A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1880: The first arrogant of the Ghost Sect, You Si Ming

"Black soul old ghost, how strong is my Cold Moon Palace disciple, it's not your turn to worry about it."

Looking at Venerable Black Soul in front of him, Venerable Haoyue couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"is it?"

Venerable Black Soul sneered and said: "This time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will, my Ghost Sect will take good care of your Cold Moon Palace disciple."


The Ghost Sect had two disciples in the previous Great Desolate Tianjiao list, one ranked 26th and the other ranked 32nd.

Unexpectedly decades ago.

The Hanyue Palace Brother's Uterus Mausoleum challenged the Thirty-two Ghost Soul Sect disciple.

As a result, Ghost Sect has lost three places in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

This time the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party, how could Venerable Black Soul make the people of Hanyue Palace feel better?

"I am waiting."

Facing the provocation of Venerable Black Soul, Venerable Haoyue looked extremely calm.

The five geniuses of the Ghost Sect who participated in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club were indeed very strong.

If only relying on the three of the palace tombs, I am afraid it would be really difficult to contend with the genius of the Ghost Sect.


Today's Hanyue Palace, but possesses a super-grade **** like Jiang Chen.

Even the young Tianjiao who looked at the entire Wilderness World could cause trouble to them, at most only two or three people.

How could Venerable Haoyue care about the few disciples of the ghost sect.

Venerable Black Soul snorted coldly, and didn't say anything any more, and directly led the five Ghost Sect disciples to the side to communicate.

"You guys will listen to me, this time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will, if you meet the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace, don't be polite, just kill them for the deity."

Venerable Black Soul confessed to the five Ghost Sect disciples with a murderous aura.

"Sect Master, the aura of the black-clothed youth in Cold Moon Palace is a bit weird."

At this moment, a disciple of the Ghost Sect with black and white eyebrows, who looked a little weird, said suddenly.

This ghost soul sect disciple is exactly the first youth of the ghost sect today, Tianjiao Yousi Ming, who challenged the genius on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao a hundred years ago and ranked 26th on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Hearing what You Siming said, Venerable Ghost was slightly startled.

You Si Ming is a peerless genius who has never met the Ghost Sect in thousands of years, and his physique is special, his natural soul power is far better than Superman, and his perception power is more than that of his realm god.

Since You Siming found that the other party is not easy, then the other party must not be easy.

Venerable Black Soul took a deep breath, and couldn't help looking at the direction of Hanyue Palace again.

His gaze was also quickly locked on Jiang Chen.

When he felt the breath on Jiang Chen's body, he was also taken aback.

He is a majestic world god, no matter how enchanting genius, he has nowhere to hide in front of him.

But the breath of this kid makes it difficult for him to see through!

"Don't worry, that kid probably has hidden treasures on his body, otherwise it's impossible for me to see through."

Venerable Black Soul smiled faintly.

In the entire Great Wilderness, the young Tianjiao who could truly make him invisible were the only super-grade gods who broke the limit of the gods.

Venerable Black Soul really didn't believe it.

This black-clothed young man in the Hanyue Palace could still be a super-grade god.

"Sect Master, the weirdness I'm talking about doesn't mean this."

"A few years ago, when my uncle fell, I once felt a breath through his broken soul card."

You Siming stared at Jiang Chen slowly and said, "The aura on that kid's body is very similar to the aura I felt at the beginning!"

"What do you mean... that kid was the one who killed Youshan Ghost?"

Venerable Black Soul's expression changed.

The uncle You Si Ming said is naturally the elder You Three Ghosts of the Ghost Sect.

At the time You Three Ghosts suddenly fell, they thought that Youshan Ghost had fallen into the eternal void.

It seems that this is not the case now.

"Not sure, but even if it is not him, it should be closely related to him."

You Si Ming said coldly: "When the Tianjiao Conference opens, I will figure out all this. If he really killed his uncle, I will let him pay for it!"

Venerable Black Soul said solemnly: "If this is the case, you must not be careless."

Youshan Gui is one of the strongest elders in the ghost sect, and has already reached the peak of the sixth order of the gods.

That kid was able to kill Youshan Ghost, his strength might not be simple at all.

"rest assured."

You Si Ming's expression is cold, but his whole body exudes a strong confidence.

A hundred years ago.

He broke through the sixth rank of the gods and made it to the 26th place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Over the years, his strength has improved a lot, but he has not been exposed, just to make a blockbuster at this Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting.

His goal this time is to hit the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao!

A mere Disciple of the Cold Moon Palace, even if he has some strength, how can you be regarded by You Si Ming?

And when Venerable Black Soul was talking to You Si Ming.

Venerable Haoyue also solemnly exhorted the three of the palaces: "The Great Desolation Tianjiao will be opened for a while, and the three of you should try to join Jiang Chen."

The five geniuses of the Ghost Sect, three of them are of the fifth rank and two are of the sixth rank.

Especially the first heaven arrogant You Si Ming of the Ghost Sect, even among the many geniuses in the valley, the strength belongs to the existence of the first echelon.

If the Ghost Sect was determined to target Cold Moon Palace, the three of the palaces would be really dangerous.

"It seems that the Ghost Sect may really know that I killed the ghost of the Youshan."

Feeling the gazes of Venerable Black Soul and You Si Ming, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

You Si Ming and others just don't trouble him.

If he really dared to come, he wouldn't mind sending these guys to reunite with Youshan Ghost underground!


Just as Jiang Chen's thoughts flashed, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the sky above the valley.

Immediately afterwards.

A great pressure suddenly descended from the void, and there was a faintly sharp voice, drifting around the world, pulling the mind.

Jiang Chen was shocked and couldn't help but raise his head and look towards the void.

I saw the clouds rolling over the valley, and a behemoth suddenly appeared.

This is a huge palace, dark and solemn.

It just suspended in the void, a golden plaque depicting the word Great Wilderness was hung above the main entrance of the palace, and its invisible power shocked everyone!

this moment.

The valley that was originally noisy became quiet instantly!

Jiang Chen couldn't help his eyes narrowing slightly when he looked at the hall that had suddenly descended.

Great Desolate God Sect!

The only **** king force in the great wilderness is finally on the stage!

Under the gaze of everyone in the valley, an old man wearing a golden robe, holding a crutch with a dragon pattern, quickly stepped out of the black palace hanging in the void.

As soon as this person appeared, the invisible power and turbulent space changed the color of the heaven and the earth!

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