A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1885: Defeat the enemy with one move

Divine body vision golden sword phantom!

Ever since Jiang Chen broke through the true **** realm, the divine body vision has always been one of Jiang Chen's most powerful cards.

Faced with Liu Kuang, the arrogant arrogant swordsman, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest politeness, and directly condensed the divine body vision.


Under Jiang Chen's control, the Golden Sword Phantom smashed into Liu Kuang's Xeon like a force smashing Huashan.

that moment.

The sky and the earth are dim, the sun and the moon are dull.

A terrible storm of destruction swept across the valley, and the space that passed by was instantly annihilated into nothingness.

Even the silver-robed young man who was watching the battle was forced by the destruction storm to withdraw from a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

"How could this kid's strength be so strong?"

He looked up at the space in front of him that was shrouded in a storm of destruction, and his expression also looked shocked.

To know.

Senior Brother Liu Kuang is the second-ranked young genius among their generation of young geniuses who dominate the swordsman.

With his strength, even if he couldn't rank in the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, he would not have any problems entering the top twenty.

But the Hanyue Palace disciple on the opposite side was actually on a par with Senior Brother Liu Kuang!

The silver-robed youth originally thought.

With his strength, it should be more than enough to enter the Great Desolate Tianjiao list this time.

But now a disciple of the Cold Moon Palace randomly popped out, unexpectedly has such a terrifying strength.

The silver-robed youth didn't know what to say at this moment.

If this time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will be all evildoers like Jiang Chen, then he is still playing a fart.


Just when the Yinpao youth was frightened, a loud noise suddenly rang from the sky.

Immediately after...

A golden figure suddenly flew out of the space enveloped by the destruction storm.

This figure flying out is his senior brother Liu Kuang!

Seeing Liu Kuang stepped back more than ten steps in the void, his face also showed a pale look.

His eyes were locked tightly on a spot in front of him.

There, a figure standing proudly, slowly walked out of the storm of destruction.

"Do you want to continue?"

Jiang Chen walked out of the devastating storm, looking at Liu Kuang calmly, his faint voice resounding through the world.

"Your Excellency is strong, Liu is ashamed, take the imprint of Tianjiao."

Liu Kuang shook his head, immediately waved his palm, and threw the imprint of Tianjiao on his great famine order to Jiang Chen.


He turned to the Yinpao youth and said, "Give him the imprint of Tianjiao, and let's go."

The silver-robed youth suddenly looked incredulous and authentic: "Brother..."


Liu Kuang didn't wait for the silver-robed youth to finish speaking, he already swept away from the valley.

When the silver-robed youth saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

He had to gritted his teeth, handed over his mark of Tianjiao, and left with Liu Kuang without a word.

"Brother, are we really leaving like this?"

Leaving the valley, the silver-robed youth looked at Liu Kuang in front of him, and his face also showed an extremely unwilling look.

Although Jiang Chen from Hanyue Palace was very strong, he was at best slightly better than Liu Kuang.

If their brothers join forces, they may not be qualified for a battle!

To know.

In all likelihood, Jiang Chen has obtained the many treasures of the Purple Armor Bear Lair and the Bailing Xuanfeng secret.

The silver-robed youth really couldn't understand.

With Liu Kuang's temperament, in the face of Bailing Xuanfeng's temptation, he would actually choose to back down, and he also took the initiative to hand over the mark of Tianjiao on his body!


Liu Kuang in front did not answer the silver-robed youth at all.

He trembled in vain, and a mouthful of blood squirted out wildly.

Upon seeing this, the silver-robed youth suddenly changed his expression: "Brother, are you injured?"

Liu Kuang wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and looked at the silver-robed youth coldly and said: "That Jiang Chen is very strong, and he definitely has the strength to rank in the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao. If you want to find your own way, I will not stop you. you!"

In the fight with Jiang Chen just now, it seemed that he was only slightly at a disadvantage.

But only Liu Kuang knew how miserable he was.

Jiang Chen's blow almost caused severe damage to his internal organs. He just suppressed the injuries in his body by force.

not to mention……

Liu Kuang even vaguely felt that Jiang Chen hadn't used all his strength yet.

If he continues to fight, he will definitely die!


Liu Kuang chose to hand over the Mark of Tianjiao without hesitation.

This link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao will not eliminate anyone.

Having lost the mark of Tianjiao, as long as they get a mark of Tianjiao and come back as soon as possible, they still have a chance to be ranked among the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

Although Liu Kuang is naturally arrogant, he also knows how to judge the situation.

No matter what, you must save your life first.

"Brother, how do I feel that this Great Desolate Tianjiao Conference is very unusual."

The silver-robed youth suddenly couldn't help but smile wryly.

This casually popped out a disciple of the Cold Moon Palace, who actually had the strength to rank among the top ten of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, shouldn't it be so exaggerated?

"This year of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Conference, there are indeed many geniuses."

Liu Kuang's face solemnly said: "Not long ago, I met a disciple of the Glacier Sect who possessed the Ice Dao Divine Body, and his strength was not much inferior to me, so I have to act more carefully in the future.

This time the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting, the strength of the participating disciples was generally higher by a level.

If they were not careful, they would really have to capsize in the gutter.


Jiang Chen merged Liu Kuang's Mark of Tianjiao, and the brilliance of Mark of Tianjiao skyrocketed again.


Jiang Chen didn't stay too much in the valley, and continued to explore this world, looking for the next goal.

Go all the way east.

While looking for the treasures of heaven and earth, Jiang Chen looked for targets to plunder the marks of Tianjiao, and even took out a bite of Bailing Xuanfeng secretly from time to time.

"Ding! You took a bite of Bailingxuan honey, and the power of kendo gained 2000000*100 experience!"

"Ding! You took a bite of Bailingxuan honey, and the power of the fire way gained 2000000*100 experience!"


Hearing the continuous system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen also had to feel the power of this Bailingxuan honey.

With every sip of Bailingxuan honey, the power of the seven worlds he mastered would be greatly improved.

Because Jiang Chen's cultivation time was too short, almost none of the seven powers he mastered reached the perfect state.

His cultivation is able to overwhelm opponents of the same realm, relying on the incomparably powerful Divine King technique.

If you encounter a genius who cultivates God King's exercises, I am afraid it will not be so easy to deal with.

Now with Bailingxuan honey, even if he can't make his seven powers complete, he will definitely reach a whole new level!

The only thing Jiang Chen regrets is.

This Bailingxuan honey seems to have no effect on the understanding of the origin of martial arts.


I am afraid that he can quickly complete the origin of time and become a god-level **** who masters the power of the eight realms!

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