A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1803: Take my sword and spare you not to die!

"Ha ha……"

"A mere broken world artifact, even half the power of the real world artifact can't be used, so I am embarrassed to show it in front of me?"

"If this is the case, then I will show you what a real world artifact is!"

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, and an ancient red sword emitting a crimson light also emerged from his palm in an instant.

And at the moment when the red ancient sword appeared.

A scorching heat that overwhelms the world also instantly filled the void.

This red ancient sword is the realm divine weapon that Jiang Chen obtained in the vestige of Venerable Huoyun, the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword!

"Lu Xing, if you can take my sword, I will spare you today!"

Jiang Chen urged the Heavenly Fire God Sword and swung it straight out. Everyone felt that the world was shaking, and only the sword that shook the sun and the moon was in their eyes.

"not good!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's sword, Lu Xing's pupils suddenly shrank, and his figure was about to burst away.

But it was too late.

Jiang Chen's sword was like a blazing fire, slashing directly on the oncoming thunder sword light.


The lightning sword light, which was more than one hundred feet long, burst open every inch, like brilliant glass, all shattered.

To the end.

The power of Jiang Chen's sword fell directly on the broken sword in his hand under Lu Xing's horrified gaze.


Like the loud noise of Hong Zhong Da Lu, shaking the world,

With Jiang Chen as the center, the void within a radius of a hundred miles turned into a black hole in an instant.

The huge shock wave caused the people on both sides to withdraw hundreds of meters in embarrassment.

Lu Xing's figure was like a kite with a broken line, shooting hundreds of meters in the air before slowly stopping.

The power of a sword is terrifying!

"World Sacred Tool... I didn't expect little friend Jiang Chen to have a complete World Sacred Tool in his hands."

It took Feng Yanghua a while to recover from the shock, and his face couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy.

When Lu Xing had just sacrificed the artifact world artifact, Feng Yanghua originally thought that the trend was over.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, Jiang Chen sacrificed a real world artifact and shot Lu Xing away with a sword!

"This guy... really comes from the small realm?"

Feng Yanghua looked at Jiang Chen with a dull expression, and couldn't help but let out a low murmur.

This son is not only talented to be close to monsters, but at such an age he has the cultivation base of the fifth rank of the gods, and his body is strong and majestic, which is more than the genius who breaks through the great wilderness.

Not only that.

This guy actually has a world artifact on his body!

To know.

Even in the Great Wilderness Realm, the world artifacts are very rare.

Even the realm **** forces of the Hanyue Palace have only a handful of realm divine tools, and it is generally impossible to bestow realm divine tools to disciples under the sect.

If this child really came from the small realm, then there is definitely the existence of great luck.

"You...you actually have a world artifact?"

Lu Xing stabilized his figure in the void, and there was also a panic that was hard to hide in his eyes.

He never thought of it.

The black-clothed young man in front of him not only has his combat power against the sky, he also has a world artifact on his body!


What this guy possesses is still a complete world artifact, far from comparable to the broken objects in his hands.

"Boy, with a word from the gentleman, it's hard to chase the horse. I have already taken your sword. You can't shoot me anymore."

Lu Xing finally woke up at this moment.

Jiang Chen's combat power is only stronger than his, and now he is holding a real world artifact.

If he continues to fight, he will undoubtedly die today!


Lu Xing hurriedly carried out what Jiang Chen had just said.

Peerless Tianjiao such as Jiang Chen is a generation with arrogance and arrogance. When he speaks, he will never take it back like a splashed water.

As long as you can save your life, the big deal is to take Lu's family out of Coldwind City and wait for the opportunity to come back!

"Yes, I did say that if you take my sword, I will spare you not to die."

Jiang Chen looked at Lu Xing with a pity on his face: "Unfortunately...you still failed to take my sword after all."

Lu Xing's expression changed slightly.

Just as he was about to speak, a strange flame suddenly sank into Lu Xing's body from the broken sword in his hand.

next moment.

I saw that Lu Xing's right hand was directly reduced to ashes under the monster flame.


This is just the beginning.

very quickly.

Lu Xing's arms, shoulders, chest, thighs... to the end of his head, they were all quickly annihilated under the monster flame.

"Do not!"

In panic, Lu Xing quickly abandoned his body, and flew out into the void with a spirited body.

It's just that as soon as his soul had left his body, the demon flames had already whizzed out.

Lu Xing's soul body hadn't even had time to scream for a lifetime, it was already being burned clean by that monster flame!

With Jiang Chen's current strength, fully urging the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword, its power is naturally terrifying.

Even if it was the Nanli Clan Chief Yan Wuji at the peak of the sixth-order Tianshen, he could not take the slightest advantage when he displayed the Nanli Clan's supernatural powers, Lihuo Detiantong.

And the Lu Xing in front of him, compared with the Nanli Clan's patriarch Yan Wuji, was more than a bit short, how could he resist it?

"Hi...Lu Xing, the head of the Lu family, just died?"

Feng Yanghua and the others looked dull, like seeing a ghost, almost some could not believe their eyes.

Lu Xing, this is a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods.

In the entire Cold Wind City, only their Feng Family Patriarch Feng Tianchi could contend with it.

Such a strong man was killed by Jiang Chen's sword and turned into a scum!

"Yanghua, you are really lucky this time. You have brought back such a heaven-defying existence. It seems that the heavens really won't kill my Fengjia."

The white-haired old elder of the Feng Family recovered his senses, and his old face also showed an extremely excited look.

Because Jiang Chen's origin is unknown, the Feng Family has always been jealous of Jiang Chen.

It now appears that their worries are completely unnecessary.

Since Jiang Chen has the power to kill Lu Xing with a single sword, if he really wants to be detrimental to the Feng Family, even if they do it directly, the Feng Family is completely unstoppable, so why bother?

"That kid actually killed the Patriarch with a single sword, how... how could it be possible?"

the other side.

Many of the Lu family powerhouses came back to their senses, and their faces were pale, like a concubine.

Now that Lu Xing, a Tier 6 powerhouse of the gods, has fallen, the general situation of the Lu Family is gone, and it is impossible to contend with the Feng Family. It will be sooner or later that the Feng Family will be destroyed.

If they continue to stay, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

"Home... Patriarch has fallen, everyone, run away."

As a horrified scream spread in the air, everyone, including another fifth-tier Celestial expert from the Lu family, was like a frightened rabbit, fleeing into the distance... …

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