Feng Qingman responded and then smiled at Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang Chen, please come with me."

After Feng Qingman left with Jiang Chen, the other disciples of the Feng Family also left one after another. Soon the discussion hall was left with only the Feng Family Patriarch and the four senior elders headed by the Feng Family.

"Patriarch, Jiang Chen is a rare peerless genius, why don't you invite him to join the Feng Family?"

Feng Yanghua looked at Jiang Chen and others who disappeared in the hall, and couldn't help but face Fengtianchi Dao with a look of doubt.

"With this talent, this small temple of our Feng Family may not be able to accommodate him."

"What's more... this kid is of unknown origin. From my point of view, it shouldn't seem to come from a small realm..."

"Let's not talk about this, what do you think of the incident that Rosha Mountain attacked the Feng Family?"

Fengtianchi's eyes flickered slightly, and his complexion immediately became straight, and an invisible majesty was radiated from him.

"Although Rosha Mountain has a fierce reputation, he does not dare to do anything to my Feng Family easily. There must be something strange in this matter."

A white-haired old man with a vicissitudes of face, his face solemn and authentic.

"It's really not easy."

Feng Yanghua said solemnly: "Although our whereabouts this time are not secret, it is impossible for Mount Rosha to easily learn our whereabouts. I suspect that someone has leaked our news to the people of Mount Rosha."

Following Feng Yanghua's words, the complexions of many senior Fengjia leaders changed slightly.

In addition to the two great realms of Shenzong, Hanyue Palace and Glacier Sect, Hanyue Prefecture also has eight powerful families.

These eight families are distributed in the eight major cities within Hanyue Prefecture, and all of them are the top deity powers with the sixth rank of deity.

Among them, there are three big families, which are the pseudo-world **** families who have been born in the world.

Cold Wind City Feng Family is one of these eight families.


The Feng Family is not strong in the eight major families, especially since the Feng Family has not had any talents and amazing talents in these years, and it has gradually declined.

However, the Lu Family of Cold Wind City rose rapidly, and vaguely had a tendency to fight against the Feng Family.

In recent years, the Feng Family and the Lu Family have been in constant friction.

If someone really revealed their whereabouts to the people of Mount Rosha, it would be the Lu Family in all likelihood.

"This...it's not possible, Rosha Mountain is a bandit, not tolerated by the family, how could the Lu Family collude with the people from Rosha Mountain?"

A high-ranking Feng family is incredibly authentic.

"It's not impossible."

"Lu Xing, the Patriarch of the Lu Family, is extremely ambitious, and he is cruel. He will do whatever he can to achieve his goals, and he may not be unable to do things in conjunction with Rosha Mountain.

"If this matter is really done by the Lu family, the Lu family is afraid they are ready to do something with my Feng family."

A cold light flashed in Fengtianchi's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"Huh! What a Lu family, really treat my Feng family as a bully?"

An old Feng patriarch said with a murderous aura: "Patriarch, the Lu family has been doing more and more recently. It seems it's time to give them some color."

Feng Tianchi shook his head and said, "Don't act rashly for now, just pay close attention to the movements of the Lu Family."

Feng Tianchi also knew very well about Lu Xing, the head of the Lu family.

If the Lu family really wants to act on the Feng family, they must rely on it, and they must treat it with caution.

after all.

Since Lu Xing broke through the sixth rank of the Heavenly God, the strength of the Lu Family has not been inferior to that of the Feng Family.

If the Lu Family and Luo Shashan joined forces, it would be enough to pose a threat to Feng Family!

This time.

If it is a little careless, Feng's family may really face a crisis.


When the Feng family is discussing countermeasures.

A place tens of thousands of miles away from Coldwind City, a large black ship shuttled through the clouds.

On the big ship, there are a group of fierce and fierce people, who are bandits from Rosha Mountain.

Including Luo Hou, who led the team to intercept the Fengjia team a few days ago, was also on the list.

"Boss, we will be in Cold Wind City in half a day. Are we really going to join the Lu Family to deal with the Feng Family this time?"

Luo Hou looked at a burly man next to him, with a worried look on his face.

The Feng Family can stand in Cold Wind City for thousands of years, and their strength is unfathomable.

Although Feng's family has been going downhill in recent years, the lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if they join forces with the Lu Family, they may not be able to deal with the Feng Family.

"The Feng family killed the sixth child, this hatred is not shared!"

"Don't worry, the Lu Family has been planning for a long time, and the strength is no less than the Feng Family. Coupled with the strength of our Rosha Mountain, the Feng Family will lose."

"As the overlord of Cold Wind City, the Feng Family has abundant resources. This time we will get 40% of the Feng Family's resources, and Rosha Mountain will surely increase its strength by then."

The burly man is confident and authentic.

This burly man was Luo Tiansha, the boss of Mount Rosha.

Last time.

The reason why Luo Shashan would kill the Feng Family was because the Lu Family gave him a price that was hard to refuse.


Because of the appearance of a mysterious young man, not only did they fail to intercept and kill the Feng Clan, but also lost a fourth-order powerhouse of the god.

Now the news that they intercepted and killed the Feng Family must have returned to the Feng Family, and the Feng Family will definitely not let them go.

Rather than being beaten passively, it is better to take the initiative to join forces with the Lu Family and destroy the Feng Family!

As a well-known bandit group with a radius of a million, Rosha Mountain is extremely powerful, headed by Liusha.

Boss Luo Tiansha is a powerhouse of the fifth rank of the gods, and the second Luohou's cultivation base has also reached the fifth rank of the gods.

In addition, the remaining four people are also the powerhouses of the fourth rank of the gods.

Such power is only slightly inferior to the Feng Family and other Celestial Clan.

With their strength, coupled with a Lu family comparable to the Feng family, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the Feng family?

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