Today... I, Jiang Chen, don't mind killing a realm god!

After hearing Jiang Chen's domineering words, everyone did not recover from the shock for a long time.

In the God Realm, there are almost everywhere strong people in the God Realm.

Even the existence of the sixth rank of the gods is countless.


Even among the ten thousand powerhouses of the sixth rank of the gods, there may not be one who can merge the six ways into one and break through the world gods.

It can be said.

Celestial God Realm and Realm God Realm, the two are like a moat.

The vast majority of Heavenly God Realm powerhouses have exhausted their entire lives, and it is difficult to cross them.

Because of this.

The strength gap between the Heavenly God Realm and the Realm God Realm can be described as a huge difference.

Any venerable world **** can almost easily suppress the powerhouse of the sixth-order peak of the gods.

And this kid in front of him actually wanted to kill the Venerable Realm God with the Heaven God Realm, should he be so rampant?

"Huh! Don't be ashamed!"

"Boy, don't think that you have some strength and dare to be arrogant in front of the deity."

"The deity will soon let you know how far you are from the real world gods!"

Venerable Cangyan stared at Jiang Chen sternly, and the monstrous power of Venerable Realm God also oppressed Jiang Chen instantly.

Although it is not impossible to kill the venerable gods of the Heavenly God Realm, it is at least the super-grade Heavenly God who masters the power of the seven realms can do it!

And Jiang Chen in front of him, his cultivation base was no more than the fifth rank of the gods.

No matter how enchanting Jiang Chen's talent is, it is absolutely impossible to use the fifth-tier cultivation base of the gods to kill the world gods!

"Seven-star heaven sword, cut!"

Facing Venerable Cangyan's terrifying realm god's pressure, Jiang Chen's pupils shrank, and the Star Heavenly Sword gathered by the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art once again pierced the world.

The Star Heaven Sword was so dazzling and splendid that it seemed to divide the world into two.

this moment.

Over the entire Nanli God City, there was only this celestial sword that smashed through the sun and moon, as if the ancient gods split the chaos.

In the face of Venerable Cangyan, the real world god, Jiang Chen had no reservations at all, directly urging his whole body strength to the extreme, and once again displayed the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

"What a powerful sword, this sword is far more terrifying than the one that defeated Yan Wuji."

Countless people looked at this scene in the sky and couldn't help but pale.

How terrifying is the strength of the Venerable World God, many people in Nanli God City have never seen it in their entire lives.

But even if it was a blow from the world gods, perhaps it was nothing more than that.

Is this kid in front of him really able to use the power of the gods to compete against the realm gods?


Just when everyone was shocked by Jiang Chen's sword, an incredible scene happened for them.

I saw Venerable Cangyan standing with his hand in his hand, his body unchanged, but when the Star Heaven Sword appeared within a hundred feet of his head, it suddenly changed from extremely fast to still.

The next moment...

Suddenly there was a loud bang in the air, and the Star Heavenly Sword burst open without warning.


Countless stars and sword lights splashing out like clear water blasted out in all directions, piercing through layer after layer of void, turning hundreds of miles around into a sword domain storm.

"Hi...Is this the power of the world god, it is really terrifying!"

In this scene before everyone's eyes, there was an unprecedented shock in their eyes.

No one could have imagined that Jiang Chen's masterful sword would be resolved by Venerable Cangyan before he even approached Venerable Cangyan Baizhang.

There are ants under the Lord!

At this moment, everyone really understood that this sentence was not a false statement.

In front of the real world god, even if it is stronger than Jiang Chen, it is no different from the ant.

"Patriarch, although Brother Jiang Chen is very strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with Venerable Cangyan."

Looking at the battle in the void, Huangfusong couldn't help showing a solemn look in his old eyes.

"Can you contend? I'll know in a moment."

Huangfu's eyes flickered slightly: "Since Brother Jiang Chen dares to come, he will definitely be prepared."

Jiang Chen can understand the situation of Nanli Shencheng just a little bit.

Jiang Chen knew that Venerable Cangyan, the ancestor of the Nanli clan, had returned, but he still dared to come to Nanli God City. How could he not be prepared?

"It's ridiculous that the worm shakes the tree!"

Venerable Cangyan looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his eyes were as cold as the coldest glacier under the nine secluded mountains, without a trace of emotion.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen said calmly, "Then you can keep your eyes open and look at how my little worm can shake your big tree!"

"When you die, you dare to speak up in front of the deity, and defeat me."

Venerable Cangyan's indifferent voice fell, and the entire heaven and earth vitality above Nanli Shencheng boiled at this moment.

Everyone has a feeling, they seem to be stripped from the world.

Even the powerhouse of the sixth-order Tianshen could not sense a trace of power from the heavens and the earth, as if the entire Nanli God City seemed to be the world of Venerable Cangyan.

A realm **** can evolve into a **** of his own creation!

It is said that the place where the gods of the world set up is under their control, and all life and death are within one thought.

The current Venerable Cangyan finally used the power of Venerable World God.

When everyone looked at the situation in front of them, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

The power of the realm gods is not at the same level as the sky gods.

This time, Jiang Chen was afraid he would be dead.

"Divine Body Vision, Condensation!"

Jiang Chen gave a soft drink, and the golden sword phantom behind his back soared into the sky, propping up the space of hundreds of meters, and blocking the terrifying power in the void for life.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all, directly urging the spatial origin of the Consummation Realm and condensing the power of the sixth world.


And at the moment when Jiang Chen condensed the power of the space world, wind and clouds gathered in the void, and the power of the terrifying thunder roamed in the sky like a dragon and a snake.

Venerable Cangyan raised his head to look at the lightning robbery that quickly condensed in the void, his expression changed slightly, and immediately stared at Jiang Chen with a frightened expression: " actually caused the sixth-order Heavenly Tribulation of the Heavenly God?"

Even as a World God Venerable, Venerable Cangyan was frightened at the moment.


This guy is simply a lunatic!

Venerable Cangyan never thought of it anyway.

In order to deal with him, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to provoke the sixth-order Celestial Tribulation of the Celestial God at this time and involve him in the Celestial Tribulation.

The power of this guy's sixth-order Celestial Tribulation is already very great, and now he is respected by the world **** and then involved, the power is probably even more terrifying than his breakthrough world God's Tribulation!

Even with the cultivation base of the gods of the other world, facing this kind of heavenly power, you have to deal with it carefully.

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