The two of them were very happy.

It took more than half a month for Lu Cheng and Wu Zhe to travel around the four field armies. After layers of selection, 12 trainees were selected, including Xu Sanduo and Chengcai from the C Army.

Of course, Chengcai had not been enlightened by Yuan Lang at this time, and did not understand how to be a good soldier, and he would eventually be eliminated. As for whether he could become a talent in the future, who knows?

Xu Sanduo was still very happy to see Lu Cheng again, and Chengcai could no longer feel any jealousy. The two were no longer on the same level.

When he first arrived at the recruit company, Chengcai would secretly compete with Lu Cheng in private. But now, Chengcai is only a first-class non-commissioned officer, and Lu Cheng is already a major officer.

Bringing the twelve pumpkins who came to participate in the training back to the old A's base, the new generation of devil instructor Wu Liuyi cooperated with the old generation instructor Qi Huan to carry out a three-month crazy training for the recruits.

Lu Cheng originally wanted to participate in this recruit training, experience the feeling of being an instructor, and let these new recruits feel the hardships he had suffered.

But just as the training began, an order was issued from above. The General Administration of Sports was preparing to select a group of suitable athletes to experiment with Lu Cheng's physical fitness improvement plan, and specially invited Lu Cheng, the creator of this plan, to personally guide.

Soldiers are bound by their duty to obey orders, so Lu Cheng had to go on a business trip.

After arriving at the General Administration of Sports in Yanjing, Lu Cheng first gave the first batch of athletes a detailed physical examination and physical fitness test. Then, according to their physical fitness, each person developed a set of physical fitness improvement plans, and listed the required equipment and medicines, and asked the people of the General Administration of Sports to prepare everything.

By the way, Lu Cheng also returned to school with gifts to visit his former teachers and school leaders.

After all, I could graduate early, which was inseparable from their support and understanding.

After that, Lu Cheng stayed in Yanjing for more than half a month, and when everything was on track, he hurried back to the base of the A Battalion.

But just a few days after returning, Lu Cheng received another order. In order to cope with the needs of future wars, the S Military Region on the eastern coast was also forming its own special operations team. They wanted to ask Lu Cheng to assist the S Military Region in completing the formation and training of the special operations team, and to teach the physical fitness improvement plan.

So, Lu Cheng had to leave the training base of the A Battalion again.

During the period when Lu Cheng was away, Yuan Lang took Wu Zhe and others to perform many actual combat tasks in various places, either assisting the special police in arresting vicious criminals, or rushing to the border to eliminate drug dealers with the armed police, etc.

There is no doubt that Lu Cheng had no share in these tasks.

It was not until the pumpkins participating in the training of the A Battalion had completed three months of intensive training that Lu Cheng received a task to organize and complete the final assessment of the participating pumpkins with Wu Zhe.

By this time, Lu Cheng had already realized something and went to find Yuan Lang: "Captain, will I not be involved in actual combat missions in the future?"

"Well, not necessarily. However, you cannot perform missions with too high a risk factor. After all, the higher-ups have determined that the value you can contribute in scientific research far exceeds your value as a special operations member.

Instead of letting a talent like you participate in actual combat, it is better to let you do research in the base. I think you should be happy. You see, we fought to the death, but we still couldn't get a first-class merit. You only need to do research and you got a first-class merit. Now you are a major, and you may even become a general in the future."

Lu Cheng heard this and did not refute. If he were a superior, he would definitely not let a top scientific research talent charge into battle.

"I see. I'll go talk to the captain."

"This matter was decided by the higher-ups. It's useless for you to talk to the captain."

"I know it's useless. I'm not trying to change the decision from above. This is, it always makes me run around on business trips, which is not a good thing. It's better to just set up a training center and let the major military regions send some talents here. I will train them and promote it faster, right?"

"That's right."

After Lu Cheng explained the situation to the captain, the captain immediately reported Lu Cheng's idea.

With the widespread promotion of the physical fitness improvement plan, the major military regions are paying more and more attention to this, and have requested their superiors to dispatch Lu Cheng to personally guide it.

The higher-ups are also considering this matter. After hearing about Lu Cheng's idea, they immediately decided to set up a training center outside the A Battalion's base.

, established an exclusive TCM research center, headed by Lu Cheng, selected TCM talents from all over the country, and established a research center.

With more funds and resources to support, Lu Cheng also devoted himself to research.

However, the subsequent research was not as smooth as expected. After a long period of personal experiments, Lu Cheng found that through training and drugs, at most, people's physical fitness could be improved by about 1 point, and it was difficult to achieve an effect of 2 points.

It is not known whether it is the limitation of human genes or the limitation of the medicinal properties of Chinese medicine.

However, during this period, the scientific research team headed by Lu Cheng has successively developed many special medicines with excellent effects, which can treat and improve hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other problems in a targeted manner.

Not only that, Lu Cheng has also restored some lost ancient prescriptions, such as Shenling Baizhu San, which can regulate the spleen and stomach and treat chronic gastritis, and Jiuyuan Guben Fang, which can enhance children's ability to resist influenza.

After all, Lu Cheng is in the virtual space, following the medical skills of famous doctors in history, and mastering many lost acupuncture, prescriptions, etc.

In this way, Lu Cheng inevitably went further and further on the road of scientific research.

Of course, while doing scientific research, Lu Cheng never stopped improving his personal combat effectiveness.

Although there was no way to participate in actual combat, Lu Cheng could constantly strengthen his training. All kinds of training equipment and weapons and equipment of the A Battalion were open to Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng was also appointed as the physical training instructor of the base, which facilitated him to collect relevant data and information while training.

Lu Cheng also always required himself with the most stringent standards, such as hand-to-hand combat, shooting of various types of firearms in various environments, driving armored vehicles and tanks, driving helicopters, using artillery and individual missiles, etc. As long as it can be learned, Lu Cheng will learn it.

Except for the lack of some actual combat experience, Lu Cheng's various training results are at the forefront of the A Battalion, and even firmly at the top.

Saying that Lu Cheng is the all-round soldier king of the A Battalion, few people would dare to refute it.

Of course, Lu Cheng is not without the opportunity to contact actual combat, but generally participates as a medical staff. Or in some large-scale exercises, Lu Cheng would also play the role of the blue army with his teammates.

Time went by in 2007. At this time, Lu Cheng had already won the second-class merit, the third-class merit and the first-class merit many times with his scientific research achievements in the past two or three years. His military rank was also promoted to lieutenant colonel, making him a well-known young lieutenant colonel officer in the army. It can be said that he had a bright future.

In the same year, Shi Jin, who had served for more than ten years, left his favorite army and returned to the local area.

Fortunately, the local resettlement office arranged a new job for Shi Jin, and Shi Jin became a policeman.

Just when Shi Jin left the army, the long-lost system prompt sounded again:

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the main mission of this world's reincarnation. Shi Jin's fate has changed. He has been transferred from a third-level sergeant to a fourth-level sergeant. He has served for more than four more years and trained a group of excellent soldiers for the army.

Mission evaluation: medium."

"Mission reward settlement:

Complete the main mission: Soldier's Soul.

Reward: Physical fitness +2. Destiny points +5. Storage space +1.

Complete the side mission: Soldier's Soul (II), Wu Liuyi entered the A team.

Reward: Physical fitness +1. Destiny points +5.

Complete the hidden mission: Soldier's Soul (III). Thanks to the host's scientific research results, the physical fitness and combat effectiveness of many special operations team members have been improved, greatly extending the careers of many special operations veterans.

Reward: Skill: Special Operations. Destiny Points +10. "

"Tip: It is detected that the host currently has level 7 special operations skills, and the skill reward is automatically increased by one level. "

"The main task of this world has been completed, and the reward has been settled. The host can leave this world at any time. "

After receiving the system information, Lu Cheng was still a little confused. He originally thought that he would have to wait until the end of this life before the system would let him leave. Unexpectedly, after the main task was completed, he could leave at any time.

At this moment, the system sent a voice again.

"System defects have been detected and are being improved... Already improved. The improvement contents are as follows:

New module: cross-border backpack.

It is detected that the host spent 12 destiny points at the end of the first reincarnation and carried 120 kilograms of supplies for a cross-border trip. Now 8 destiny points are deducted again, combined with the 12 destiny points spent before, to open a 200 kilogram cross-border backpack. The original 120 kilograms of supplies are automatically transferred to the cross-border backpack."

Seeing this system prompt, Lu Cheng was also somewhat happy. He spent destiny points to carry supplies before, which were consumables. When the supplies were used up, the destiny points were not used up.

Now these destiny points are directly used to open the cross-world backpack, and the cross-world backpack can always exist. If the things brought from the previous world are used up, they can be directly replenished in this world and brought to the next world.

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