A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1841: Jiang Chen's self-confidence


With Zhong Lishui's words, there was an uproar on the martial arts field!

They didn't expect it.

This time the Tianjiao Challenge is the first place, and he can still get the world heart crystal left by the Supreme Elder of the Cold Moon Palace five years ago!

Jie Xin Shen Jing, this is the essence of the condensing of the Lord Jie Shen.

It can be said.

A realm spirit crystal can not only greatly accelerate the speed of cultivation, it can even increase the chance of a realm **** to break through the realm **** by at least 50%!


Everyone knows very well in their hearts that the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge this time is definitely the palace tomb.

In other words.

This world heart crystal is basically prepared for the palace.

When everyone was shocked, their eyes couldn't help but looked at Ji Wushuang.

five years ago.

After the Supreme Elder sat down, he passed the Jie Xin Shen Jing to her newly-acquired disciple, and even caused a turmoil in the Cold Moon Palace.

Now that Jie Xin Shen Jing is regarded as a reward for the Tianjiao Challenge, it seems that this one has not kept the Jie Xin Jing Jing in the first place.


Zhong Lishui began to introduce the rules of the Tianjiao Challenge.

The Tianjiao Challenge is divided into three rounds: qualifying, ranking and challenge.

The three top three Tianjiao of Hanyue Palace Zongmen do not participate in the qualifying and ranking competitions and are the top three candidates for the Tianjiao Challenge.

All the remaining contestants will first be divided into three groups to participate in the qualifying rounds, and a lottery is adopted. Which two people's numbers are drawn, the two will go to the stage to fight against each other and decide the winner.

Each person has ten mobile phone meetings, and the final ranking is based on the number of wins.

The top four winners of each group are eligible to enter the ranking competition.

And the top three in the rankings can enter the final challenge and get the qualifications to challenge three candidates to compete for the places of the three great sacred arrogance clubs.

Announce the rules of the challenge.

Zhong Lishui announced the rewards for the Tianjiao Challenge.

As long as you pass the qualifying rounds and enter the ranking rounds, you will be able to obtain a million top-grade spirit stones and the opportunity to choose a martial arts skill.

The rewards for the three people who entered the final challenge after the ranked competition were doubled.

Finally, the top three in the Tianjiao Challenge will not only get the quota of the Great Wild Tianjiao Club, but also have free use before the Great Wild Tianjiao Club starts.

The privilege of any resource in the Cold Moon Palace!

Hearing Zhong Lishui's announcement of the award, the eyes of many participating disciples became much hotter.

For most of the disciples, it is obviously impossible to compete for the top three in the Tianjiao Challenge.


As long as you can pass the qualifying rounds and enter the ranked matches, the rewards are already very attractive.

One million high-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to 100 million low-grade spirit stones.

For any cultivator in the realm of heaven and god, this is a huge asset.

In addition, you can choose one of the martial arts of the world.

To know.

Realm God martial arts are very rare even in Realm God sects like Hanyue Palace.

The vast majority of ordinary disciples, even if they have been struggling for a lifetime in the Cold Moon Palace, may not be able to obtain a realm **** martial skill.

Zhong Lishui looked at a pair of eager eyes, and the faint voice resounded through the audience again.

"Now I announce that Hanyue Palace's Tianjiao Challenge has officially started, and all participants are invited to come forward and draw lots."

As Zhong Lishui's voice fell, many of the Hanyue Palace disciples who participated in the Tianjiao Challenge all around burst out toward the center of the martial arts field.

"Two brothers, I will draw lots first."

Jiang Chen and Xiang Hong greeted them, and they flashed directly toward the center of the martial arts field, and then landed beside Ji Wushuang.

At the moment Jiang Chen appeared, Ji Wushuang also sensed something, and couldn't help but raise his head and look towards Jiang Chen.

When she saw Jiang Chen's figure, the whole person was stunned for a moment, some could not believe her eyes.

After a while.

An expression of excitement also appeared in Ji Wushuang's indifferent eyes.

"Chen'er, is that you?"

Ji Wushuang looked at Jiang Chen, and the excitement sounded directly into Jiang Chen's ears.

When entering the martial arts field just now, Ji Wushuang actually also had a sense of connecting her blood.

It's just that she never expected that Jiang Chen could find Hanyue Palace so quickly.

"Mother, it's me."

"I know you have a lot to say, but now is not the time to say these. When the Tianjiao Challenge is over, I will tell you in detail."

"Don't worry, I will take the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge, and protect you from the elder's spirit crystal."

Jiang Chen quickly spoke to Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang could not help being surprised when he heard Jiang Chen's voice transmission.

Hanyue Palace, as a well-known Realm God Sect in the Great Wilderness Realm, is extremely powerful.

Zongmen's first Tianjiao Palace Mausoleum was ranked 32nd in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list. Among the disciples of the Hanyue Palace, it was almost invincible.

Jiang Chen actually wants to compete for the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge. Is he confident that he can't compete with the palace?

five years ago.

After Ji Wushuang entered God's Domain, by chance, she was taken by the Supreme Elder of the Cold Moon Palace and came to the Cold Moon Palace.


Soon after she came to Hanyue Palace, this super elder sat down and passed away.

And when Qixian passed away, not only sealed a piece of energy in her body, but also gave her the Jie Xin Shen Jing left by her sitting.

Relying on the energy sealed in her body by the elders and the many resources left behind.

In just five years, Ji Wushuang surpassed the Third Stage True God from the Void God Realm all the way, and directly reached the level of the third rank of the Heavenly God.

Jiang Chen entered God's Domain, only a few years longer than her.

Even if Jiang Chen is a talented evildoer, I am afraid it will be difficult to grow to the point where he can compete with the first day of the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao, right?

In fact, Ji Wushuang didn't hold much hope for keeping the Jingxin Jing.

This time coming to participate in the Tianjiao Challenge, Ji Wushuang could only do his best.

There is no hope anyway, Ji Wushuang naturally does not want to involve Jiang Chen at this time.

"Mother, don't worry. The mausoleum was only on the first day of the Cold Moon Palace, and that's it in my eyes."

Ji Wushuang took a deep breath. Just when she was about to speak, Jiang Chen's confident voice rang in her ears again.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Ji Wushuang's beautiful eyes could not help but reveal a look of surprise.

She glanced at Jiang Chen slightly, sending out her own third-tier cultivation base, she couldn't see Jiang Chen at all!

In other words.

Most of Jiang Chen's current cultivation base is already above her, at least he has reached the fourth stage of the Heavenly God!

Thinking of the miracles that his son had created in the Profound Spirit Continent back then, Ji Wushuang's beautiful eyes couldn't help showing a look of hope.


Jiang Chen can really defeat Gong Ling and win the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge.

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