A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1831: Seven Star Heaven Sword Jue!

the following few days.

Jiang Chen was left in his mansion by Venerable Xuan Dao, ready to spend some time instructing Jiang Chen to practice.


Venerable Xuan Dao had observed Jiang Chen's alchemy several times, and found that he was a majestic alchemist with the ninth rank of the gods, and he didn't even give Jiang Chen any pointers!

Jiang Chen's control of alchemy was almost perfect.

Even with the eyes of Venerable Xuan Dao, it is difficult to escape any faults.

Venerable Xuandao believes.

As long as Jiang Chen is given enough resources to accumulate alchemy, no one is needed to guide him, and Jiang Chen's achievements on the alchemy path are probably not under him.

Since there is nothing to point out on the alchemy path, Venerable Xuandao intends to point Jiang Chen on the martial path.

The residence of Venerable Xuandao, the backyard is extremely spacious.

Venerable Xuan Dao stood opposite Jiang Chen, looking at Jiang Chen with a smile: "Apprentice, there are only you and me here. Take out all your strengths to fight with me, let me see if your combat power can achieve What point."

"Master, if that's the case, then I'm not welcome."

When Jiang Chen's words fell, the power of the fifth-order Heavenly God also burst to its limit instantly.

Since breaking through the fifth-order of the gods, Jiang Chen has not been afraid even when facing Nanli clan patriarch Yan Wuji, who is at the limit of the sixth-order gods.

But for a long time, Jiang Chen had not faced the Venerable Realm God.

Jiang Chen also wanted to see how far he was now compared with the real world gods.

Facing Master Xuan Dao, the unfathomable Realm God, Jiang Chen had no reservations at all, and his full strength exploded as soon as he shot.

Human Emperor Seal!

Divine Body Vision!

The vision of the double **** king exercise method!

Various martial arts powers are superimposed!

Even if Jiang Chen tried all his methods, he couldn't shake Venerable Profound Dao in the end!

"Venerable Realm God, it really doesn't exist on the same level as the realm of Heaven God."

Jiang Chen gave a wry smile, and he also had a new understanding of the power of the world gods in his heart.

With his current strength, facing the real World God Venerable, I am afraid that he can only be killed by a spike.

If the cultivation base breaks through the sixth rank of the gods, perhaps he can barely resist one or two.

If you want to truly contend with the realm gods, I am afraid that at least you have to become a super grade **** who masters the power of the seven realms.

And when Jiang Chen was shocked by the terrifying power of Venerable Realm God, Venerable Xuan Dao's heart was also shocked.

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen's martial arts talent was not weak, he still didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

The cultivation base of the fifth rank of the gods, the divine body vision has reached at least the emperor level, and the cultivation technique has the dual cultivation technique vision.

In particular, the vision of the Dual Cultivation Technique was even more powerful than the pseudo-God King Cultivation Technique he cultivated.

In other words.

It is very possible that Jiang Chen cultivated a real God King level technique!

"This time I found a treasure."

There was also an unconcealable smile in the eyes of Venerable Xuandao Wubo.

He never thought of it anyway.

During the tens of thousands of years in the Cold Moon Palace, I was able to meet a disciple like Jiang Chen.

Through the past few days of getting along, Venerable Xuan Dao already knew that Jiang Chen was not a person from God's Domain, but came from a very weak lower realm plane.

But even though Jiang Chen's starting point was far lower than the genius of God's Domain, he still grew step by step to the point where he could rival the top genius of the Great Wilderness.

What is even more incredible is.

Jiang Chen also mastered the God King level technique that countless practitioners in God's Domain dream of!

This is sufficient proof.

Jiang Chen not only possesses peerless talents, but also possesses great luck.

Originally, he planned to pass the pseudo-god king technique he had cultivated to Jiang Chen, but now it seems unnecessary.

"Disciple, I didn't expect that your martial arts talent is even worse than your alchemy talent."

"You now not only master the power of the five worlds, but also seem to have reached a very high level for the origin of space martial arts and the origin of time martial arts."

"I will prepare as many training resources as possible for you."

"Now your goal of cultivation is to complete these two martial arts as soon as possible, and become a super-grade **** who masters the power of the seven worlds!"

Venerable Xuandao smiled and stroked his beard.

The super **** who masters the power of the seven realms of the world.

Even if you look at the entire Great Wilderness Realm, it is one of the few unworldly talents.

And Jiang Chen undoubtedly has the potential to become a super grade god!

Thinking that he had the opportunity to train a super-grade **** who was against the world gods, the Xuan Dao master couldn't help but feel excited.

"Thank you, Master."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but quickly thanked him and said: "The disciples mainly need to improve the resources of the origin of space. As for the origin of life, the disciples are confident that they will reach the perfect state within a year or two."

Jiang Chen's next training goal was originally to improve these two martial arts origins.

The origin of life martial arts has the tree of life that continuously provides experience points, does not need to consume other resources, and it will not take long to reach the perfect state.

His main improvement now is the origin of space martial arts.

Originally, Jiang Chen had never been able to obtain too many resources in this area for a while, and it would take some time before the space martial art was completed.


With the help of Master Xuan Dao now, he wants to elevate the origin of spatial martial arts to the realm of Consummation, I am afraid it is much easier.

"Okay, I will prepare for you to upgrade the resources of the origin of space martial arts!"

Venerable Profound Dao nodded, and then thought of something. He lifted his palm, and a mysterious scroll with faint starlight appeared directly in his palm.

As soon as this scroll appeared, Jiang Chen seemed to feel the supreme kendo pressure spreading in the void.

Jiang Chen looked at the scroll in the hands of Venerable Xuan Dao, his eyes shrank slightly: "Master, this scroll is..."

Venerable Profound Dao glanced at the scroll in his hand with complicated eyes, and slowly said: "This is a scroll of Divine King Skills obtained by luck for the teacher, named Seven Star Heaven Sword Art!"

God King Skill!

Jiang Chen's heart shuddered.

Unexpectedly, my master, the master, would have such a heaven-defying martial skill!

Although the skill of the **** king cannot be compared with the skill of the **** king, it is still very rare in the gods.

Even the realm **** forces like Hanyue Palace had no **** king skills at all.

It seems that the master of himself is not just as simple as the Realm God of the Cold Moon Palace.

Just when Jiang Chen was frightened, Venerable Xuan Dao's voice rang in his ears again.

"Apprentice, your talents are very good, but the fighting method is still too single."

"Although you can crush most of the geniuses of the same realm now, if you encounter a decision Tianjiao whose talent is not inferior to yours, you will suffer a lot."

"This divine king skill may be able to make up for your shortcomings."

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