A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1863: Venerable Cangyan is angry

"Hi...Jiang Chen actually triggered the Heavenly Tribulation in the battle!"

"This guy is too crazy, does he want to use the Heavenly God Tribulation to be together with Venerable Cangyan?"

"I don't know if Venerable Cangyan can block this enhanced version of the Heavenly God Tribulation."


Everyone looked at the situation in the void, and there was an incredible shock in their eyes.

"Brother Jiang Chen caused the sixth-tier Celestial God to rob?"

Huangfusong couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy in his old eyes when he looked at the God Tribulation induced by Jiang Chen.

"I knew that Brother Jiang Chen must have a hole card."

Huangfu Lin also breathed a sigh of relief, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Chen is a rare ancient divine body that can ignore the laws of heaven.

a year ago.

Jiang Chen incited the fifth-tier Celestial Tribulation of the Celestial God in the Huoyun Mountain Range to break through the extermination of the Realm God's decree. They are vividly visible.

Now Jiang Chen repeated the old skills, involving Venerable Cangyan into the sixth-order Celestial Tribulation of his own Celestial God.

Even with the cultivation base of Venerable Cangyan, I'm afraid he is enough to drink a pot.

"Jiang Chen, you look down on the deity too."

Venerable Cangyan stared at Jiang Chen gloomily, "Do you think that by involving the deity in your Celestial Tribulation, you can deal with the deity?"

Although Jiang Chen's Celestial Tribulation would become very terrifying because of his existence, but with the strength of his realm gods, it may not be impossible to deal with it.

not to mention……

Even if the divine calamity of this day is so strong that he can't handle it, he can persist longer than Jiang Chen based on his cultivation base of the realm gods.

After all, this **** catastrophe was Jiang Chen's **** catastrophe.

As long as Jiang Chen, the righteous master, falls, the Heavenly Tribulation will automatically dissipate.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in hand, and Feng Qingyun said calmly, "If you can deal with you, you will know soon."

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't take the Heavenly God Tribulation to his heart, Venerable Cang Yan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

But at this moment.

Countless thunder dragons whizzed at the same time, quickly condensed into a thunder pillar that penetrated the sky and landed down towards Venerable Cangyan.


The thunder shook for nine days, and the electric dragon roared continuously.

Even if Huangfu was waiting for the Heavenly God Six Tribulations powerhouse, facing this terrifying thunder power, he felt a shivering feeling.

"Ok...what a terrifying God Tribulation!"

When Huangfu Lin and others felt the terrifying thunder power, they were shocked.

The Celestial Tribulation of the sixth-order Celestial Tribulation is already the strongest Thunder Tribulation in the Celestial Tribulation, and there will be a total of nine ways!

Generally speaking, this first thunder catastrophe is often the weakest.

But Jiang Chen's first thunder tribulation was more powerful than the last thunder tribulation of the sixth-order ordinary gods. I am afraid they are even worse!

If this is the ninth thunder calamity, what terrible power will it reach?

Such a terrifying heavenly power, even if it is a realm god, may not be able to easily resist it.

Venerable Cangyan's pupils shrank, and a burning purple fire rose into the sky, colliding with the power of the thunder that had fallen, and instantly burned all the first thunder tribulation into nothingness.

Destroying the first thunder tribulation, Venerable Cangyan raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen standing still and proudly standing still, an incredible horror finally appeared in his eyes.

"How could this kid not be attacked by the Heavenly Tribulation?"

This is the God Tribulation induced by Jiang Chen.

If God Jie didn't hack Jiang Chen, the righteous master, but only hacked him, the victim, what happened to Nima?

Could it be...

This guy is an ancient supreme divine body in the legend, can he ignore the law of heaven?

Thinking of this, Venerable Cangyan almost didn't spray out a mouthful of old blood.

Thinking that he was a majestic world god, he was actually calculated by Jiang Chen!

Nanli Shencheng.

Countless onlookers looked at this scene in the void, and their eyes almost fell out.

Jiang Chen induced the Heavenly Tribulation to involve Venerable Cangyan, only Venerable Cangyan was attacked by Thunder Tribulation, which is incredible.


Just when everyone was horrified, several thunder and lightning fell from the sky one after another, one thicker than one, and one more terrifying than the other.

To the end.

All the thunder and lightning are transformed into a silver beam of light that penetrates the sky and the earth, like a Dinghai divine needle falling from the sky.

Looking at the second thunder catastrophe that fell, Venerable Cangyan didn't have time to think about it, and directly urged the power of the world god, and blasted towards the second thunder catastrophe.

Venerable Cang Yan, as the Venerable Realm God, was indeed unfathomable.

Even in the face of this enhanced version of Thunder Tribulation, it was easy to deal with.

After six thunder tribulations in a row, Venerable Cangyan was defeated by his terrifying strength.

"Venerable Realm God, really is an existence far beyond the realm of Heavenly God."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Chen also had a new understanding of the strength of the world gods in his heart.

These six successive thunder tribulations, one after another, are more terrifying than one.

With his current strength, even if he could stop these six thunder tribulations, he would have to peel off his skin to survive.

But Venerable Cangyan in front of him was easily defeated.

With just one point, it was enough to see that Venerable Cangyan's strength was far above him.

Just when Jiang Chen was amazed.

The thunder disaster did not stop because of this. Instead, it became more and more horrible. One after another, the thunder dragon roared and flew in the chaotic thundercloud. Each thunder dragon was thousands of feet long, shining with bright thunder and lightning.

To the end.

Countless thunder dragons gathered together and turned into an ancient thunder mountain, falling down from the nine heavens.

The power of this blow was terrifying to the extreme, even the face of Venerable Cangyan showed a solemn look.


Venerable Cangyan broke out again, colliding with the ancient Thunder Mountain.

This time, even with the strength of Venerable Cangyan, he stepped back more than ten steps in the void under the impact of the ancient Thunder Mountain.


Just as Venerable Cangyan stabilized his figure, the eighth thunder calamity was also brewing in the void.

Hundreds of thousands of thunder powers condensed into a colorful thunderball in the void, and smashed from the air. The aura of destruction contained in it seemed to turn Venerable Cangyan and the surrounding hundreds of miles into dust.

"Great Sun God Flame!"

Venerable Cangyan put his hands together, and a round of sun with the breath of burning weather condensed from the back of Venerable Cangyan instantly and collided with the eighth thunder.


Venerable Cangyan's figure exploded once again, and a pale look appeared on his face.


Facing this increasingly terrifying Thunder Tribulation, even with the strength of Venerable Cangyan, it was almost too much to bear.

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was not affected by the thunder tribulation at all, Venerable Cangyan's chest was full of anger, and the sky-shaking roar was instantly resounding through the world!

"Ah...Jiang Chen, you dare to calculate the deity, after this last thunder tribulation, the deity will surely break your body into pieces!"

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