A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1818: Meet Bai Xingjian again!

Jiang Chen knew very well that the disappearance of his mother in the Cold Moon Palace must be extraordinary.

Calculated according to the time when he came to God's Domain, the time when his mother and the others entered the God's Domain would never exceed ten years.


Jiang Chen wanted to know if there were any special events in the Hanyue Sect in the past ten years, and then used this to find clues.

Qian Sheng was also taken aback when he heard the question Jiang Chen asked.


Qian Sheng did not think much.

After he pondered for a moment, he slowly said, "Brother Jiang Chen, a major event has indeed occurred in the Hanyue Palace in recent years. About five years ago, the Hanyue Palace almost even had civil strife because of this incident."


Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Tell me what you know, without missing a word!"

"it is good!"

Qian Sheng nodded, and quickly explained what happened in the Han Yue Palace five years ago.

Hanyue Palace is a realm **** sect with a long heritage in the Great Wilderness Realm, and even in the entire Great Wilderness Realm, it has a not weak reputation.

Even the world gods, there are three!


Just five years ago, one of the Supreme Elders of the Realm God Realm of the Cold Moon Sect arrived and sat in the Cold Moon Palace.

It is said that this elder Taishang brought back a disciple before sitting and passing on the Jie Xin Jing Jing left by himself to this disciple.

This incident eventually caused dissatisfaction among some senior officials in Hanyue Palace, and they almost fought against it.

At last.

It was the other two venerable world gods from Hanyue Palace who personally took action to suppress this matter.

When Jiang Chen heard Qian Sheng talk about this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Mother Ji Wushuang was able to cultivate to the Void God Realm on the plane of the Lower Realm, and she could support the Profound Spirit Continent Human Race with one person's strength when her father Jiang Wuya was away, and her talent was naturally extraordinary.

The time point five years ago is also more consistent with the time when the mother and the others came to God's Domain.

Could it be that the disciple that the Supreme Elder of the Cold Moon Palace brought back to the Cold Moon Palace was his mother Ji Wushuang?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn't help but quickly asked, "What happened to this matter, where is the disciple of the Supreme Elder now?"

"Sorry, I don't know either."

Qian Sheng shook his head and said: "This matter is the secret of Hanyue Palace, and only a few high-level officials in Hanyue Palace know about it."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

Although Qian Sheng didn't know the specific circumstances of the matter, he also gave him a general direction.


As long as he finds out the truth about the incident five years ago, he can get news from his mother.

"Brother Jiang Chen, my Qian's Chamber of Commerce has a good relationship with a high-ranking elder in the Hanyue Palace. If you really want to know about this, I will inquire about it for you after entering the Hanyue Palace."

At this moment, Qian Sheng looked up to Jiang Chen with a serious expression as if he had made some major decision.

"Thanks a lot."

Jiang Chen patted Qian Sheng on the shoulder, and then smiled faintly: "Let's go, there is no time difference, we should go to the dinner party in the City Lord's Mansion."


While Jiang Chen was talking with Qian Sheng.

Hanyue God City City Lord’s Mansion, a more exquisite courtyard.

An imposing young man in a white robe stood proudly in the middle of the courtyard.

The young man in white robe is the Young Master Bai Xingjian of the Bai family of the Venerable Clan.

Behind him, there was an old man, and it was Baihe, a powerful sixth-order **** of the Bai family.

"Uncle He, how did the things I asked you to investigate?"

Suddenly, Bai Xingjian turned around, looking at the white crane behind him and said lightly.

Bai He hurriedly said: "Young Master, that kid's name is Jiang Chen. He was recommended by the Feng Family of Cold Wind City and came to participate in the evaluation of Han Yue Gong Qing."


The corner of Bai Xingjian's mouth could not help but raised a slight arc: "The Hanyue Palace Guest Appraisal, it should be over, must that kid pass the examination?"

"I don't know for the time being, but with that kid's strength, there shouldn't be a big problem."

Bai He shook his head, and then asked: "Why don't I go and find someone from the City Lord's Mansion?"

"It's not necessary. City Lord Wu has already invited me to the dinner. Don't we know if we go?"

Bai Xingjian's voice fell, and he walked out most of the courtyard.


In the center of the city lord’s mansion, a magnificent hall covering ten miles.

Countless servants, maids, shuttled in the crowd like butterflies, endless streams.

Jiang Chen brought Qian Sheng, and came floating in black.

At the entrance of the main hall, the one who was in charge of receiving was the same Zhuang Guan who led them into the City Lord's Mansion.

Guan Shi saw Jiang Chen's appearance, and he couldn't help but greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Jiang Chen, congratulations on becoming the first-class guest of the Hanyue Palace, please come inside."

The high-ranking guest in the Hanyue Palace has a very high status in the Hanyue Palace, second only to the existence of the elders.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's pill refining talent is close to demon, even their city lord has the meaning of making friends.

The manager of the City Lord's Mansion of the Cold Moon God City in his small area naturally had to be polite in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded, and was about to enter the hall, a somewhat unkind voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are so amazing. It turns out that you only came to participate in the examination of the Han Yue Palace Guest."

Jiang Chen frowned and couldn't help but look at the voice, and he saw two familiar figures appear in his sight.

"Prince Bai, you are here."

Seeing the arrival of Bai Xingjian, Guan Shi couldn't help but greet him with a respectful face: "Young Master Bai can come to the dinner party at the City Lord's Mansion. It's really an honor for my City Lord's Mansion. Please come in."

Bai Xingjian didn't even look at Manager Zhuang, and stared directly at Jiang Chen and slowly said, "Jiang Chen, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"I didn't expect it either."

Jiang Chen looked at Bai Xingjian faintly: "What? Do you want to do something here?"

"Don't worry, this is the City Lord's Mansion of Cold Moon God City. I will naturally give City Lord Wu a face and won't do anything with you."

Bai Xingjian's eyes narrowed slightly: "But... you want to enter the Cold Moon Palace, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

As a peerless genius under the veteran of the Hanyue Palace, the White Star Sword has an aloof position in the Hanyue Palace.

He wants Jiang Chen to lose his identity as the guest of Hanyue Palace. Isn't that easy?

"is it?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "If you want to prevent me from entering the Cold Moon Palace, you have to see if you have this ability!"

Seeing the tension between Jiang Chen and Bai Xingjian, Guan Shi smiled bitterly in his heart, and didn't know when.

The two in front of them, one of them was unparalleled in elixir skills, and as soon as he entered the Cold Moon Palace, he gained the status of a superior guest.

The other was not only from the Venerable Clan, but also worshipped under the Venerable Hanyue Palace. He was one of the few peerless geniuses in the Hanyue Palace. Even their city lord would be polite to him.

These two people are simply not something he can afford to offend.

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