A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1804: The disappeared Ji Wushuang

"Everyone, the Lu Family is destroyed today, kill me!"

It was seen that everyone in the Lu Family who had fled in panic, the Great Elder of the Feng Family, and Feng Yanghua, two powerhouses of the fifth rank of the gods, directly led many Feng Family powerhouses to chase down.

The Feng Family and Lu Family have always been incompatible with each other, and their grievances continue.

This time.

The Lu Family teamed up with Luo Shashan to attack the Feng Family. If it weren't for Jiang Chen's existence, the Feng Family would be in a crisis of life and death.

Now that Jiang Chen killed Lu Xing with a single sword and helped the Feng Family restore the situation, it was a great opportunity for them to destroy the Lu Family in one go. How could Feng Yanghua and others let it go?

Under the leadership of Feng Yanghua's two Tier 5 powerhouses, how could the Lu Family who had no intention of fighting with each other resist?

Only a moment.

Feng Yanghua and others killed everyone in the Lu family in all but a small number of people and fled in embarrassment.

When everyone in the Lu family was resolved, Feng Yanghua returned to Jiang Chen and couldn't help but said with gratitude: "Mr. Jiang Chen, Feng Yanghua is on behalf of the Feng family, thank you for your help."

In God's Domain, the strong always respect.

Although Jiang Chen was young, his strength was much stronger than their Feng Family Patriarch.

In front of such a peerless young Tianjiao, even with Feng Yanghua's identity, he became respectful of Jiang Chen a lot.

"You don't have to be polite, you just need to find out about Ji Wushuang for me as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said lightly.

Feng Yanghua vowed to say: "Mr. Jiang Chen, rest assured, as long as the person you are looking for is in the Cold Moon Palace, the Feng Family will definitely find out the news for you."

"That's fine, I await your news."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned and headed towards the Feng's inner courtyard.

The Feng Family's crisis has already been in contact, and Jiang Chen naturally does not intend to interfere in the next thing.

He only needs to wait quietly for news from his mother at Feng's house.

"Great Elder, cut the grass without removing the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates."

"Although the Patriarch has not yet returned, we cannot give the Lu family any chance to breathe."

"Without delay, we will immediately summon all the Feng Family's forces to attack the Lu Family in an all-round way!"

After Jiang Chen left, Feng Yanghua couldn't help but quickly said to the white-haired old man beside him.

The white-haired old man nodded and said solemnly: "Okay, immediately summon everyone and go to the conference hall to discuss the counterattack of the Lu family!"

And just when Feng Yanghua and others were preparing to return to the discussion hall, a group of Feng Family disciples fled out of the Feng Family Forbidden Land in embarrassment.

This group of people are Feng Xuan and other elite disciples of the Feng Family who have evacuated from the Feng Family forbidden secret road.

It's just that this group of people are now pale and wilted.

In particular, Feng Xuan, who was headed, was covered in blood, almost half his life left.

Feng Yanghua saw the situation in front of him, and he couldn't help being stunned: "Feng Xuan, haven't you evacuated from the forbidden secret road out of Cold Wind City? How can you make it look like this?"

"The exit of our forbidden secret road has been known by the Lu family."

"The Lu family sent a lot of people to ambush us at the exit, and we also tried desperately to escape."

Feng Xuan gave a wry smile, and immediately raised his head to look at Feng Yanghua and the others. A look of doubt also appeared on his pale face: "Elder, how is the situation outside?"

Feng Yanghua and others, shouldn't they be outside to deal with the Lu family, why are they all back now, but there is no movement from the Lu family?

Could it be that the Feng Family and the Lu Family failed to negotiate a settlement?

But this time the Lu family did not hesitate to join forces with Luo Shashan against the Feng family, how could it be possible to reconcile with the Feng family?

This...what is going on here?

Feng Yanghua faintly smiled and said: "Don't worry, the crisis of the Feng family has been resolved, and we are now about to summon the power of the Feng family to counterattack the Lu family!"


The crisis of the Feng family has been lifted!

This...what is going on with Nima?

Hearing Feng Yanghua's words, Feng Xuan's eyes were dull, and suddenly he had an urge to vomit blood.

This time, the Lu Family teamed up with Luo Sha Mountain to raid the Feng Family. Seeing that the Feng Family was in danger, Feng Yanghua and others decided to let them, the core disciples of the Feng Family, leave first.

Feng Xuan also felt that the Feng Family might be very difficult to resist this time, so a group of Feng Family disciples stayed with them to evacuate from the forbidden secret road.

Who knew they were ambushed by the Lu family as soon as they left the secret road.

The last time he discussed with Jiang Chen, Feng Xuan used the Feng Lei Destruction Sword. Even after spending a lot of resources recently, he still hasn't recovered from his weakness.

Facing the Lu Family's ambush, Feng Xuan and the others were hit hard soon, and they fled back after all their lives.

When he returned to the Feng Family, Feng Yanghua told him that the Feng Family crisis had been resolved?

Knowing this long ago, he stayed in Feng's house obediently, how could he be hit hard by the Lu's ambush?

Thought of this.

Feng Xuan only felt a moment of suffocation in his brother, and the injuries in his body could no longer be suppressed. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person fell all over.

"Unexpectedly, Feng Xuan and the others were ambushed. They should have been evacuated from the secret road if they knew it."

Seeing Feng Xuan's miserable appearance, Feng Yanghua couldn't help but look helpless.

"The world is unpredictable. Who would have thought that my Feng family would have such a heavenly existence now."

The elder shook his head with a bitter smile, and then said in a deep voice: "Let them go to rest, let's deal with business first."

"it is good!"

Feng Yanghua took a deep breath, and quickly came to the conference hall, summoned all the forces of the Feng Family to discuss the counterattack of the Lu Family!

After a brief discussion.

The Feng Family's team of people also quickly dispatched to attack all the industries in the inland family in Cold Wind City.

For a time.

The entire Coldwind City was shaken.

And without a strong team like Lu Xing, the owner of the Lu family, the Lu family is already a group of dragons without a leader, and in chaos, how can it withstand the attack of the Feng family?

It took less than two days.

The Feng Family almost captured most of the Lu Family's properties and became the sole overlord of Cold Wind City!

Regarding these things, Jiang Chen naturally ignored them.

After helping the Feng Family resolve the crisis, he returned to the courtyard to practice while waiting for the Feng Family to inquire about his mother.

About three days later.

Feng Tianchi, the master of the Feng family, finally came to find Jiang Chen in person.

"Patriarch Feng, is there any news?"

Looking at the Fengtianchi in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Feng Tianchi took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Jiang Chen, are you really sure that the person you are looking for is in the Cold Moon Palace?"

"Of course, I got this news from Tianji Tower."

Jiang Chen nodded, and then slightly frowned, "What does Patriarch Feng mean by this? Isn't there the person I'm looking for in Hanyue Palace?"

"The news from the Tianji Tower shouldn't be wrong."

Feng Tianchi was startled slightly, and immediately said with an apologetic expression: "Mr. Jiang Chen, I'm very sorry, I used the power of the Feng Family to inquire again and again in the Cold Moon Palace, but I did not find a person named Ji Wushuang.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen's complexion also became a little unpleasant.

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