A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1843: The first six-game winning streak will only be me

"It's worthy of being among the top ten arrogances of the sect, and it is really strong."

On the audience stage, everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

With Lu Chuan's victory, the remaining two battles were quickly settled and the second game began.

The battles in the first round of the Tianjiao Challenge Qualifying Tournament are almost endless.

Generally, after one party has the absolute upper hand, the other party will choose to actively admit defeat.

after all.

Just the first round of qualifying, there are ten games.

Even Lu Chuan, who is among the top ten in the sect, will try to preserve his strength to deal with the next game.

At the end of the first game, the referee on the ring quickly announced the opposing sides of the second game.

The second match of the No. 1 ring was Jiang Chen's No. 6 vs. No. 13.

Jiang Chen flew onto the ring, and a burly young man quickly came to the ring.

The young man is extremely strong, his arms are as thick as his calves, and his muscles are mixed, like a piece of steel, exuding a domineering and mighty aura.

"Wang Meng, disciple of the Inner Sect of Cold Moon Palace, please enlighten me!"

The burly young man gave a violent shout, kicked the sole of his foot on the ring, his right fist brought a burst of fists that shattered the space, and directly blasted towards Jiang Chen.

This burly young man majored in strength, although it seemed fierce and domineering, but it was only the third-order cultivation base of the gods.

Jiang Chen lifted his palm slightly, and a layer of transparent qi glowed all over his body.


The fist of the burly young man fell accurately on Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen took the blow abruptly, he didn't seem to be affected at all, and he didn't move half of his footsteps.

And the burly young man's figure, the counter-shock force from his fist, slammed to the outside of the high platform, and the whole person looked embarrassed.

"I surrender."

The burly young man had to admit defeat with a look of unwillingness.

As the referee announced the result, Jiang Chen easily won the first victory.

"It's worthy of the arena evolved from the world's artifacts, but it is somewhat similar to the temple arena in the eternal temple."

Jiang Chen defeated Wang Meng lightly, and could not help but let out a low whisper.

The arena evolved from this world divine weapon not only has a strong defense, but also has a great suppressing power, which greatly reduces the scope of the power of the power of the gods.


Fighting against the gods, energy fluctuations can easily sweep across the void.

With such a big movement, this Tianjiao Challenge is really difficult to run.

"It seems that this Venerable Xuan Dao's disciple personally passed on, it is really not easy, no wonder he dared to openly challenge the palace."

The crowd around watching the disciples saw the situation on the ring, they couldn't help being surprised.

Wang Meng, a burly young man, is also known among the inner sect disciples of the Cold Moon Palace.

Jiang Chen was able to defeat Wang Meng with an understatement, and his strength might not be inferior to that of the top ten arrogances of the sect.

Qualifying rounds continue.

Next, it was Ji Wushuang's turn to appear soon.

Like Jiang Chen, Ji Wushuang was assigned to the first group.

Moreover, her luck was not so good, she encountered the fourth-ranked Zongmen Tianjiao Shi Yunjian in the first battle.

Ji Wushuang directly chose to admit defeat.

Although she had obtained the lifelong inheritance of the Supreme Elder of the Cold Moon Palace, she finally came to God's Domain for too short a time.

In the past five years, even though she had practiced with all her strength, she had just broken through the third rank of the gods and barely qualified to participate in the Tianjiao Challenge.

With her strength, facing Shi Yunjian such sect Tianjiao, there is almost no chance of winning.

If before meeting Jiang Chen, in order to follow the last words of the Supreme Elder, she might also consider a desperate fight.

right now.

Her son not only came to Hanyue Palace, but also had the confidence to compete for the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge. Why should she know nothing about it?

Ji Wushuang's surrender did not cause much disturbance.

after all.

Except for the three people who don't need to participate in the qualification and challenge, Shi Yunjian, the fourth arrogant of the sect, is almost the strongest existence. Who wants to fight Shi Yunjian in the first round?

As game after game progressed, the first round of competition soon ended and entered the next round of duel.

In this way, until the fifth round, Jiang Chen easily defeated his opponent and won five consecutive victories.

After five rounds of competition, Jiang Chen and their group of four have won five consecutive victories.

Two of these four are the top ten arrogances of the sect.

One of them is Lu Chuan, ranked eighth, and the other is Shi Yunjian, ranked fourth.

The two remaining two who maintained a complete victory record were Jiang Chen and another disciple named Fang Ming.

Although Fang Ming is not the ten great arrogance of the sect, but his cultivation has reached the fourth rank of the gods, his strength is extremely not weak.

The four firmly occupy the top four positions in the first group.

It can be said.

As long as there are no accidents, the first group will pass the qualifying round and enter the ranking round, it should be Jiang Chen and the others.

After five rounds of competition.

Zhong Lishui announced an hour of rest to allow everyone to recover their wasted strength and physical strength.

An hour later, the sixth round of the qualifying round started.

In this round, Jiang Chen was drawn in the third game. His opponent was Lu Chuan, one of the top ten sects of Hanyue Palace.

The draw was over, and the two entered the first ring one after another.

Everyone in the stands watched this scene and couldn't help but boil.

Even Gong Ling and Bai Xingjian, who did not participate in the qualifying rounds, had their eyes on the first ring.

"Tsk tusk... I didn't expect Jiang Chen and Lu Chuan to meet in this round. Who do you think can win this battle?"

"I am more optimistic about Lu Chuan. Although Jiang Chen is very strong, he wants to challenge the top ten arrogances of the sect, but I am afraid it is not an easy task."

"That's not necessarily the case, Jiang Chen's strength may not be worse than Lu Chuan."


There was a lot of discussion. Although most of them supported Lu Chuan, a small number of people still liked Jiang Chen.

On the ring.

Lu Chuan and Jiang Chen stood opposite each other and said indifferently, "Jiang Chen, you are not my opponent, don't waste time, give up."

"Stop talking nonsense, do it."

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently: "Among the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace, no one can let me Jiang Chen surrender. Among us, the first person to win six consecutive victories will only be me."

Jiang Chen's words also stunned everyone.

Lu Chuan, this is one of the top ten sects of Hanyue Palace.

Listening to Jiang Chen's breath, it is clear that Lu Chuan, the eighth-ranked Tianjiao of the sect, was not in his eyes.

"Don't be ashamed! If you insist on humiliating yourself, then I will fulfill you!"

A cold light flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes, and the powerful aura of the fourth-order Tianshen was also oppressing Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

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