The old man was very happy.

Seeing Shi Jin again, Lu Cheng was also a little emotional. Thinking back to when he first entered the recruit company, the first person he met was this squad leader Shi.

Now, two or three years have passed in a flash. Lu Cheng has changed from an ordinary recruit to a special forces soldier, and he has already experienced actual combat and killed people.

Shi Jin was also a little excited to see Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi again.

Originally, Shi Jin worked in the army for 9 years and became a third-level sergeant, but he was still just a squad leader. After coming to the division reconnaissance battalion, Shi Jin became a platoon leader and better demonstrated his ability to supervise and lead soldiers.

A good grassroots officer can play its role wherever he is placed.

Now, in the entire division reconnaissance battalion, the platoon led by Shi Jin is the best.

"Squad Leader Shi has become Platoon Leader Shi, and the style is different."

"Wu Liuyi, what are you kidding? What style do I have? Is it as big as you two old A's style?"

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "Aren't we two soldiers brought up by you?"

Just as the three of them were talking and laughing, Gao Cheng also came back from outside: "Hehe, aren't these two dead old A's? You still know to come back to see. How is it over there? Do you want to come back?"

"It's pretty good over there, I don't want to come back for the time being."

"I knew that you two would not be able to come back once you go. How come you suddenly have time to come back this time?"

"It's nothing, I haven't seen you all for half a year, and I specially asked for leave to come back to see you "

"It's good to take a look. By the way, we have also changed to 95 and use the same weapons as you. Show us your skills when you have time, so that we can also see your level."

"Of course no problem. Company commander, what's the matter with the scar on your face?"

"During the previous training, the long-range guidance was too close and a small stone bit it. If you want to be accurate to the meter, you have to pay a price. How about it? Cool or not?"

"Do you want me to give you some scar removal cream or something?"

"No, I'm not a little girl."

"Really not?"

"Really not."

When old comrades meet, they can't help but have a good meal and chat.

Gan Xiaoning and Ma Xiaoshuai are now in the division reconnaissance battalion and have become soldiers under Gao Cheng. They also get together to chat and talk.

Talking about giving up the selection because of hunger, Gan Xiaoning still has some regrets. But after listening to Wu Liuyi's brief talk about the physical training subjects of Battalion A, Gan Xiaoning's regrets also disappeared.

After staying in the old unit for two or three days, Lu Cheng and Wu Liuyi hurried back to the base of Battalion A and continued to repeat the daily training to improve their personal physical fitness and military quality.

It is worth mentioning that at Lu Cheng's suggestion, the captain of Battalion A applied to his superiors for a batch of funding and established a convalescent rehabilitation center in the battalion to regularly check the body of each member of Battalion A and treat their hidden injuries in time.

It takes a lot of time and resources to train a qualified special forces soldier. If an old special forces soldier can maintain sufficient physical fitness, it can greatly extend his combat career, which is equivalent to saving a fortune for the country.

Therefore, the superiors also generously allocated sufficient expenses and prepared various high-quality Chinese medicinal materials according to Lu Cheng's requirements.

After the rehabilitation center was built, Lu Cheng had another job besides his daily training, which was to serve as the leader of the rehabilitation center and teach the doctors acupuncture, massage and other techniques.

At the same time, after having sufficient medicinal materials, Lu Cheng also began to do research, preparing to configure a special medicine that can be combined with the training of special forces to help break through the limits of the human body and improve physical fitness.

In fact, after joining the A team, with the increase in training intensity, Lu Cheng also felt that his physical fitness had improved a little, but it has not broken through from 15 to 16.

The system panel does not display the numbers after the decimal point, and Lu Cheng does not know how far he is from 16.

Before, there were not enough medicinal materials, and Lu Cheng did not dare to exceed his limits every time he trained, and he was also afraid of causing damage to his body that was difficult to recover.

Now that there are enough medicinal materials and they can be used at will, Lu Cheng has further increased his training intensity, squeezing the potential in his body like playing with his life.

This kind of training method not only frightened Wu Zhe and other new team members, but even Yuan Lang, Qi Huan and others were a little worried.

"Lu Cheng, what's wrong with you lately? You've been training like crazy. Aren't you afraid of wearing yourself out?"

Lu Cheng finished training, took off his backpack, and took off his 20-kilogram sand shirt, and smiled: "Captain, don't forget that I'm an old Chinese doctor, and I know my own body well. Moreover, I'm currently conducting a study to find a way to break the limits of the human body. If my research is successful, I can help every teammate break their own limits and improve their physical fitness."

"Are you sure it won't be dangerous?"

"Of course. Don't worry, I know my limits and won't wear myself out. Even if I exceed the load, I'll just rest for a few days at most."

After high-intensity training every day, Lu Cheng would prepare a medicinal bath for himself, and let the doctors at the health care center prepare everything for him, then take a medicinal bath, carefully feel the effect of the medicinal bath, and make continuous adjustments.

Days passed like this, and except for occasional missions, Lu Cheng spent almost all his time in this crazy training.

Until one day a few months later, Lu Cheng found that his physical fitness had finally reached the critical point. He surpassed his own limit in a long-distance run with weights, and the physical fitness on the panel finally reached 16 points from 15 points.

After that, Lu Cheng summarized the improvement process of the past few months, sorted out the prescriptions he had studied, and began to do experiments.

Wu Liuyi volunteered to be the first to stand up and serve as Lu Cheng's experimental subject. According to Lu Cheng's requirements, he increased the intensity of training a little bit every day and took a medicinal bath after training every day.

In less than half a month, Wu Liuyi felt that his physical fitness had improved. The time for 5 kilometers of cross-country was greatly shortened, the efficiency of 500-meter obstacles was higher, and even the data of standing long jump and standing jump were improved.

Along with the improvement of physical fitness, Wu Liuyi's weight and appetite increased.

After getting this result, Yuan Lang, Qi Huan, Wu Zhe and others also began to join the experiment, training hard every day, and then taking a medicinal bath.

With more experimental subjects, Lu Cheng's experimental data became more accurate and the prescription was further improved.

Until three months later, everyone's physical fitness had improved significantly, and all assessment indicators had improved significantly.

Yuan Lang was over 30 years old, and his physical fitness, which had declined, had completely recovered to its peak, and even improved slightly.

After getting this result, Lu Cheng immediately sorted out all the research results, made a detailed report, and submitted it to his superiors.

The superiors attached great importance to this and immediately summoned a group of Chinese medicine experts to conduct more extensive experiments.

Soon after, it was concluded that Lu Cheng's plan was highly feasible and had a high success rate, and could be promoted in major military regions in China.

In view of Lu Cheng's outstanding contributions, the superiors decided to award Lu Cheng the first-class merit to commend Lu Cheng's scientific research achievements.

Not only that, Lu Cheng's military rank was also promoted by one level, from captain to major, standing on the same level as Wu Zhe.

At this time, the A Battalion ushered in the new year's selection. Lu Cheng and Wu Zhe, two young major officers, were also ordered to go to various military regions to preside over the competition assessment and select suitable talents to become the pumpkins to be trained in the A Battalion...

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