A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1873: Bingdao Divine Body Vision

Mo Zihan's complexion was slightly pale and he stabilized his figure, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

This guy in front of him is definitely more than the fifth-order cultivation base of the gods!

He is an inexistent Ice Dao divine body, and he cultivates the top realm **** technique of the Ice River Sect, and his background is far better than ordinary people.

Even in the same realm, there are only a handful of people who can completely suppress him like this.

It seems that in the Cold Moon Palace Tianjiao Challenge, this guy has hidden his strength in the battle against the palace!

This guy's cultivation base, I am afraid it has already broken through the sixth rank of the gods!

"Huh! Haoyue, you are a good method!"

Venerable Tianhe looked at the two people in the battle with gloomy eyes, and couldn't help but let out a slight cold snort in his mouth.

Although Jiang Chen's situation was a little weird, it was difficult for him to see through Jiang Chen's details.


Now that Jiang Chen and Mo Zihan are fighting each other, Venerable Tianhe's eyesight has naturally seen some clues.

This Jiang Chen's cultivation has already broken through the sixth rank of the gods, and is even vaguely stronger than Mo Zihan!

Venerable Tianhe also finally understood why Venerable Haoyue would simply agree to a gambling fight with him.

I'm afraid that guy has a winning ticket in his heart.

Venerable Haoyue smiled faintly: "Hehe...I have been standing in Hanyue Prefecture for so many years in Hanyue Palace, but no one can challenge it. Tianhe, you have lost this battle."

"Haoyue, do you really think you are sure to win?"

Venerable Tianhe smiled coldly: "Even though Jiang Chen broke through the sixth rank of the gods, he might not be the final winner?"

For Mo Zihan's strength, Venerable Tianhe was still very confident.

after all.

The Bingdao divine body is a unique natural divine body that can crush the existence of the same realm.

Even Jiang Chen has the sixth-order cultivation base of the gods, and it is almost impossible to defeat Mo Zihan.

"Really? Then wait and see."

Venerable Haoyue smiled faintly, and then stopped talking.

If Jiang Chen really only had the cultivation base of the sixth-order Celestial God, it might not be so easy to defeat Mo Zihan who possessed the Ice Dao Divine Body.

But Jiang Chen is now a super-grade deity who has broken through the limit of deity.

A super-grade god, an enemy **** of the world!

Even if Mo Zihan was born with a divine body and unparalleled in combat strength, he would definitely lose in front of Jiang Chen.

"Open Heaven Seal!"

When the two great realm gods were communicating, Jiang Chen didn't plan to give Mo Zihan any chance to breathe.

His palm flipped again, and a golden seal that broke through a thousand miles of void, like the palm of an ancient great god, once again moved toward Mo Zihan's suppression.

"Ice God Realm, Ning!"

In the face of Jiang Chen's more powerful blow than the previous two seals, Mo Zihan felt inexplicably cold, and the power of the six worlds in his body burst to the extreme.

Just a blink of an eye.

The power of the six worlds is centered on the power of the ice world, and quickly interweaves and merges into a six-color ice mirror covering a hundred miles of void.

At the same time as the six-color ice mirror condenses.

The open sky **** seal in the void also crashed down.


The loud noise spread all over the world.

After Mo Zihan's six-color cold ice realm trembled slightly, he actually blocked Jiang Chen's seal of the Heavenly Opening God.

Jiang Chen looked at this scene with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Although he had previously fought with Mo Zihan, Jiang Chen only used the power of the sixth-order Celestial God.

However, he cultivated the God King Cultivation Technique, and the power of the world was far more powerful than the average sixth-order **** of heaven.

He used the cultivation base of the sixth rank of the gods to display the Emperor's Seal, even if he was ranked in the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, he might have to lose instantly.

And Mo Zihan in front of him was indeed an Ice Dao divine body whose cultivation reached the sixth rank of the Heavenly God, and even took down the three seals of the other's imperial seal.

With the strength of this guy, even in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, I am afraid he can get a good ranking.

Looking at the six-color ice realm that blocked the seal of the Open Heaven God, Jiang Chen couldn't help but press hard with his palm.

In an instant...

I saw a burst of brighter golden divine light once again erupted on the seal of the Kaitian god.

In the six-color ice realm below, the smooth mirror surface became extremely distorted under the pressure of the Kaitian Divine Seal.

Faintly, a series of tiny cracks also slowly spread from the six-color ice mirror.


A crisp click suddenly appeared from the six-color ice mirror.


On the six-color ice mirror, the spread of small cracks is getting faster and faster.

In just a few breaths, the cracks were like a spider web, covering the entire mirror surface of the six-color ice mirror.

To the end.

The six-color ice mirror finally trembled suddenly, and burst directly in the void.

Countless icy debris shot away, an astonishing cold air dispersed, and even Jiang Chen's Heaven-opening God Seal was washed away in terror.

Mo Zihan's figure trembled, and his whole body was pale and flew upside down a distance of hundreds of feet.

Mo Zihan strongly suppressed the churning aura in his body, and his expression became more solemn.

He stared at Jiang Chen closely, and said coldly, "Jiang Chen, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. But even with this, I will definitely not lose to you in today's battle."

"is it?"

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently: "Then I am giving you a chance. If you have any means, just show it."

"Since you want to see, then I will fulfill you!"

As Mo Zihan said, his breath suddenly changed, and his cold voice resounded through the world.

"Jiang Chen, today I will show you the power of the Bingdao divine body vision!"

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