A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999

Chapter 1908: Unbreakable Tiangong comes out

The golden star light submerged into Jiang Chen's body, and a large amount of information also poured into Jiang Chen's mind instantly.

"This...this turned out to be an immortal skill!"

When Jiang Chen received the content of these messages, an incredible horror finally appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen never expected it anyway.

The golden star light that suddenly fell into his mind, the content inside turned out to be the immortal heavenly skill cultivated by the Cangyou God King!

At the beginning, God King Cangyou used this technique to achieve an immortal and immortal body, making the Great Wild God King helpless and could only seal it here.

Not only that.

As a result, the Cangyou Divine King broke the life limit of the power of the Divine King Realm and has survived to the present.


God King Cangyou, the immortal and indestructible cultivation technique against the sky, came out suddenly!

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but breathe in his heart.

The Immortal Heavenly Art cultivated by God King Cangyou is definitely one of the most heaven-defying methods in the world.

Now God King Cangyou spread the immortal power in this way.

To know.

The golden light that broke the seal just now exploded into thousands of golden stars in the void.

If Jiang Chen's guess is correct, every golden star light that descends, there is most likely an immortal heavenly power!


These golden stars will take the initiative to find their hosts.

In other words.

Now that there are so many Great Desolate Realm Tianjiao in the Cangyou Realm, I am afraid that many people have already obtained the Immortal Heavenly Art!

Such a god-defying technique that can make people immortal and immortal can definitely make countless Tianjiao of the Great Wilderness who have obtained immortality go crazy.

God King Cangyou's move obviously wanted the many Tianjiao of the Great Desolation Realm to cultivate his immortal heavenly power.


Although Jiang Chen didn't know what God King Cangyou wanted to do, there was definitely a huge conspiracy hidden in it!

No matter how defying the heavenly power of this immortality is, it is absolutely not allowed!


Once you practice this immortal power, the consequences may be unimaginable!

And when Jiang Chen was shocked by the sudden change, Venerable Cang Ming was also taken aback by the Li Xiao that came out of the seal.

"You Ying, the Lord has an order, let's go!"

Venerable Cang Ming returned to his senses and couldn't help but snorted to Venerable You Ying.


They also stopped paying attention to Jiang Chen and Mo Jinglei, and directly turned into a cloud of black energy, and quickly disappeared into this space.


As the two Venerable Undead left, Mo Jinglei's sealed handprints quickly merged into the sealed space in front of him, making the originally trembling sealed space completely calm.

"Finally, there is no danger, and the reinforcement of the seal has been successfully completed."

Mo Jinglei looked at this scene, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.


Thinking of the immortal power that had just appeared in his mind, Mo Jinglei's face became extremely difficult to look at again.

Although he successfully completed the seal this time,

He couldn't help but suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, and said solemnly: "Friend, I don't know what message you seem to have just received?"

"Yes, the content is the immortal heavenly skill cultivated by God King Cangyou."

Jiang Chen nodded, and slowly said: "If I guess right, all the Great Desolate Realm Tianjiao in the secret world should have obtained the cultivation method of Immortal Heavenly Art."

When Mo Jinglei heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Great Desolate Divine Sect defeated the Cangyou Divine Hall that year and caused the Cangyou Realm to disappear from the Great Desolate Heaven. The Cangyou Divine King would never have any good impressions of the people in the Great Desolate Realm.

Not to destroy the heavenly power, it is a rare and supreme power in the world.

Anyone who has obtained this technique will probably not easily spread it out.


The God King Cangyou not only broadcasted the Immortal Heavenly Art, but also passed it on to all the Tianjiao of Great Wilderness who entered this place in batches.

Mo Jinglei could think of it with his toes, there must be a conspiracy in it.


Because they know the origin of this immortal heavenly power, they naturally understand that this immortal heavenly power cannot be practiced.

But the rest of the Great Desolate Realm Tianjiao didn't know.

Those Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness world suddenly received such a heaven-defying technique, I am afraid that few people can resist the temptation to give up cultivation.

If the hundreds of Tianjiao disciples of the Great Desolate Realm’s generation had all cultivated the Cangyou God King’s Immortal Heavenly Art, in the end they were all controlled by the Cangyou God King, causing hundreds of immortal Heavenly Art to emerge from the Great Wilderness Realm. enemy.

Just thinking about it, Mo Jinglei couldn't help but numb his scalp.

Originally, before that, Mo Jinglei thought that Cangyou Realm's powerful Cangyou Temple rebirth in the form of undead were the game of the Cangyou God King.

Now it seems.

Propagating the Immortal Heavenly Art, I am afraid that it is the true back of God King Cangyou.

"No, I have to find a way to end the first ring quickly."

Mo Jinglei's eyes flickered slightly.

The immortality of God King Cangyou came out in this way, which is of great importance.

If it is a little careless, it can even affect the safety of the Great Desolate Divine Sect.

He must spread the news as soon as possible to let the senior officials of the Great Desolate Divine Sect know about it.

"My friend, thank you for helping me with today's matter. Momou still has important things to deal with, so don't let it go. When the Great Desolation Tianjiao will end, Momou will sincerely thank you."

Mo Jinglei hugged Jiang Chen and disappeared in front of Jiang Chen directly into a stream of light.

"This Cangyou Divine King is really a good method."

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Jinglei's leaving back, and could not help but let out a low whisper.

Immortal Heavenly Kungfu is a rare defying Heavenly Kungfu technique in the world. If you practice to the extreme, you can immortalize.

Such a technique is a fatal temptation for any practitioner.

Now the top Tianjiao of many forces in the Great Desolate Realm has all obtained the immortal skill, even the Great Desolate Divine Sect, I am afraid it is impossible to prohibit everyone from practicing.

Jiang Chen had a hunch.

If someone succeeds in cultivating the Immortal Art, it will surely bring a huge disaster to the Great Wilderness!

"Master, it's actually not just you. Those of us who exist in the Cangyou Realm also have the cultivation technique of Immortal Heavenly Art in our minds."

At this moment, Xuanhun suddenly walked to Jiang Chen's side, speaking in a surprisingly authentic voice.


Jiang Chen's mind was suddenly shaken.

He looked at the profound soul with an unbelievable expression: "This immortal heavenly power, can't you undead also cultivate?"

Xuanhun nodded and said, "Yes, this immortal heavenly skill is very peculiar. It seems that any form of creature in the world can cultivate."

"Xuanhun, you have heard clearly for me, absolutely can't practice the Immortal Heavenly Art. Once you dare to practice the Immortal Heavenly Art, I will kill you mercilessly!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

The Cangyou God King who was sealed was definitely using his immortal power to make the next great chess game.

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