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Chapter 1817: Jiang Chen with a headache

"I have passed the examination by the guest of Hanyue Palace?"

Looking at the six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills he had refined, Qian Sheng felt like he was in a dream.

This time.

Qian Sheng came to participate in the assessment, mainly to see how far he was from the Hanyue Palace Guest, and did not report much hope for entering the Hanyue Palace.


Qian Sheng never thought of it anyway.

He will get acquainted with a genius such as Jiang Chen, who is against the sky during this assessment, and he will turn the impossible into a possibility, allowing him to successfully pass the Hanyue Palace's Keqing assessment!

"This kid's alchemy talent is really evil."

Seeing that Qian Sheng had really passed the assessment under Jiang Chen's guidance, Gongsun Yang couldn't help but breathe in his heart.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gongsunyang would really not believe that someone would have reached such a terrible level of judgment on the details of alchemy.

the whole process.

Jiang Chen directed Qian Sheng to refine the Huoyun Qingli Pill nine times, and almost every time was just right, he couldn't fault it.

Although Qian Sheng failed to refine the alchemy three times in nine times, it was also because Qian Sheng was only a fourth-rank primary alchemist of the gods. He was somewhat reluctant to refine the Huoyun Qingli Pill, and he failed to follow Jiang Chen's instructions in time.

If it were to be replaced by a fourth-rank high-ranking alchemist, under Jiang Chen's guidance, even if the pill success rate could not reach 100%, I am afraid it could reach at least 90%!

Even pointing other alchemists to make alchemy can increase the rate of alchemy to this level.

Gongsunyang couldn't imagine that if Jiang Chen made a normal alchemy by himself, how terrifying would the rate of alchemy reach?

It's no wonder that Jiang Chen was able to cast three pill points in a row twice.

This kid is very likely to be the legendary natural pill body, and he has such a keen control of the details of alchemy, which makes the rate of pill formation reach an extremely terrifying point.

"You must find a way to keep this child in the Cold Moon Palace."

Gongsunyang muttered to himself, and a hot light flashed in his muddy old eyes.

With this talent, if he were vigorously cultivated by the Cold Moon Palace, he would at least be able to become a ninth-rank Celestial Alchemist in the future.

Even breaking through the ninth rank of the gods and becoming the tenth rank Danzun is not impossible!

As for the origin of Jiang Chen's identity, Gongsunyang didn't care at all.

Like Jiang Chen, a pill genius with unparalleled talent, most of the world gods will treat him as a treasure. How can he come to the Cold Moon Palace to participate in the evaluation of the guest?

As long as Jiang Chen is not from other world **** forces, no matter what status Jiang Chen used to be, would Hanyue Palace care?

With Jiang Chen instructing Qian Sheng to pass the assessment, the Dandao assessment soon came to an end.

The remaining five alchemists who participated in the alchemy assessment, except for Lu Hongming passed the assessment, all the other four ended in failure.

The Dandao assessment is over.

The next step is the array assessment.

Under the auspices of an elder who is good at formations in Hanyue Palace, the assessment of formations began soon.

There are fewer people participating in the Array Dao Examination than in the Dan Dao Examination. There are four people in each, but only one person barely passed the examination.

The next refining assessment was worse than the formation assessment. The five people who participated in the assessment were immediately wiped out.

The last one was the martial arts test with the largest number of people.

Because the number of people participating in the martial arts assessment is extremely large, more than twenty, the assessment rules have become even more cruel.

Twenty people who participated in the martial arts assessment would go directly to the martial arts platform for a melee.

Only the three who stayed on the martial arts stage in the end can pass the assessment and become the guest officials of the Cold Moon Palace.

Under the auspices of an elder of the sixth-order deity in the Hanyue Palace, more than 20 people who participated in the martial arts examination, after a tragic melee, finally competed for the three who passed the examination.

Among the three people, one of them was Gongsun Shou of the sixth rank of the gods.

In addition to him, the remaining two middle-aged men who passed the assessment were also strong men with a cultivation base that reached the fifth rank of the gods.

With the end of the martial arts assessment, this time the Hanyue Palace Guest Qing's assessment is also completely over.

After the assessment is over.

Jiang Chen and other seven people who passed the examination and became Hanyue Palace Guest were directly arranged to live in the City Lord's Mansion.

As usual.

Every time the Hanyue Palace Guest Palace is over, the City Lord’s Mansion will hold a dinner to entertain Jiang Chen and the newly promoted Hanyue Palace Guest Palace.

And Jiang Chen and the others will officially enter the Cold Moon Palace on the second day.

The City Lord's Mansion of Hanyue God City, a guest house.

Sitting in the courtyard of the courtyard, Jiang Chen took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and couldn't help lowering his head into thought.

Now that he has successfully joined the Cold Moon Palace, the next step is to look for his mother in the Cold Moon Palace.

According to the information given by Tianjilou, the mother should be in Hanyue Palace.


At first, Jiang Chen had asked the Feng Family to inquire about it in Hanyue Palace, but the Feng Family did not find anything.

This also means that it is definitely not an easy task for him to find his mother in the Cold Moon Palace.

"Now there is no clue about the mother at all, I can only take one step and see one step at a time."

Jiang Chen sighed softly in his heart, and couldn't help but get a headache.

At this point, he can only enter the Cold Moon Palace first, and then make another plan.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

At this moment, a slightly familiar voice outside the courtyard pulled Jiang Chen back from his thoughts.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw Qian Sheng walking in from outside the courtyard.

When Jiang Chen saw this, his brows couldn't help but frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Brother Jiang Chen helped me pass the Hanyue Palace Guest Appraisal, Qian Sheng specially came to thank you. In the future, Brother Jiang Chen will be useful to me, even if he orders, as long as Qian Sheng can do it, he will never frown."

Qian Sheng solemnly thanked Jiang Chen.

of course.

In addition to coming to thank you, Qian Sheng naturally wanted to hug Jiang Chen's thigh.

The competition in the Hanyue Palace is cruel, and Jiang Chen originally helped him obtain his identity as the guest of the Hanyue Palace.

With his ability, I am afraid it is difficult to survive in the Cold Moon Palace.

Now that there is such a thigh in front of him, how can he not hold onto it?

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look at Qian Sheng and said, "Qian Sheng, thank you for nothing. How much do you know about Hanyue Palace? I want to know some information about Hanyue Palace."

This guy is from Cold Moon God City, and his status is not weak, he should have no less understanding of Cold Moon Palace than ordinary people.


Maybe he can find some clues through this guy in front of him.

Qian Sheng was taken aback for a moment, but he still replied, "Our Qian's Chamber of Commerce has a history of more than five million years in Hanyue God City, and we still know Hanyue Palace after all."

"That's good."

Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately signaled Qian Sheng to sit down opposite him.

"Tell me, in the last ten years in the Hanyue Palace, whether anything major has happened."

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