A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1816: The upper class guest Qing in Hanyue Palace!

"How... how is it possible?"

Lu Hongming's face was pale, and his whole person was like a rooster that was defeated in a fight.

Lu Hongming originally thought.

As the only fifth-rank alchemist in this assessment, he should be the most eye-catching existence, and he is also the person who has the most hope to become a guest of Hanyue Palace.


He never thought of it.

The hairy boy in front of him who he hadn't put in his eyes at all, used the technique of multi-refining in a single furnace to instantly refine three pills, killing him into scum!

"A furnace of three pills, this Jiang Chen brother's alchemy technique is too terrifying."

Qian Sheng returned to his senses, and his eyes looked at Jiang Chen with a look of admiration.

Qian Sheng originally had a good impression of Jiang Chen, so he offered to help when Lu Hongming embarrassed Jiang Chen.

But Qian Sheng obviously didn't expect it.

This Jiang Chen, who seems to be much younger than his age, has attained unmatched attainments in the alchemy.

He just understated and pointed out a few words, and let himself successfully refine the first Fire Cloud Qingli Pill!

Once he shot, he refined more than one furnace, refining three pills at once!

"This time, I met a noble man."

Qian Sheng was very excited.

Because of what he just said, he actually gained the favor of such a peerless pill genius.


He really has a chance to pass the assessment this time and become a guest of Hanyue Palace!

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if he failed to enter the Cold Moon Palace in the end, it was worthwhile to be able to get to know such an enchanting pill genius.

at the same time.

Above the square, a void covered by the formation.

Several people with deep breath stood proudly in the air, condescendingly looking down at the situation below.

"Tsk tusk... I didn't expect that in this Cold Moon God City, there is actually such a talented pill genius."

"Yes, this child's alchemy talent is probably not inferior to that of Xu Qingming, the first alchemy genius."

The two elderly men wearing the costumes of the elders of the Cold Moon Palace couldn't help being amazed.

"The two elders look at him too highly, right? Although that kid has an extraordinary talent in the alchemy, how can he be compared with the first alchemy genius of the Cold Moon Sect?"

At this moment, a majestic and burly middle-aged man was a little surprised.

The burly middle-aged man is Wu Tianqi, the lord of Hanyue God City.

"City Lord Wu, although I am not an alchemist, but this pair of eyes is no problem."

An elder of the Cold Moon Palace took a deep breath and slowly said: "I have witnessed Xu Qingming perform a multi-refining technique, but I didn't have this kid in front of me so easily."

Wu Tianqi heard this, and there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

If this child's alchemy talent is really comparable to Xu Qingming, it would be worth making friends with.


Dandao Examination Station.

Jiang Chen ignored the shocked expressions of everyone.

He took out three Huoyun Qingli Pills, put them in the pill box on the side, and then condensed the flames again, and began to refine the second batch of pill.

This time.

Jiang Chen still used the Purple Extreme Splitting Pill technique, putting the three materials into the pill furnace to refine together.

With the system's 100-fold rate of alchemy, Jiang Chen's control over the details of alchemy has been minimal.

Because of this.

Jiang Chen did not make any mistakes in his second alchemy.

About an hour later.

Jiang Chen's second pot of pill was also refined without surprise.

Three pills in one furnace!

Jiang Chen only used it twice and successfully refined six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills, which passed the examination of the Dao Keqing of the Cold Moon Palace Pill!

"Hi! This... this is incredible."

"How come I suddenly felt that the subjects of Dan Dao Keqing's assessment seemed to have become simpler."

"Where is the assessment question simple, it is clear that this kid's alchemy is too enchanting!"


Everyone looked at Jiang Chen on the alchemy examination platform, and it was a long time to recover from the horror.

"Jiang Chen, using the divine technique of dividing pills for more than one furnace, he refines six fire cloud green glaze pills twice. It takes about two hours, and the six pills are all top grade..."

At this moment, Gongsun Yang's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

After inspecting the six elixirs refined by Jiang Chen, he couldn't help but announced with a smile: "Little guy, your assessment rating is A, congratulations on becoming the top guest of Hanyue Palace!"

The upper class guest Qing in Hanyue Palace!

Hearing Gongsun Yang's announcement of the result, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

The high-class Ke Qing already has a very high status in the Cold Moon Palace, and he is second only to the existence of the elder Ke Qing.

this moment.

Many people looked at Jiang Chen with envy and jealousy.

"Thank you elder!"

Jiang Chen saluted Gongsunyang without being humble.

Jiang Chen was not surprised that he could obtain the status of a superior guest.

This time he performed the Purple Extreme Splitting Alchemy technique, doing more than one furnace twice in a row, in order to get the favor of the elder of the Cold Moon Palace Alchemy Hall.

after all.

In Hanyue Palace, the higher the status, the greater the authority.

He entered the Cold Moon Palace this time to find his mother's whereabouts. If he had a higher status, it would undoubtedly be much more convenient.

"You don't have to be polite. With your alchemy, you are fully qualified to become a superior guest secretary."

Gongsunyang waved his hand, and immediately swept his eyes on the alchemy platform, and said lightly: "If you want to enter the Cold Moon Palace, all speak with strength. Rather than envy others, it is better to grasp your own opportunities."

On the alchemy stage, several alchemists who participated in the assessment all recovered, quickly entered the alchemy state, and began to continue alchemy.

Lu Hongming also said nothing, and began to refine the third pill.

No matter what, he will also refine six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills to become the guest of the Cold Moon Palace.

"You should start alchemy too, I will point you to the side."

Seeing that everyone was starting to refine alchemy, Jiang Chen said directly to Qian Sheng on the side.

Gongsun Yangjian watched this scene with interest and did not say anything to stop it.

The quota of a Hanyue Palace Guest was nothing at all.

Even if Jiang Chen really helped Qian Sheng pass the assessment, it wouldn't hurt.

He wanted to see if Jiang Chen could have extremely exquisite judgment every time, helping Qian Sheng succeed in alchemy like the first time.

"Oh... OK!"

Qian Sheng took a deep breath, and immediately under Jiang Chen's guidance, began to refine the second pill.

More than an hour later.

Qian Sheng finally stumbled and refined the second Fire Cloud Qingli Pill.


It is indeed somewhat reluctant to refine the Huoyun Qingli Pill with Qian's early alchemy at the fourth stage of the God Rank.

Even with Jiang Chen's guidance, Qian Sheng was still a little weak in refining the pill two or three times, and eventually ended in failure.

of course.

Although he failed three times, Qian Sheng's rate of pill formation was still much higher than that of a general God-rank fourth-rank alchemist.


After Qian Sheng finished refining the ninth piece of material, he finally produced six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills, which successfully passed the cold moon palace's Ke Qing assessment!

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