Boom boom boom...

As Venerable Cangyan's cold voice echoed in the sky.

A series of monstrous auras suddenly erupted from Yan Wuji and other Nanli clan powerhouses, covering the entire Huangfu family.

"Patriarch, what shall we do now?"

It can be seen that the Nanli Clan has no reservations at all, and will immediately launch a full-scale offensive. Many Huangfu's parents have turned pale.

After experiencing the first battle in the Huoyun Mountain Range, the Nanli Clan had suffered heavy losses, but there were still three major sixth-order powerhouses headed by Yan Wu extremely.

These three people came out with the powerful Nanli clan, and it was not easy for the Huangfu family to deal with it.

not to mention……

Nanli Clan also has Venerable Cangyan, Venerable World God.

In today's battle, the Huangfu family had no chance of winning at all.

"This is the end of the matter, there is no choice but to fight to the death, kill me!"

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath, and a hideous look flashed across his eyes, directly leading to the many powerhouses of the Huangfu family, and violently colliding with Yan Wuji and others.

Boom boom boom...

The terrifying energy explosion sounded continuously in the void, turning the void that was thousands of miles away into chaos.

The screams of sorrowful screams sounded horribly in this world.


Huangfu Lin and Yan Wuji fought relentlessly, and the whole person was kicking the ground and retreating hundreds of meters away, and his pale face became even paler at this moment.

Ever since he got the Jie Xin Shen Jing, Huang Fu has been in a confrontation with Yan Wuji and has been able to stabilize Yan Wuji.

A few days ago, he fought against Venerable Cangyan. Not only did he use the foundation he used, but he also suffered severe injuries and he hadn't recovered at all.

In his current state, it seemed extremely difficult to deal with Yan Wuji, not to mention that there was a Venerable Cangyan behind Yan Wuji.

Repelling Huangfu Lin with a move, Yan Wuji coldly shouted: "Huangfu Lin, don't fight back in the negative corner. In your current state, you are not my opponent."

"Yan Wuji, don't talk nonsense. Even if my Huangfu family is destroyed today, it will cost you Nanli Clan!"

Huangfu stared ferociously at Yan Wuji, and a crazy look broke out in his eyes.

"Huangfu Lin, since you insist on seeking death, then I will fulfill you!"

Yan Wuji's voice fell, and a burning palm print that broke through the void of thousands of feet, came directly to suppress Huangfu Lin.

Huangfu's pupils shrank suddenly.

Just as he was about to prepare to fight desperately, an abrupt sound of sword chants rolled from far to near.

at the very beginning.

The sword chants were still relatively vague, intermittently as if they did not exist.

But after a short while, the sound of the sword chants became more and more high, and a bright sword aura came like a nine-day thunder.

Under this sword aura.

I saw Yan Wuji's Burning Heaven palmprint, but it fell apart in an instant!

The sudden scene also caused Huangfu Lin who was about to desperately stunned for a moment, and his gaze also looked in the direction where the sword energy was shot in disbelief.


A strong aura that made Huangfu Lin feel a little oppressive, slammed across the space.


What makes Huangfu Lin most delighted is that this breath has a smell that makes him extremely familiar!

"This is... Jiang Chen's breath?"

An expression of excitement suddenly appeared in Huangfu Lin's eyes.

He obviously didn't think about it.

Jiang Chen would return to Nanli Shencheng at this time.

In Huangfulin's heart, Jiang Chen is a monster who can create miracles.

At the beginning of the Huoyun Mountain Range, Jiang Chen made the impossible possible.

Now that Jiang Chen suddenly returns, the Huangfu family may be saved.

The sudden change in the void also surprised countless onlookers.

call out!

Just before everyone recovered from the shock, a ghostly black shadow burst from the sky.

In just a short time, the black shadow had appeared in front of Huangfu Lin.

"Hey...who is this kid who seems to have come to help Huangfu's house?"

"This kid even dares to take care of Nanlizu's affairs. I think he really does not live or die."

"Don't you think that kid is a bit familiar? He hit the Nanli Clan hard a year ago in the Huoyun Mountain Range and was wanted by Nanli Clan Jiang Chen!"

"Hi... I didn't expect this kid to dare to return to Nanli Shencheng!"


In Nanli God City, many people watching this scene couldn't help but talk.

a year ago.

Jiang Chen and Huangfu's family joined forces to kill the young master of the Nanli Clan and the three powerful sixth-order gods, named Zhen Nanlishen City.

But now that the ancestor of the Nanli Clan Realm God Cangyan has returned, how can Jiang Chen compete with the Realm God no matter how strong everyone is?

from their perspective.

Jiang Chen's return to Nanli God City at this moment is no different from sending him to the door to find his death.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to have the guts to go back to Nanli Shencheng. It's true that there is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you broke in."

"Today...this Nanli God City is your burial place!"

Yan Wuji smiled violently, and a monstrous killing intent also spread from his body instantly.

When he learned that Yan Jin and others had an accident in the Huoyun Mountain Range, Yan Wuji took the San Qian Nanli guard to the Huoyun Mountain Range, but Jiang Chen put them together and asked them to leave with the remains of Venerable Huo Yun.


Yan Wuji even learned that almost all Yan Jin and others had fallen into Jiang Chen's hands.

Yan Wuji immediately became angry and wanted to break Jiang Chen's body into pieces, and directly issued a wanted order against Jiang Chen in Nanlizhou.


This year, Jiang Chen seemed to have evaporated in Nanlizhou, and there was no news at all.

Now that Jiang Chen appeared in front of him, how could Yan Wuji not be angry?

laugh! laugh!

Yan Wuji's breath broke out to the extreme, and two clusters of purple flames also instantly appeared in the depths of his pupils.

The flames expanded rapidly in Yan Wuji's pupils, turning into one or two purple divine flames that burned the sky, instantly penetrating the space, and shooting towards Jiang Chen.


The furious Yan Wuji didn't have any reservations at all, and as soon as he shot, he used the Nanlizu Town Clan's divine skill Lihuo Mietiantong.

"Brother Jiang Chen, be careful, this is the Nanli Clan's Zhen Clan magical technique Lihuo Detiantong!"

Huangfu Lin's expression changed, and he could not help but remind Jiang Chen quickly.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword burst into his palm with a bright sword light that pierced the sky and the earth.

The next moment.

The seven heavenly sword qi that drew the power of the stars soared into the sky around Jiang Chen.

Seven sword qi leading to the sky, like a pillar of qi roots standing between the sky and the earth, shooting directly into the sky with the momentum of the Big Dipper


In just blinking time, a heavenly sword containing the power of stars slashed directly from above the nine heavens to Yan Wuji...

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