A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1842: Qualifying round begins

"Chen'er, that palace mausoleum can be ranked on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, by no means an ordinary person. Even if your strength is extraordinary, you must be careful when facing him."

Ji Wushuang took a deep breath and couldn't help reminding Jiang Chen.

Jie Xin Shen Jing was passed to her by the Supreme Elder Sitting Hua.

In Ji Wushuang's heart, naturally he didn't want the Jie Xin Shen Jing to be taken away by others.

If Jiang Chen could compete for the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge and obtain the Jie Xin Jing Jing, it is undoubtedly Ji Wushuang's opinion.

With Jiang Chen's talent, if he could obtain the Realm Heart Crystal, he might quickly hit the Realm God Venerable.

Not long after entering God's Domain, the two daughters of Meng Qingxue were forcibly taken away.

Only Venerable Breakthrough World God, Jiang Chen had the strength to look for Meng Qingxue and the others.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Mother can rest assured."

When Jiang Chen and Ji Wushuang were communicating with each other, nearly a hundred talented disciples from the Hanyue Palace soon gathered in the martial arts field.

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen also had to sigh the cruelty of the Tianjiao Challenge.

Nearly a hundred talented disciples of Hanyue Palace participated in the competition, divided into three groups, each with more than 30 people. Only the top four can enter the next round of ranking competition.

The probability of this promotion is almost as low as one-tenth!


Zhong Lishui directed several referees to start grouping, and 60 or 70 disciples were divided into three groups.

Jiang Chen drew a number from 1-6, which means he was placed on the sixth in the first group.

The draw is complete.

As soon as Zhong Lishui's palm moved, a mysterious bead exuding the might of a powerful world **** also emerged from his palm.

next moment.

I saw the mysterious bead directly in the center of the square, transforming into three arena full of hundred meters in size.

"It's worthy of being the Sect of the Gods of the Realm. It's really a big hand. It is actually used as the venue of the Tianjiao Challenge to evolve the ring with the magic of the world."

Jiang Chen looked at the three arenas appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the martial arts arena, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

With the emergence of the three arenas, the three referees also began to preside over the draw of each group under the sign of Zhong Lishui.

"The first group, the fifth to the nineteenth."

"The second group, number 6 versus number 23."

"The third group, one to eight."

After hearing the three referees announce the numbers for the first round of the match, each of the trainees boarded the ring and played against their opponents.

Jiang Chen was not drawn in the first round, so he watched the game from below the ring of the first group.

In the first match of the first group, Lu Chuan, one of the top ten sects of Hanyue Palace, was drawn.

His opponent is a skinny boy, the cultivation base of the late third-order Tianshen.

"Ice Dragon Broken!"

The skinny boy obviously knew that he was inferior to Lu Chuan, and wanted to seize the opportunity, so he attacked with all his strength as soon as he came on stage.


The surrounding air was instantly torn apart by the power of the world erupted by the thin young man, and then turned into an ice dragon, with the breath of frozen space, roaring away at Lu Chuan with its teeth and claws.

Lu Chuan held a black short knife in both hands and stood motionless.

It wasn't until the skinny boy's attack appeared in front of him that he slashed it out gently.


The ice dragon with the cold energy was smashed by Lu Chuan in the blink of an eye, and the thin young man was shocked to take several steps back.

With one move to repel the thin boy, Lu Chuan won the power and did not forgive. The black in his hand was woven into a knife net for a short time, and he blocked the thin boy.

"I surrender!"

The skinny boy gave a wry smile and quickly gave in.

There are ten rounds of qualifying.

Facing Lu Chuan, one of the top ten sects, even if he tried his best, he didn't have much chance of winning. It's better to save his strength and deal with the next game.

In this case, there may be a chance to compete for the top four and qualify for the rankings.

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