A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1828: Zuo Qiuming in horror!

Inferior alchemy materials not only affected Jiang Chen's alchemy rate, but also made Jiang Chen's alchemy progress much slower.

It took Jiang Chen almost ten days to finish refining sixty copies of the Taixu Spirit Pill.

Moreover, there were only forty-five Taixu Spirit Pills that were successfully refined.

"Not bad. Excluding the 20 handed in the task, I have 25 left."

Although Zuo Qiu was stunned by Zuo Qiu's alchemy mission this time, it was harmless.

The inferior materials Zuo Qiuming gave him did reduce his alchemy rate by a lot, but it only made him fail a few more times, and finally got a few too virtual spirit pills.

Jiang Chen chose 25 of the better quality Taixu Spirit Pills and swallowed them, leaving 20 as mission items.

The next period of time.

Jiang Chen is still practicing alchemy while practicing.

During this period, Gongsun Yang came to find Jiang Chen once, saying that the Xuan Dao Venerable may have reached a critical period of retreat, and this time he might not leave the gate secretly, so Jiang Chen waited patiently for a while.

In desperation, Jiang Chen could only find Qian Sheng, and asked him to find a way to inquire about what happened five years ago. In the end, Qian Sheng came back in despair.

Even if Qian Sheng tried his best, the elder of the Hanyue Palace Inner Sect who was closely related to Qian's Chamber of Commerce did not want Qian Sheng to reveal anything about the five years ago.

Seeing that Qian Sheng couldn't find out the specific information about the incident five years ago, Jiang Chen had to wait patiently.

Wait like this.

Unconsciously, a month passed.

On this day, Zuo Qiuming once again convened a meeting with all the high-class guest officials.

Fifteen high-class guests gathered in the conference hall of the first class guest.

"Everyone, the purpose of convening the meeting this time, I think everyone is already very clear."

Zuo Qiuming was sitting in the first place, his gaze swept over the many high-class guest Qings slightly: "It's time to hand in the alchemy task every month. Please also hand in the pills you refined."

"Lao Zuo, this is my alchemy mission this month, please have a look."

As Zuo Qiuming's voice fell, Qi Shao was the first to stand up and handed over twenty fifth-rank Chiyunyan spirit pills.


More than a dozen high-ranking guest officials all handed over the alchemy mission this month in turn.

Soon, Jiang Chen was the only one left in the field who didn't hand in the task, and everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body in unison.

The newly promoted high-ranking guest, the first time he taught in Dantang, he overwhelmed many genius disciples in Dantang, and his Dantang attainments were even more impressive.


The theory of alchemy is one thing, but it is another matter to truly make the pill.

not to mention……

The upper-class Ke Qing on the scene knew very well what situation Jiang Chen was facing this time.

Every month in the past, the alchemy materials that no one of them received would have a small part of low-quality materials.

But this month, the materials they obtained had almost no flaws.

These high-class guest qings are naturally not fools.

Through Zuo Qiuming's last incident against Jiang Chen, it was not difficult for them to guess that Zuo Qiuming had moved his hands and feet in secret.


Zuo Qiuming assigned all the inferior materials to Jiang Chen's head, trying to prevent Jiang Chen from completing the alchemy task of the superior guest.

Although these high-class guest qing had already guessed about this, they didn't say much.

after all.

All the inferior materials were allocated to Jiang Chen, and they were also beneficiaries of this matter.

If they told the matter, it would not only harm their own interests, but would even offend Zuo Qiuming, the first seat of the superior guest.

How could these high-class guest officials do such thankless things for a newcomer in Jiang Chen?

"Jiang Keqing, you are the only one left. Hurry up and hand in the alchemy mission for this month."

Seeing that Jiang Chen has not been moving, Qi Shao couldn't help but reminded with a smile.

Jiang Chen's alchemy materials this time were selected by him alone, and he knew better than any other how inferior these materials were.

Using these inferior materials, it is almost impossible to complete the alchemy task of the superior guest.

"Jiang Chen, hand in the alchemy task, don't waste everyone's time."

Zuo Qiuming looked at Jiang Chen lightly, with a look of impatientness in his eyes.

"This is my alchemy mission."

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and immediately waved his hand, and twenty Taixu Spirit Pills flew directly in front of Zuo Qiuming.

"This kid... actually completed the task?"

Seeing the twenty Supreme Void Spirit Pills that Jiang Chen took out, everyone in the conference hall showed an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Especially Qi Shao, the whole person was so shocked that his eyes almost stared out.

Twenty Taixu Spirit Pills!

Jiang Chen actually completed the alchemy task with those inferior alchemy materials!

This... how is this possible.

Of Jiang Chen's sixty copies of Taixu Spirit Pill materials, only about ten copies were truly up to the standard.

For the remaining materials, either some of the medicinal materials are insufficient in age, or accidents in the preservation process have caused some damage to the medicinal materials.

With such materials, the possibility of refining a pill is almost lower than that of standard materials.

Even with the alchemy at the pinnacle of the fifth rank of his god, using Jiang Chen's inferior materials to refine it, it would be best if one or two of ten materials could be successfully refined.

Qi Shao couldn't imagine how Jiang Chen made it!

Looking at the twenty Great Void Spirit Pills in front of him, Zuo Qiuming's eyes also showed unconcealed horror.

Qi Shao had personally checked the 60 Taixu Lingpill materials selected for Jiang Chen.

Even with his alchemy, using Jiang Chen's 60 ingredients, there is no absolute certainty to refine 20 pills!

If it weren't for these twenty pills that were all new ones that were refined for less than a month, Zuo Qiuming would even have some doubts whether Jiang Chen had taken out his survival for the mission!

"How can this kid's alchemy attainment reach such a terrifying level?"

Zuo Qiuming stared blankly at the twenty pills in front of him, almost unable to believe his eyes.

The last time Jiang Chen taught in the Dantang, all the Dantang disciples were convinced, and Zuo Qiuming didn't care too much.

after all.

Jiang Chen taught the class that day, but Gongsun Yang personally sat on the scene, Zuo Qiuming thought it was Gongsun Yang secretly helping.

But until now.

Zuo Qiuming was shocked to discover that Jiang Chen's ability to overwhelm many pill genius disciples that day did not rely on Gongsun Yang, but he really had such abilities.

this moment.

Zuo Qiuming finally understood why Gongsunyang would like Jiang Chen so much.

Zuo Qiuming already knew that Jiang Chen's pill talent had indeed reached a very terrifying level based on the twenty Taixu Spirit Pills that Jiang Chen refined this time.

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