A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1907: Strange stars from the seal

"The super-grade **** who broke the limit, no wonder you have the guts to block the deity!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen had cut through the dead zone with a sword, the shadows and black eyes were watching Jiang Chen tightly, and his tone was unusually cold.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but the gaze looking at You Ying was a little more solemn.

This guy called You Ying must be a powerful existence at the same level as Venerable Cang Ming.

Although it turned into a dead spirit now, it was far less than the peak period in his lifetime, but he also possessed a complete consciousness and memory, and his strength was probably stronger than the average lower realm god.

Even Jiang Chen had to be cautious.


"What about the super-grade gods, it's not that the deity never killed him."

"No matter who you are, you will only die if you dare to stop the deity from saving the temple master and reviving the Cangyou Temple!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't speak, You Ying let out a cold snort, his body surging with death black energy, and then quickly split into two in the void, and two into four...

Just blink of an eye.

The shadows had turned into eight identical black ghosts occupying all directions, besieging Jiang Chen in the center.

These eight ghosts were all carrying the monstrous death black aura, and at the same time they killed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's complexion changed, and he directly activated the Seven Star Heaven Sword Art, seven different forms of star sword aura, almost at the same time cut out towards the seven black ghosts.

And the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword in his hand brought up a seven-color sword light, and the sword smashed into the last black ghost!

Bang bang bang...

As the two met, a terrifying storm of destruction instantly swept across the sky centered on the two.

If Jiang Chen hadn't deliberately opened the battlefield by hundreds of miles before, I am afraid that Mo Jinglei, who is strengthening the seal, would be affected by the storm of destruction at this moment.


Under the impact of the destruction storm, Jiang Chen also stepped back more than ten steps in the void.

He looked up at Venerable You Ying on the opposite side, behind which was a golden sword shadow that condensed quickly.

"Divine body vision, golden sword phantom!"

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, and directly displayed the divine body vision.

The situation is very unfavorable for them now.

Profound Soul is not the opponent of that Cang Ming Venerable, I am afraid he will soon be defeated.

Once the profound soul was defeated, Jiang Chen could hardly cope with two such powerful world god-level undead.

not to mention……

Since these undead creatures were arranged by God King Cangyou, they would definitely not be second to them.

If the delay is too long, more undead creatures will come here, and he must make a quick decision!

Under Jiang Chen's full urging, the golden sword's phantom light shines brightly, and on the sky-reaching sword body, grass, trees, mountains and rivers appear on one side, the sun, moon and stars appear on the other side, and it even gradually has a feeling of condensing into a solid body.

With Jiang Chen breaking through the Super Grade Celestial God, the divine body vision has clearly entered a whole new level, and its power is not the same.


Jiang Chen controlled the divine body vision, like an ancient **** splitting the heavens and the earth, with a sword facing Venerable Shadow.

"Death barrier!"

Venerable You Ying looked at Jiang Chen's slashing vision of the divine body, and his death black energy surged crazily, turning into a dark death barrier, shrouded in a space of hundreds of meters.


The golden sword phantom fell on the death barrier, causing the black energy on the death barrier to quickly dissipate.

After a while.

I saw the entire death enchantment trembled suddenly, and then it burst open under the power of the Golden Sword Phantom.

that moment.

The heavens and the earth have faded, the sun and the moon have no light, and the void in a radius of hundreds of miles is turned into chaos.

I saw the figure of Venerable You Ying, also under Jiang Chen's sword, and withdrew from a distance of hundreds of meters in embarrassment, and even the black death aura around his body became much dim.

"Damn it, if I wasn't controlled by my body, how could I allow a super-grade **** to be rampant in front of me?"

Venerable You Ying was frightened in his heart.

He is the God King Cangyou using special methods to regenerate him in the undead situation.

Although at this moment he already possesses power comparable to that of the lower realm gods, this undead body does not have the world power of the realm gods at all, nor can he use the many magical powers he had in his lifetime.

Even if it was just a super-grade god, he could now be suppressed to the death.

"This is troublesome, and I don't know how long Mo Jinglei will take..."

Jiang Chen looked at Venerable You Ying in front of him, his eyes became more solemn.

The strength of this Venerable Shadow Shadow is very strong, even if he makes a full shot, it is not easy to kill him in a short time.

And the profound soul on the side was almost unable to hold up under the offensive of Venerable Cang Ming.

Not to mention that there may be undead creatures coming in a while.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and was about to urge the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram to kill Venerable Shadow Shadow with all his strength, but a sudden violent energy fluctuation came from behind him.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help looking back suddenly.

I saw that Mo Jinglei, who had been sitting cross-legged in the void, had already stood up for some time.

In front of him, one after another incomparable handprints converged into a huge incomparable seal.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen was also slightly relieved.

Mo Jinglei, is this guy finally going to complete the reinforcement of the seal?

"You Ying, stop him quickly, and can't let him complete the seal!"

With a roar, Venerable Cang Ming directly abandoned the profound soul that he had beaten and fled in embarrassment, and blasted towards Mo Jinglei.

Venerable You Ying also turned into a black shadow, instantly disappearing in front of Jiang Chen.

"Mo Jinglei, be careful!"

Jiang Chen's expression suddenly changed, and the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art instantly turned into a giant sword of stars that overwhelmed the heavens and the earth. A sword blocked the heavens and the earth, blocking the two people's approach to Mo Jinglei.

"Don't worry about that kid, just attack the seal."

Venerable Cang Ming gritted his teeth, directly brought the monstrous power of death, and blasted towards the sealed space ahead!

"go with!"

Mo Jinglei stood proudly in the void, with long hair flying, his hands also controlling the huge seal, pointing out the seal space in front of him.

call out!

The huge sealed ground flew out, and when it was about to merge into the sealed space in front, there was a sudden violent tremor in the sealed space.


A weird golden glow, accompanied by a harsh sound, violently penetrated the sealed space.

The golden light soared into the sky, shot into the void of thousands of miles, and finally burst with a bang, turning into thousands of golden stars, falling in all directions like a meteor.

Before Jiang Chen could recover from the sudden change in front of him, a golden star burst ghostly from the void.

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and quickly shot the golden star with a palm.


The golden starlight penetrated Jiang Chen's palm without hindrance, and blended into his body!

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