A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1874: Ice **** bow, one arrow will seal the world!

The words of the ink word came down,

A crystal clear white brilliance suddenly swept out of his body.

In an instant...

The temperature of the world for hundreds of miles is dropping at an extremely terrifying rate.

To the end.

I saw densely packed small crushed ice solidified in the air, shining with a cold luster.

"Divine body vision, condense me!"

Mo Zihan let out a soft drink, and the densely packed small crushed ice gathered frantically behind Mo Zihan at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while.

A white icy bow phantom that was thousands of feet long, condensed directly behind Mo Zihan.

As soon as this icy bow phantom appeared, the cold air between the heavens and the earth suddenly rose, as if to completely freeze the space of hundreds of miles.


With a move of Mo Zihan's palm, the phantom of the Qianzhang Ice Bow behind him instantly turned into a Qianzhang sized crystal divine bow and flew into his palm.

Mo Zihan held the bow with his left hand, and slowly pulled the bowstring with his right hand. The terrifying cold air gathered around him.

very quickly.

A white ice arrow the size of a length of five meters solidified directly on the bowstring.

Where the white ice arrow pointed, a thousand-foot icicle hung across the sky in the void.

"Bingdao divine body vision, it's kind of interesting."

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Zihan's condensed Bingdao divine body vision, and there was also a strange look in his eyes.

Mo Zihan possesses a rare Ice Dao divine body, and the condensed divine body vision is indeed very powerful.


Mo Zihan's divine body vision has obviously reached a very high and deep level, and it can be transformed into reality.

It can be said.

Even if Mo Zihan's blow could not be compared with the blow of the World God Venerable, it was not inferior to that. It could kill an ordinary Heavenly God's sixth-order powerhouse.

"Jiang Chen, see how I defeat you with one sword!"

"Ice **** bow, seal the world with one arrow!"

Mo Zihan let out a cold drink and suddenly loosened the bowstring in his hand.

And at the moment Mo Zihan released his fingers, the white ice arrow pierced the void with a sound, and shot out at Jiang Chen!


The vast white cold air spread overwhelmingly at this moment.

Under the terrifying cold air, huge blocks of ice began to condense in hundreds of miles of space.

If the Ordinary Heaven and Divine Realm were located in this cold-shrouded space, they would be frozen into an ice sculpture by the terrifying cold surrounding them in an instant, and even the soul would be frozen to pieces.

Jiang Chen's face was expressionless, and the world of colorful heavenly gods instantly enveloped the space of the whole body, isolating the cold surrounding him.

at the same time.

With the movement of his palm, the power of the seven worlds intertwined in the palm of his palm, and finally turned into a bright seven-color flame.

And when the seven-colored flames in Jiang Chen's palm condensed.

The volume of the ice cubes in the void expanded sharply, and finally joined into one piece.

I saw that the space where Jiang Chen was located was completely frozen in an instant. Looking from a distance, it seemed like a piece of ice for ten thousand years floating in the void.


"It's worthy of being the legendary ice **** body, it's really scary!"

"I don't know whether Jiang Chen can withstand Mo Zihan's blow."


Many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace looked at this scene in front of them, and there was an inconceivable horror in their eyes.

"Mo Zihan's Bingdao divine body vision is really terrifying, and Junior Brother Jiang may be in danger."

Xu Qingming's eyes were solemn, and there was also a worried look in his eyes.

Xiang Hong took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Jiang should not be defeated so easily."

Although Mozi's Cold Bingdao divine body vision is indeed very terrifying, the strength of their Junior Brother Jiang is equally unfathomable.

At the original Tianjiao Challenge.

Jiang Chen defeated the first Tianjiao Mausoleum of the Hanyue Palace by merely showing the cultivation base of the fifth-order **** of the open air.

Now that Jiang Chen showed the cultivation base of the sixth-order Tianshen, Mo Zihan might not be able to easily defeat it.

not to mention……

According to Master's fancy to Junior Brother Jiang, if Jiang Chen's loss, how can Master really sit back and ignore it?


"Haoyue, even if you keep one hand, what can you do?"

"The Bingdao divine body vision is almost invincible under the realm gods, unless Jiang Chen has a physique that is not inferior to the Bingdao divine body, this battle will be lost."

In the void, Venerable Tianhe couldn't help laughing proudly.

For countless years.

The Tianhe Sect in this Hanyue State has always been crushed by Hanyue Palace.

For example, after a period of low-key development of He Zong today, Mo Zihan was born again, a genius with an Ice Dao divine body, and his strength is no longer inferior to that of Hanyue Palace!

As long as Mo Zihan wins this battle, Tianhe Sect will surely rise in popularity in Hanyue Prefecture.

By the time.

They Tianhe Sect replaced Hanyue Sect, and it is not impossible to dominate this area!

"Tianhe, you seem to be a little bit too happy."

Seeing the proud appearance of Venerable Tianhe, Venerable Haoyue couldn't help but smile indifferently: "I said, in this gambling fight, you will only be the one who loses."

Although the Bingdao Divine Body was strong, it was not enough for Mo Zihan to break the limit with the sixth-order cultivation base of the Celestial God.

But Jiang Chen is a super **** who truly broke the limit!

Mo Zihan wanted to defeat the Super-Rank God of the Enemy Realm God by relying on the mere vision of the Ice Dao Divine Body, which was too whimsical.

"Really? The deity wants to see how Jiang Chen can block the power of this Ice Dao divine body vision."

Venerable Tianhe smiled coldly, and immediately stopped paying attention to Venerable Haoyue, and looked at the place where the two Jiang Chen fought again.

Under the gaze of countless eyes in Yanwu Square.

I don't know how long it took.

The Baili space frozen by Mo Zihan's divine body vision finally heard a faint clicking sound.

Countless people's hearts were shocked, and some sharp-eyed people soon discovered to their horror that a tiny crack had appeared on the huge profound ice in the frozen space of hundreds of miles.

Gradually, the faint clicking sound became more and more dense, and finally it became almost a piece!

This kind of voice is not loud, but it clearly penetrates the ears of everyone in Yanwu Square through the space created by Venerable Haoyue!

And the cracks on the huge profound ice spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How... how is it possible?"

Seeing that the Baili space where he was frozen with the divine body vision, there were signs of being broken by Jiang Chen, Mo Zihan's expression changed, and a touch of horror that could not be concealed appeared in his eyes.

His whole body exploded to the extreme, turning into horrible icy air, trying to fill the cracks in the profound ice space.


No matter how hard he tried, the cracks in the profound ice space spread rapidly like a spider web, and soon spread all over the profound ice.

Immediately afterwards.

A trace of colorful flames burst out of the ice-bound space through the cracks...

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