A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1881: The first ring, competing for the seal of Tianjiao

"This old guy... terrifying strength!"

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the old man in the golden robe, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shudder.

Since stepping into the realm of God.

Jiang Chen has also seen a lot of world gods.

But the old guy in front of him is definitely the most unfathomable existence among the world gods he has ever seen.

In Jiang Chen's intuition, I am afraid that only his own mysterious master Xuan Dao can be compared with this golden robe old man!

"With a single thought, the world of thousands of miles changed its color, what a terrifying power!"

The palace mausoleum looked at the golden-robed old man in the void, and couldn't help but asked with astonishment: "Master, is this the Great Wild God King of the Great Wild God Sect?"

"The Great Desolate God King is aloft, even if I and other World God Venerable, it is difficult to see, how can it appear at this Great Desolate Tianjiao meeting?"

"But...you only need to be on the list of the Great Desolate Heavenly Pride, you can participate in the Great Desolate Divine King's Divine King Banquet, and then you can see the great desolate Divine King's style."

Venerable Haoyue shook his head, and immediately introduced Jiang Chen and the others: "This old man is Venerable Tianyang, the first elder of the Great Divine Sect, and possesses the cultivation base of a middle-grade god."

"Middle Grade World God?"

Jiang Chen moved in his heart and couldn't help but raise his head and look at Venerable Haoyue.

Jiang Chen didn't know much about the division of the cultivation base of the Venerable World God, and now it is the first time he has heard of the Middle Grade World God!

"The division of the realm gods is almost the same as the true **** realm. They are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade realms."

"In the Great Desolate Realm, most of the realm gods have their cultivation bases staying in the lower-rank realm gods, and very few can reach the middle-rank realm gods."

"Venerable Tianyang, as a middle-ranking realm god, is one of the few powerhouses in the entire Great Wilderness realm."

Speaking of this, Venerable Haoyue couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Jiang Chen said with a look of astonishment: "So, isn't it very difficult for the low-grade realm gods to break through the middle-grade realm gods?"

"It's more than difficult!"

Venerable Haoyue smiled bitterly: "Venerable Realm God's power in cultivating realm gods, if there is no reason, it will be difficult for thousands of years to improve much. The promotion of lower-grade realm gods to middle-grade realm gods is far more than the breakthrough of realm gods It's difficult."

Venerable Haoyue had broken through the Venerable Realm God for more than three million years, but he had always stayed in the realm of the lower-grade Realm God.

It can be said.

If there is no great opportunity, I am afraid that in this life, he may not be able to step into the realm of the middle-grade realm god.

"The Great Wilderness Tianjiao will begin now!"

Just as the two were talking, Venerable Tianyang's simple words, like thunder, exploded over the valley.

Following the words of Venerable Tianyang fell.

The valley below suddenly trembled, a mysterious force surged, and finally turned into a space formation of hundreds of meters in size.

In the space formation, an ancient aura also instantly permeated the valley.

Through the spatial formation, we can vaguely see that there is a magnificent new world inside!

"The world that this space formation leads to is the secret realm created by the Great Desolate God King himself for the Great Wild Tianjiao Association. The first part of each Great Wild Tianjiao meeting is held in this secret realm."

Venerable Haoyue looked at the space formation and introduced Jiang Chen and the others in a low voice.

"The Great Wilderness Tianjiao will have two links, and now we will start the first link..."

In the void, Venerable Tianyang didn't waste time either, and he intuitively began to announce the rules of the first ring of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society.

The rules of the first ring of the Great Huang Tianjiao Club are actually divided into simple ones.

All young talents who have won the quota will enter this secret space in front of them.

After entering the secret space, everyone's Great Desolation Order will condense a mark of Tianjiao.

The main rule of the game is to fight for the mark of Tianjiao.

Once there are 36 remaining people with the mark of Tianjiao, the first session will be over!

Hearing the rules of the first link, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shudder.

On the Dahuang Tianjiao list, only 36 Tianjiao were ranked in one.

In other words.

Those who can finally win in the first link will be 100% on the list of the great arrogance.

Hundreds of top talents compete for 36 places. This competition will undoubtedly be very cruel!


Just when Jiang Chen's thoughts were flashing, in the great deserted temple in the void, a domineering man covered in thunder and lightning, with an aura that overwhelmed the world, exploded against the space formation below. go with.

at the same time.

The arrogant and dry laughter of the overbearing man also resounded in an instant.

"Haha... The Thousand Years of Great Desolation Tianjiao will finally start. This time the Great Desolation Tianjiao will be the top of the list, it is my Huang Jinglei!"

Desolate thunder!

The first genius of the Great Desolate God Sect in a thousand years, successfully challenged the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao list three hundred years ago, the owner of the Thunder Dao attribute divine body!

It is said that this guy has broken the limit of the gods and entered the super-grade gods. He is the top popular figure in this time!

Jiang Chen looked at the first Huang Jinglei that rushed into the space formation, and his eyes also shot a sharp light.

With the Huang Jinglei appearance.

The countless young geniuses in the valley all rushed towards the space formation.

"You guys also go in quickly."

Venerable Haoyue handed the four Great Wilderness Orders to Jiang Chen and the four, with serious expressions: "The Great Wilderness Tianjiao Association does not prohibit entry. There are many geniuses falling into it every time. You must be careful."

Jiang Chen and the four of them did not hesitate in the result of the great famine order, and instinctively moved towards the space formation below.


Jiang Chen entered the spatial formation, a mysterious power instantly enveloped Jiang Chen's whole body.


Jiang Chen seemed to be able to feel that this power seemed to be detecting Jiang Chen's bone age.

He even saw the word one thousand and two appear on the head of the person next to him, and as a result, the whole person was shot out by the formation.

The age of Dahuang Tianjiao will be no more than one thousand years old.

This guy was obviously just over a thousand years old and wanted to fish in troubled waters, but was kicked out by the formation.


Jiang Chen quickly passed the age check, and a mysterious light suddenly condensed in front of him, and then turned into a white five-pointed star, printed on the Great Wilderness Order in his hand.

next moment.

Jiang Chen's figure was wrapped in the splendid spatial energy and disappeared into the spatial formation out of thin air.

After a while.

Jiang Chen's figure, intuition appeared in an ancient dragon mountain range, the vicissitudes of primitive mottled aura, also instantly puffed his nose.

"Is this the battlefield of the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society?"

Jiang Chen looked up and looked around. This was a mysterious world with extremely strong energy from the heavens and the earth. Even if it was compared with the ancient sacred dragon relics that Jiang Chen entered, it is estimated to be inferior.

"It deserves to be the secret world created by the **** king, it is really very ordinary."

Jiang Chen exclaimed in his heart, and then he couldn't help but set his gaze on the Great Wilderness Order in his hand.

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