A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1887: Yingyue Divine Body Yue Wushuang

Night fell gradually.

A round moon hangs high in the sky, and the moonlight falls on the earth, rendering the entire secret space a faint silver layer.

Under the moon-shrouded night, a valley filled with cold air.

The three figures interlaced back and forth in the void, a terrifying energy storm swept across the world, and the sound of shocking collisions was endless.

One of the women is dressed in white, her skin is as gelatinous, and her body is full of bright moonlight.


With a light wave of her jade-like palm, the bright moonlight divine light directly turned into a bright moon to suppress the Quartet.

This peerless woman is no one else, she is Yue Wushuang of Hanyue Palace.

On the opposite side of Yue Wushuang, there were two black figures in the strange black mist.

These two people are the first heavenly arrogant You Si Ming of the Ghost Sect and his junior brother, Soul Sea!

The two of them looked at the bright moon that was suppressing them, and the black mist exploded in an instant, and then turned into a trembling giant palm, and patted the bright moon in front of them.


Two giant palms of nothingness collided with the bright moon, igniting a vast and incomparable light, still in all directions.

"Brother, how can the strength of this woman in Hanyue Palace be so strong?"

Soul Sea stepped back into the void, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

The geniuses of Hanyue Palace who participated in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party had all been met.

Originally they thought.

Except for the existence of the palace mausoleum who was on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, only the other black-clothed youth was worthy of their attention.

I didn't expect it.

This Yue Wushuang, whom they hadn't put in their eyes at all, actually had such a powerful strength.

He, the genius of the Ghost Soul Sect at the peak of the fifth-order god, plus You Si Ming, who was ranked 27th in the Great Desolate Tianjiao, could not win Yue Wushuang in half an hour.

"This woman has a weird physique. Don't delay it, you must fight quickly!"

Yu Si Ming's eyes looked extremely gloomy.

As a genius with a cultivation base reaching the sixth rank of the gods, and being extremely good at Soul Dao, You Si Ming naturally felt Yue Wushuang's weirdness.

When they first came here.

Yue Wushuang's displayed strength was almost the same as that of Soul Sea.

But as night fell, the moonlight in the sky became more and more prosperous, and Yue Wushuang's combat power became stronger and stronger.


This woman can even deal with them both on her own!

If you continue to procrastinate, maybe something will happen.

He was ranked twenty-sixth in the last Great Desolate Tianjiao list. If he couldn't deal with the unknown person like Yue Wushuang, wouldn't it be a joke to spread it out?

I saw You Siming's body soaring into the sky, and finally turned into a black Baizhang ancient beast phantom behind him.

This ancient beast phantom was extremely black.

As long as ordinary people take a glance, they seem to have a feeling of soul being swallowed.

And just when You Si Ming broke out with all his strength.

Above a void outside the valley, Jiang Chen, who was attracted by the movement of this place, also showed unconcealed shock in his eyes.

Although Yue Wushuang has always been very mysterious in Hanyue Palace.

But Jiang Chen still didn't expect Yue Wushuang's strength to be so strong.

In the face of the two Ghost Sect geniuses, one of whom was even better than the absolute genius of the Ghost Sect ranked 26th in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, Yue Wushuang showed no signs of defeat.

Even Jiang Chen vaguely felt that Yue Wushuang's combat power was gradually increasing!

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while.

It is said that the palace tomb is the first arrogant of Hanyue Palace, but Yue Wushuang's displayed combat power, compared to the palace tomb that has broken through the sixth-order of the gods, is probably even better!

What shocked Jiang Chen even more was.

Yue Wushuang's cultivation base is only at the fifth rank of the gods!

With such a powerful combat power erupting from the fifth-tier cultivation base of the Celestial God, even if he was at the fifth-tier Celestial God, it would be difficult to easily defeat Yue Wushuang.

Jiang Chen stared at Yue Wushuang in shock.


Jiang Chen finally discovered Yue Wushuang's strangeness.

I saw the moonlight falling from the sky, when it touched Yue Wushuang's body, it was absorbed by Yue Wushuang at a strange speed!

Yue Wushuang also became stronger and stronger just because of absorbing the essence of the moon!

"This physique... is it the legendary Yingyue Divine Body?"

Jiang Chen saw this scene, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The Yingyue Divine Body, like the Attribute Divine Body, is a natural-born divine body chosen from a thousand in the God's Domain.


The Yingyue Divine Body is more mysterious and rare than the attribute Divine Body.

It is said that Yingyue Divine Body can not only absorb the essence of the moon for cultivation, but also can continuously absorb the power of the moon to double its combat power by fighting in a place with moonlight.

Yue Wushuang's current situation is almost the same as Yingyue's divine body.


Just when Jiang Chen was frightened, the coercion contained in the ancient beast phantom condensed behind You Si Ming became more and more palpitating.

Jiang Chen's eyes constricted slightly.

Na You Siming had obviously also noticed the abnormality of Yue Wushuang's physique, and was not prepared to give Yue Wushuang any time to delay.

However, Yue Wushuang's cultivation base was still at the fifth rank of the Heavenly God after all.

Even after absorbing some of the essence of the month, the combat power has increased a lot, I am afraid it is still difficult to stop the full eruption of Yousi.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, and headed straight into the valley.

In the valley.

The soul coercion of the ancient beast phantom behind You Si Ming has also become stronger and stronger, and Yue Wushuang's beautiful face has gradually become more solemn.

"Yue Wushuang, even though you have a weird physique, you want to use this to compete with me, but you are still a bit close."

You Si Ming's eyes were sharp, slightly disdainful.

Yue Wushuang's cold beautiful eyes flashed, and a detached and powerful aura faintly revealed from her body.

On his forehead, a half-moon-shaped moonlight mark was gradually paid out.


Just when she was about to work hard, she suddenly sensed something, and the moonlight mark on her forehead disappeared instantly.

She raised her head slightly and looked in the direction of Taniguchi.

There, a figure that made her very familiar was walking towards them.

Immediately after.

A faint sneer was also slowly resounding over the valley.

"You Siming, I don't want to trouble you Ghost Sect. I didn't expect you to dare to do something with the people in my Cold Moon Palace. I think you are impatient with your life."

You Si Ming looked at Jiang Chen who was walking in the air, his eyes condensed suddenly.

"Boy, it turned out to be you!"

You Siming stared at Jiang Chen with a sneer: "I was about to find you, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door. If this is the case, then I and you will settle the bill between us!"

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