A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1832: The horrified white star sword

Regarding the words of Venerable Xuan Dao, Jiang Chen couldn't deny it.

Since stepping into the realm of the gods, Jiang Chen has spent time cultivating martial arts.

Except for the extremely short time he came to God's Domain, he didn't have too much time to comprehend martial arts, the main reason was that he didn't encounter the martial arts that made Jiang Chen enough.

Jiang Chen's current battles rely on divine body vision, cultivation technique vision, and the superposition of various forces to crush his opponent.

The martial skills he mastered today were still those mastered on the lower realm plane.

The only martial skills he can barely grasp now are the only human seal passed to him by his father.

If he could master a **** king skill, this would indeed raise his combat power to another level.

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Chen took the scroll from Venerable Xuan Dao and couldn't help but quickly thanked him.

"The cultivation conditions for this Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art are extremely demanding. Only the super-grade gods who have mastered the power of the seven worlds or above can successfully cultivate."

Venerable Xuan Dao exhorted: "Although you have mastered more than the power of the seven realms now, you only condense the power of the five realms of the world. You can try to cultivate, but you must stop at it. Blind practice will only be counterproductive."

"The disciple understands."

Jiang Chen nodded respectfully, but he was not too worried.

He has a system in his body, as long as he triggers the system's 100-fold comprehension, there is no martial skill that cannot be cultivated.

At the beginning, he entered the realm of God, and his cultivation had just broken through the realm of true God, so he could rely on the incomplete picture of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon to cultivate the real God King technique.

Now that his cultivation has reached the sixth rank of the Heavenly God, this Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art is also a complete God King skill.

He wants to cultivate the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art, which is undoubtedly much easier than practicing the Taixu Sacred Dragon Chart before.

"Cultivate hard, prepare some resources for you to improve the origin of space martial arts for your teacher."

Venerable Xuandao's voice fell, and his figure disappeared in front of Jiang Chen ghostly.

Immediately after Venerable Profound Dao, Jiang Chen also returned to his room directly, and then began to comprehend the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art in his hand.

After rubbing the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art slightly, Jiang Chen had a general understanding of this **** king technique.

This Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art can use the power of the world in the body to arouse the stars of the Big Dipper.

Each power of the world can mobilize the power of a star to condense a sword art.

When the power of the seven stars is completely activated, it can be gathered into the Seven Star Heaven Sword Art!

"It's worthy of being a **** king skill, it's really powerful."

He also finally understood why the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art needed a super-grade genius who mastered the power of the Seven Paths to be able to cultivate.

Ordinary cultivators, in the Celestial Realm, also cultivate to the sixth stage of the Celestial God, and only master the power of the six worlds.

This also means.

Even if they were cultivating the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art, at most they would condense six sword tactics, and they could not converge into a real Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

of course.

This is only relative to the Celestial Realm.

If it can break through the realm of the realm of God, with the power of the realm of God, there will be no obstacles to the cultivation of this seven-star heavenly sword art.

"Although I have mastered more than seven powers, only the five powers of the world have condensed. I don't know if I can realize it through the system."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately fixed his eyes on the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art in front of him.

Regardless, Jiang Chen intends to try to read it first.

If it really doesn't work, he can only wait to become a super grade god, and then cultivate this **** king skill.

"Ding! Watching the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You comprehend the seven-star heavenly sword art of one thousandth."

Jiang Chen watched the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art like this, and after a full hour, the system's familiar prompt sound finally sounded in his ears.

"It seems that the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Jue can be understood."

Jiang Chen heard the system prompt, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight smile.

One thousandth of an hour is one twelfth of a day.

In other words.

He only needs about three months to master this Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art completely!

This speed is undoubtedly three or four times faster than when he first comprehended the practice of the God King's technique, Taixu Sacred Dragon.

Now that he could comprehend the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art, Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, and began to comprehend with all his strength.

"Ding! Watching the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You comprehend the seven-star heavenly sword art of one thousandth."

"Ding! Watching the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!"

"Ding! You comprehend the seven-star heavenly sword art of one thousandth."


At the same time Jiang Chen fully comprehended the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

The depths of Hanyue Palace.

A pavilion where Zongmen Tianjiao lived.

I saw a young man dressed in white sitting cross-legged in the middle of the main hall, and it was the White Star Sword of Tianjiao, the sect of Hanyue Palace.

In front of Bai Xingjian, there was an old man standing there respectfully.

This old man is surprisingly the first seat of Dantang's superior guest, Zuo Qiuming.

Bai Xingjian looked at Zuo Qiuming in front of him, his expression a little unsightly, and said: "Zuo Keqing, you are also the first seat of the dignified Dantang anyway, why can't you even deal with a new high-ranking guest?"

"Young Master Bai, that Jiang Chen Dan has extremely high attainments, and he is protected by Gongsun Yang, so Zuo is powerless."

Zuo Qiuming gave a wry smile, and immediately said astonishingly: "What's more... Gongsunyang has already taken Jiang Chen to see Venerable Profound Dao."

"You...what did you say?"

Bai Xingjian's expression suddenly changed when he heard Zuo Qiuming's words.

Although Venerable Xuandao didn't have a long time in the Cold Moon Palace, his status in the Cold Moon Palace was extremely high, and it seemed that he was not inferior to his master Haoyue Venerable.

This old guy is in retreat all year round and hardly asks about world affairs.

Even the elders of the Cold Moon Palace, it is not easy to see Venerable Profound Dao.

Now Venerable Profound Dao actually met Jiang Chen, a new high-class guest!

When Bai Xingjian thought of this, his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

"Not long ago, Gongsun Yang took Jiang Chen to see Venerable Xuandao. Since then, Jiang Chen has never left the residence of Venerable Xuandao."

Zuo Qiuming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "If I guess right, Jiang Chen will probably become the disciple of Venerable Xuan Dao."

"How... how is it possible?"

Bai Xingjian heard Zuo Qiuming's words, and finally an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect it.

Jiang Chen was actually favored by Venerable Xuan Dao and became a disciple of Venerable Xuan Dao!

In this way, didn't Jiang Chen transformed himself into a disciple of the Venerable?

This also means that Jiang Chen's future status in the Cold Moon Palace will not be inferior to him in the slightest!

the more important thing is.

With the shelter of Xuan Dao Venerable, even his Master Haoyue Venerable, I am afraid that Jiang Chen may not be able to easily get out of the Cold Moon Palace.

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