A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1859: Nanli Clan ancestor, Venerable Cangyan

The sound of the explosion reverberated over Nanli Shencheng, causing everyone in the city to look up and look into the sky.

I saw where the explosion sounded, a crimson flame formed by the concentration of energy, sputtering like a firework.

"This is... Nan Lizu's offensive signal!"

Looking at the crimson flames in the sky, the entire Nanli God City burst out with exclaims.


The Nanli clan and Huangfu are in the same family, fighting endlessly with each other, making the entire Nanli God City panic.


With the strength of the Huangfu family, it is simply not enough to compete with the Nanli clan.

But a year ago, in the battle in the Huoyun Mountains, the Nanli tribe suffered heavy losses and suffered a great loss of vitality.

However, the Huangfu family got the Huoyun Venerable's legacy in the Huoyun Mountain Range, and their strength soared.


This balance was completely broken after the return of the Nanli ancestors.

Now that the Nanli Clan has issued an offensive signal, in all likelihood, it is about to launch a full-scale attack on the Huangfu family.

While the thoughts of countless people in Nanli Shencheng flashed, in a void outside Huangfu's house, crimson figures surged from the sky over the sky.

As the first red-haired ancestor shrouded in red light, his whole body exudes an overwhelming aura.

In his pair of red eyes, there was a faint flash of flames.

Ordinary people just have to look at it, as if they are in a sea of ​​fire, the whole person will be burned to ashes

This red-haired old man is no one else, but the ancestor of the Nanli Clan, Venerable Cangyan.

Behind Venerable Cang Yan, there were many Nanli clan powerhouses headed by Nanli Clan Chief Yan Wuji.

"Hi... Venerable Cangyan took all the Nanli clan to send out. It seems that he does not intend to give the Huangfu family any chance to breathe. He wants to destroy the Huangfu family in one fell swoop."

Looking at the situation in the void, many viewers couldn't help but take a breath.

This time, Huangfu's family was really dangerous.

"Huangfu is coming, get out quickly and die!"

Venerable Cang Yan stood proudly in the void with his hand, condescendingly looking down at the manor below, and the old anger resounded directly above Huangfu's house.

The meeting hall of Huangfu's house.

The expressions of the royal high-level officials headed by Huangfu Lin couldn't help but change drastically.

The faces of some Huangfu disciples became extremely pale.

A Huangfu elder even more panicked and asked: "Patriarch, the ancestor of the Nanli Clan, Venerable Cangyan, the Nanli Clan is about to attack in an all-round way, what shall we do now?"

"What else? The Huangfu family and the Nanli clan have long been an endless situation, and now they can only fight to the death!"

A sharp ray of light blasted from Huangfu Lin's eyes, and the whole person instantly became murderous!

Today, even if Huangfu's family is destroyed, he wants Nanlizu to pay a **** price for it.


His figure flashed, and his whole body rose into the sky.

And behind him, Huangfusong and others followed closely, appeared above Huangfu's house, and confronted Venerable Cangyan and the others.

"Huangfu, don't take the stubborn resistance. With your own strength, you still want to turn the tide?"

Venerable Cang Yan stared at Huangfu Lin with a cold face: "If you are acquainted, you should kneel down in front of the deity and beg for mercy, and the deity may still consider forgiving you!"

Huangfu Lin said sarcastically, "Venerable Cangyan, do you really think that Huangfu Lin is a three-year-old child?"

In the first battle in the Huoyun Mountain Range, Huangfu's family and Jiang Chen joined forces to kill the Nanli Clan Young Master Yan Jin and the three Nanli Clan's six-tier powerhouses.

There is no room for relaxation at all for such **** enemies.

not to mention……

He has now obtained Venerable Huoyun’s Realm Heart Crystal, as long as he is given some time, he can break through to become Venerable Realm God.

As long as Venerable Cangyan is not stupid, he will not give him time so that he has the opportunity to break through the Venerable Realm God.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Venerable Cang Yan's expression turned cold, and the cold cry filled with cold killing intent also resounded in the sky.

"Let's do it! Today... this deity wants Huangfu's family to be completely removed from Nanli Shencheng!"

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