A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1826: If you fail to do anything, do another trick

After Jiang Chen conquered the audience with alchemy, the lecture ended quickly and smoothly.

Jiang Chen didn't stay long either, and left the lecture hall with Gongsunyang directly under everyone's eyes.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't see you wrong as expected. The first time Dantang gave a class, I can convince this group of arrogant Dantang disciples."

Gongsunyang said with a smile on his face.

Gongsunyang was very clear about the alchemy geniuses like Dantang.

Even if they are Dantang elders, they may not be able to convince everyone like Jiang Chen in one lesson.

Jiang Chen's performance today can be described as stunning.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's just a fluke, I'm just naturally sensitive to some details of alchemy."

"Haha...you don't need to be humble, this is inherently talent. Your alchemy talent is definitely the most enchanting one I have ever seen in my life."

Gongsunyang smiled authentically.

As a god-rank 7-rank alchemist, Gongsun Yang knew very well how important these details are to an alchemist.

It can be said.

For existences like Jiang Chen, whether it is the savvy of mastering alchemy know-how or the success rate of alchemy, the starting point is higher than most alchemists.

If it were before today, Gongsun Yang still had no absolute certainty that Jiang Chen became the disciple of the Xuan Dao Venerable.

But now Gongsunyang has almost no doubts.

With Jiang Chen's talent, even Venerable Xuan Dao would be amazed at it.

As long as Jiang Chen becomes a disciple of Venerable Xuan Dao, under the guidance of Venerable Xuan Dao, his future achievements will definitely reach an unimaginable level!

Thought of this.

Gongsunyang couldn't help taking a deep breath and said: "Jiang Chen, after today's incident, Bai Xingjian is unlikely to use the Dantang people to target you in a short time. You will be meditating in the Dantang for this period of time, waiting for Venerable Xuandao to leave. Right."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

In fact, Jiang Chen planned to go back to meditate for a while.

For him, acting blindly in the Cold Moon Palace now has no meaning at all.

It would be better to practice in retreat and improve your strength.

As for other things, after seeing Venerable Profound Dao, let's talk about what happened in Hanyue Palace five years ago.

If that matter had nothing to do with his mother five years ago, he could only find a way to find his mother.

If he couldn't find his mother's whereabouts, he could only go to the Tianjilou to see if there was something wrong with the news that the Tianjilou gave him.


And when Jiang Chen finished teaching in the alchemy hall and returned to his residence to practice in retreat.

Dantang is another pavilion of Keqing.

Zuo Qiuming heard a high-class guest come and report Jiang Chen's teaching process, his expression became extremely gloomy.

This time.

He arranged for Jiang Chen, the newly promoted guest to teach at the Dantang, and deliberately spread some news secretly, angering Dantang disciples, so that some people who would not normally listen to the teachings of the top guest, all gathered in Jiang Chen. In the classroom.


He wanted to use these pill hall genius disciples to make things difficult to humiliate Jiang Chen and make Jiang Chen face lost.

By the time.

He used this as an excuse to drive Jiang Chen out of the Cold Moon Palace for Bai Xingjian.


People are not as good as heaven.

Zuo Qiuming didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen gave a lecture in the alchemy for the first time, and when Xu Qingming and other three geniuses were present, all the disciples of the alchemy were convinced by his own alchemy.

Now the plan to target Jiang Chen with the help of Dantang teaching has failed.

Isn't the deal between him and Bai Xingjian going to fail?

"Lao Zuo, since the Dantang teaching cannot be aimed at Jiang Chen, then he can only find a way on the task of alchemy that he does not have."

Just when Zuo Qiuming was depressed, the voice of the superior guest suddenly rang in his ears.

Zuo Qiuming frowned and said: "Since the kid can make all the alchemy disciples surrender in alchemy, the monthly alchemy tasks will not be difficult for him."

The high-class Keqing turned his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Lao Zuo, I have a plan, maybe I can make Jiang Chen unable to complete the alchemy task."

Zuo Qiuming was overjoyed at once, and asked quickly: "What can you do, come quickly."

"It's very simple, the alchemy task of the high-ranking alchemy guest, the pill materials are all limited."

This high-class guest Qing said in a gloomy tone: "The quality of these alchemy materials is good or bad. As long as we distribute these inferior materials to Jiang Chen, it will be difficult for him to refine a sufficient amount of pill..."

When Zuo Qiuming heard the words, his eyes lit up slightly.

The alchemy materials allocated by the high-class guest qing every month are indeed good and bad.

In the past, they were distributed equally, and no one would get a certain amount of low-quality materials.

Now it happens to be able to allocate all the inferior materials to Jiang Chen.

This will not only improve the quality of the materials they allocate, and get more benefits, but also a handful of Yin Jiangchen.

Why would he not do such a thing with two birds with one stone?

"Okay, leave this to you, try to allocate all the inferior materials this month to Jiang Chen."

A cold light flashed in Zuo Qiuming's eyes, and he patted the upper-class Keqing on the shoulder and said: "As long as this can be done, when I become Dantang Keqing elder, your benefits will be indispensable!"

The high-class guest Qing immediately patted his chest and promised: "Lao Zuo, don't worry, I will do this thing beautifully."


When Zuo Qiuming failed to make a plan, he was ready to do another plan.

Jiang Chen returned to his residence, once again entered a state of retreat, and began to refine the pill to enhance the origin of the space, the way to enhance the space.

In the past few years since he obtained the magic of life, Jiang Chen's life origin has been close to completion.

According to Jiang Chen's estimate.

As long as one year, as short as half a year, his life origin can reach the perfect state.

If he can refine enough pill during this time, the origin of the space will also be elevated to the realm of Consummation.

By the time.

He can become a super-grade **** who masters the power of the seven worlds in one fell swoop, truly possessing the ability to compete with the realm gods!

"I am still too scarce to refine the medicinal materials to enhance the origin of the space. If I want to elevate the origin of the space to the perfect state, I am afraid I will have to use the Cold Moon Palace."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately took out the hundreds of pill materials that he had collected from the storage ring, and was about to start refining the pill.

These materials are enough for him to refine for half a month.

After refining these medicines to increase their strength, it must be about time for Venerable Profound Dao to leave.

If Venerable Profound Dao's favor can be obtained, his position in the Hanyue Palace will definitely be elevated to a new level.

At that time, getting some space-type alchemy materials in the Cold Moon Palace to raise the origin of space to the perfect state, wouldn't it be easy?

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