A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1886: One is more brutal than the other

Jiang Chen just tasted Bailingxuan honey while exploring.

And the power of the seven worlds he mastered was also increasing at a terrifying speed.

"Ding! You took a bite of Bailingxuan honey and gained 2000000*100 experience for the power of kendo!"

"Ding! You took a bite of Bailingxuan honey and gained 2000000*100 experience with the power of Fire Dao!"



Half a day passed in a flash.

Within half a day, Jiang Chen almost ate half a bottle of Bailingxuan honey.

His kendo power directly reached the peak realm in one fell swoop, only one step away from completion.

The power of the other six realms also reached the realm of great achievement.

"Tsk tusk...this Bailingxuan honey is really a good thing!"

Feeling the improvement of his various powers, Jiang Chen's heart was also shocking.

A half bottle of Bailingxuan honey is probably worth the penance of most of the heavenly gods for hundreds or even thousands of years.

It is a pity that Bailingxuan honey is limited in quantity.

If you come to such a bottle, relying on the system's one-hundredfold increase, his seven powers will probably reach the perfect state!


Even so, he now suppresses his cultivation in the same realm, and even if he does not rely on the addition of the Divine King's technique, his world power will not be inferior to most geniuses in the Great Wilderness.

after all.

The talents of these geniuses in the Great Wilderness Realm are only one in a million.

They can reach the fifth stage and even the sixth stage of the Celestial God in just a few hundred years, and they are not stepping up to the first step and the first step.

It can be said.

Most geniuses are almost the same as Jiang Chen, and they have been a number of fellow practitioners from the beginning.

There are even some top geniuses who directly step into the third and even fourth-order devas as soon as they break through the Celestial Realm!


These peerless arrogances, not every power of Dao has cultivated the realm of complete Dao.

For example, Liu Kuang, who had previously ruled the sword gate, only cultivated his best sword way to the perfect state.

As for the power of the other five realms, most of them are still in the realm of Dacheng.

After shook his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it, his divine consciousness continued to explore around.

The mystery created by the Great Desolate King was vast and boundless.

In this half a day, apart from encountering a genius from another sect, Jiang Chen plundered a mark of Tianjiao, and never saw other figures.

Two hours have passed.

Night began to fall.

Although Jiang Chen possessed the strength of a super-grade god, he didn't plan to move at night in this strange relic.

Just when he was about to find a place to rest for a night, his spiritual consciousness had discovered.

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he couldn't help but flashed out in a certain direction on the right...

at the same time.

A few hundred miles away from Jiang Chen, under a huge old tree, there is a tree hole.

A strong man with a faint golden light was meditating to heal his injuries.

"The woman in the Cold Moon Palace is also too terrifying, I am afraid that at least she has the strength of the top 30 in the Tianjiao list, or even higher."

The strong man opened his eyes and recalled the scenes just now, but he couldn't help feeling lingering.

Had it not been for the sudden appearance of the two great geniuses of the Ghost Sect, he would have to explain.

At any rate, he was also one of the last great wild arrogances.

Although it was only ranked last, it was already very impressive to be able to be on the list of the Great Desolation Tianjiao before this Great Desolation Tianjiao Conference was held.

He thought.

With his own strength, it is not a problem to advance to ten or eight in the ranking of the Great Desolation Tianjiao this time.

Who knew that on the first day, he was hit hard by an unknown person and lost his face.

"I don't know how the two Ghost Soul Sect geniuses are fighting with the woman in the Cold Moon Palace. That place should be a treasure land. Should I go back and hide in the dark to see if I can get something cheaper?"

The strong man's eyes flickered slightly.

But at this moment, he suddenly sensed a breath quickly approaching him.

"Huh? Someone is coming!"

The strong man's complexion changed, and his figure was about to flash out of the tree hole.


Just as he was about to move, a turbulent group of golden fistlights had already arrived.


The towering old tree, which was ten feet in size, instantly turned into countless debris, leaving a huge pit in place.

"Boy, you dare to attack me when you step into Ma?"

The strong man retreated hundreds of meters away in embarrassment. He stared at the black-clothed youth with sorrow, his whole person instantly becoming murderous.

The black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared was naturally Jiang Chen.

Standing with his hands behind, he looked at the strong man and said lightly: "If you don't want to die, just hand over the imprint of Tianjiao."

"Boy, what are you, dare to let Lao Tzu hand over the imprint of Tianjiao?"

The strong man suddenly became furious.

He was beaten up by an unknown woman not long ago, and now the brat boy in front of him actually asked him to hand over the imprint of Tianjiao!

Do these people still regard him as a soft persimmon that anyone can knead?

Jiang Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense either, his strength erupted from his fist, and he directly blasted the strong man with a sharp punch.

A simple punch, but it contained an incomparably overbearing power, and directed at the heart of the strong man, making him feel inexplicably cold.

"not good!"

The pupils of the strong man shrank, his whole body skyrocketed, and his whole body was instantly elevated.

He suddenly clenched his fists, directly bringing up a domineering force of Shattered World, and banging against Jiang Chen!


Jiang Chen's seemingly simple punch was unstoppable.

The strong man trembled all over, his whole body fell apart, his body flew upside down and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Wait, I...I am willing to hand over the mark of Tianjiao!"

The strong man was full of souls in his heart, he quickly got up from the ground in embarrassment, and shouted at Jiang Chen in horror.

After receiving the imprint of Tianjiao, Jiang Chen ignored the strong man and started looking for the next target.

"Does this still have to live."

Looking at Jiang Chen's leaving back, the strong man felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Not long ago.

The woman named Yue Wushuang in Hanyue Palace almost crippled him. Now this unknown young man can't even take the other party's trick.

How can the contestants of this year's Great Desolation Tianjiao Association be more brutal than each.


Before the opening of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, the strong man felt that he could move forward on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

But now the strong man has no confidence in himself at all.

If the contestants in this year's Great Desolation Tianjiao list are all such perverts, he still sucks.

"No, this world is too cruel. I have to rush to grab a mark of Tianjiao, and then find a place to hide, hoping that I won't be put off the list of Tianjiao!

As the strong man said, he quickly disappeared into the silent forest...

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