A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1827: Inferior alchemy materials

The next few days.

Jiang Chen refining the pill without distraction.

Every time he refines a furnace of pill, he throws the pill into his mouth like jelly beans, constantly improving the origin of the space.

A few days down.

Jiang Chen not only improved his spatial origin a lot, but even the alchemist's rank, who was already on the verge of breaking through, successfully broke through from the fourth rank of the gods to the fifth rank.

This day.

Jiang Chen was about to start alchemy, but an unexpected visitor came to his residence.

The visitor was one of Dantang's superior guest Qing, Qi Shao.

Jiang Chen received Qi Shao in the living room, and after the maid served tea, he opened the door and asked, "Qi Keqing, I wonder why you came to see Jiang this time?"

"Jiang Keqing, I am under the order of Old Zuo to collect statistics on the alchemy missions of the senior Keqing this month for distribution and distribution."

Qi Shao looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face and said, "I don't know that Jiang Keqing is planning to receive the ingredients of the pill."

Jiang Chen pondered slightly and said: "I want the materials of the fifth-rank god-ranked pill, and it is best to use the materials of the fifth-rank god-rank Taixu Lingpill."

Now that Jiang Chen has broken through the fifth rank of God-rank, he naturally intends to refine the fifth-rank God-rank pill.

And Taixu Ling Pill, is a kind of god-rank fifth-grade pill that can enhance the power of space martial arts.

"Okay, but space-based materials are relatively rare, and the quality is probably slightly better than ordinary alchemy materials. Are you sure you only want these materials?"

Qi Shao felt a little joy in his heart and couldn't help but quickly said.

He was worried about giving Jiang Chen all the low-quality materials, and Jiang Chen might not accept it easily.

Now that Jiang Chen proposed such a condition, it happened to give him a more perfect excuse.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "It's okay, as long as you have materials, give me space first."

The quality of alchemy materials will mainly affect the rate of pill formation and the quality of the pill.

Jiang Chen has a 100-fold pill formation rate systematically, even if the materials are relatively low, the pill formation rate will not change much.

As for the quality of the pill, Jiang Chen didn't even care.

Anyway, the alchemy task that Dantang Keqing didn't need was to refine a sufficient amount of pills, and there was no requirement for quality.

And when he took the pill, it was directly transformed into a hundred times experience.

A lower-quality pill is just a little less experience.

"Since Jiang Keqing thinks it's okay, then I will report it like this."

"According to the rules of the alchemy mission of the alchemy hall, refining 20 god-rank fifth-rank pill medicines, you can receive 60 god-rank fifth-rank pill materials."

"Jiang Chen Keqing preferentially chooses the materials of the Taixu Spirit Pill. If the materials of the Taixu Spirit Pill are insufficient, how about making up for the alchemy materials of the corresponding God-rank fourth-rank space type?"

Qi Shao said with a smile.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

The alchemy task of the Alchemy Hall Keqing of Hanyue Palace is still more humane.

Refining 20 god-level fifth-grade pill, you can receive 60 alchemy materials.

In other words.

As long as the alchemy rate can reach one-third, the monthly alchemy task can be completed. If the pill formation rate exceeds one-third, the extra refining pill can be used to fill private pockets.

no doubt.

The rules of the alchemy task of Pill Hall are undoubtedly very friendly to Jiang Chen, who has a hundredfold rate of pill formation.

With his rate of over 90% of the city pill, 60 copies of the material of the Taixu Spirit Pill can produce at least more than 50 Taixu Spirit Pills.

Except for the 20 handed in the task, he himself can get more than 30 Taixu Spirit Pills every month.

At this rate.

It is not difficult for him to raise the origin of space to the perfect state in a short time.

After Qi Shao left, Jiang Chen continued to refine alchemy, and then used the elixir to enhance the origin of spatial martial arts.

A few days later.

Jiang Chen distributed the materials for the alchemy mission this month.

When Jiang Chen saw the 60 copies of the Taixu Spirit Pill distributed to him, his brows suddenly couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

Although Qi Shao had already told him before receiving the medicinal materials, the material quality of the Taixu Lingdan might not be too good.

But Jiang Chen still did not expect that the quality of these materials would be so inferior to this level.

There are a total of sixty copies of Taixu Ling Pill materials, and there are more than ten materials, some of which are spiritual materials, and the age is slightly insufficient. There are more than forty materials left, and more than half of the materials are slightly damaged.

There is really no problem with the materials of these too virtual spirit pills, almost less than one-third.

If an ordinary god-rank fifth-rank alchemist obtains these materials, it is almost impossible to refine 20 Taixu Spirit Pills.

Jiang Chen only thought about it for a moment, and knew it was not easy.

The last time Dantang taught, Zuo Qiuming deliberately targeted him, and he finally resolved it easily.

If he guessed right, Zuo Qiuming's idea with him this time with inferior alchemy materials is almost always Zuo Qiuming's idea. The purpose is not to let him complete the monthly alchemy tasks.

"Heh... Zuo Qiuming, the old fellow, really is in the shadows."

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This time, he took the initiative to ask for the material of the Supreme Void Spirit Pill, and Qi Shao had already spoken to remind him before that.

Even if he went to find Zuo Qiuming now, Zuo Qiuming would probably use this reason to get over it.


Jiang Chen didn't plan to go to Zuo Qiuming for theory.

If it is an ordinary five-rank alchemist, facing these sixty alchemy materials, completing the task is as difficult as heaven.

But if Zuo Qiuming wanted to use such a method to deal with him, it would be too whimsical.

Jiang Chen collected 60 copies of the Taixu Spirit Pill and began to try to refine the Taixu Spirit Pill.

Because this is the first time Jiang Chen has refined the fifth-tier pill of the gods, and the quality of the alchemy materials is relatively inferior, for the sake of safety, Jiang Chen intends to refine it by the most conventional means.

In the first few times, Jiang Chen selected a few relatively good materials for refining and successfully refined a few Taixu Spirit Pills.

After getting acquainted with the refining of Taixu Lingdan.

Jiang Chen began to try to refine some medicinal materials with insufficient years, but the first attempt ended in failure.

It has to be said that the insufficient age of the medicinal materials has a great impact on the refining of the pill.

Even if Jiang Chen had a systematic one-hundred-fold pill formation rate, and after refining ten materials, he only produced seven Taixu Spirit Pills with a poor quality.

This pill formation rate is almost the lowest since Jiang Chen refined the pill.


The success rate of 70% is still a very terrifying number for most alchemists.

A general god-rank fifth-rank alchemist, even if he uses the most top-notch materials to refine the same-rank god-rank fifth-rank pill, the pill formation rate can reach 70%, which is very rare.

If you let them know.

Jiang Chen could have such a high rate of alchemy with only a few low-quality materials that were insufficient in age. I am afraid that all his eyes would fall out.

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