After a while, Lu Cheng did nothing but concentrate on learning swordsmanship from Ding Baiying.

Although Ding Baiying was young and a woman, she had a talent for being a teacher. She explained the essentials and force techniques of various swordsmanship clearly, making it easy for Lu Cheng to learn.

Of course, it is not enough to just learn theoretical knowledge. You also need to practice diligently, integrate swordsmanship into your bones, form muscle memory, and reach the realm of eyes, heart, and hands, similar to the "unity of man and sword" in martial arts novels.

Seeing that Lu Cheng had a high level of comprehension and learned quickly, Ding Baiying also taught more attentively, and taught Lu Cheng everything she knew and all kinds of experience without reservation.

Lu Cheng also returned the favor by teaching him all the close combat techniques of the special forces.

The blade of the Miao Dao is long, which is not conducive to its use if it is fought indoors or in a narrow alley. Therefore, Ding Baiying learned the close combat techniques to make up for his own shortcomings.

In order to learn better, Ding Baiying also specially prepared two short knives. According to the close combat techniques taught by Lu Cheng, combined with the double-knife technique, he used the two short knives quite skillfully.

In the process of mutual teaching, the relationship between the two became more and more familiar.

At the beginning, Ding Baiying came to teach Lu Cheng the sword technique in order to repay his life-saving grace for his senior brother, and even thought of keeping some reservations in his heart, and was not prepared to pass on all the essence of the sword technique to Lu Cheng.

But after getting in touch with Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng's conversation and knowledge beyond this era, and his erudition, made Ding Baiying begin to admire Lu Cheng, and gradually became friends with Lu Cheng.

The topics discussed between the two also expanded from the sword fighting at the beginning to all aspects.

"Brother Lu, what do you think of the situation in the court? Since my senior brother came back, he seems to have become a different person, losing his previous ambitions and becoming cautious."

"The situation in the court changes too fast. But no matter how it changes, we must select a suitable commander as soon as possible to go to Liaodong to guard the border and resist the Jiannu. As for Brother Wen Zhao, he narrowly escaped death on the battlefield. The feeling of being almost beheaded is hard to describe in words.

After experiencing the despair between life and death, people always have to change. Brother Wen Zhao just wants to change his way of life. He doesn't want to die like the tens of thousands of Ming soldiers who died on the battlefield. "

"Then what do you think of my eldest brother..."

"No one can predict the future. Everything can only be seen one step at a time."

In fact, Lu Cheng has been inquiring about the situation in the court recently to facilitate his actions.

As early as mid-to-late March, Emperor Wanli appointed Xiong Tingbi as the Left Secretary of the Dali Temple and the Supervisory Censor of Henan Province to comfort the military and civilians in Liaodong.

After the imperial edict was sent to Xiong Tingbi's hometown, Xiong Tingbi immediately set off and was already on his way to the capital.

However, the situation in the court was still unclear at this moment. Fang Congzhe, the chief minister of the cabinet, had been protecting the defeated commander Yang Hao and Li Rubai, and tried to let the two continue to stay in Liaodong.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before Xiong Tingbi would govern Liaodong. Lu Cheng was also waiting for Xiong Tingbi at this moment, waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, the entire Liaodong had long been corrupted and was completely a big fire pit. Smart people would not jump into this fire pit.

But Xiong Tingbi dared to jump directly into this fire pit, and after arriving in Liaodong, it took only a few months to stabilize the situation. On the one hand, he adopted a defensive strategy, and on the other hand, he sent out small troops to use guerrilla warfare to constantly harass the Later Jin, forcing Nurhaci to shrink his troops and enter a defensive state, buying time for the Ming Dynasty.

However, this man who was both civil and military was not very likable. He was against everyone he met, liked to scold people, and had a very bad relationship with his colleagues.

Later, after arriving in Liaodong, Xiong Tingbi was also constrained by all parties. He was eventually impeached and imprisoned because of party disputes, died unjustly, and was even sent to the nine borders.

But it is undeniable that Xiong Tingbi's strategic policy was correct and effective.

Later, the great commander Yuan, who claimed to have pacified Liaodong in three years, saw the corrupt situation in Liaodong after arriving in Liaodong, and finally had to continue Xiong Tingbi's strategic policy.

In fact, if the Ming Dynasty could be united, civil and military forces could work together to implement many policies, there might be a chance to change fate.

But at this time in the Ming Dynasty, party disputes had already become extremely serious. Two years later, when Emperor Tianqi was

After the throne, the power of the eunuchs is also growing.

At that time, the struggle between the eunuch party and the Donglin party will also consume the last few strands of luck of the Ming Dynasty.

The more you understand this era, the more you can realize that the Ming Dynasty has long been in a state of irreversible decline and is terminally ill.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

Ding Baiying on the side glanced at Lu Cheng: "Brother Lu, why are you sighing? Is it because of the situation in the world? Although I don't understand these, I also know that you and my senior brother have your own ambitions in your heart."

Lu Cheng looked to the north and spoke slowly: "I heard someone say before that those who worry about the country are the saddest people in the world. I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence before, but now I have some experience. It is extremely difficult to stand firm in the torrent of the secular world. It is probably harder than ascending to the sky to stand out."

"I didn't expect that Brother Lu is still a person who worries about the country and the people. However, standing out is your business as a man, and I didn't think so much."

Yes, Ding Baiying did not think so much, but she followed her senior brother and took her several apprentices with her until she died in battle.

Thinking of this, when Lu Cheng turned to look at Ding Baiying, there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

Ding Baiying immediately noticed something was wrong and turned to look at Lu Cheng: "Brother Lu, what's that look in your eyes? Why do I feel weird?"

"Nothing, let's practice swords."

"Okay, practice swords, it's useless to think too much, it's still most important to practice the sword well."

A few days later, Lu Cheng went to the blacksmith shop again and took back two customized swords, a slender Miao Dao and a Yanling Dao.

Lu Cheng was going to learn two swordsmanship at the same time, the Miao Dao was used for fighting on the battlefield, and the Yanling Dao was used for self-defense.

While learning swordsmanship, Lu Cheng also asked Lu Wenzhao to help him find two Jinyiwei masters, one good at flying knives and the other good at bows and arrows.

Lu Cheng followed these two masters to learn the basic bows and arrows and flying knife methods.

Of course, these two masters are not at the same level as Ding Baiying, they can only be regarded as relatively excellent.

But it is enough to teach Lu Cheng some basic things.

If you want to be a good general, you must learn bows and arrows.

Although Lu Cheng had a gun, he couldn't use it often, especially not in public, so as not to be targeted.

He might travel to other ancient worlds in the future, so he couldn't always rely on guns and firearms.

After studying for more than a month, from the beginning of March to the end of April, Lu Cheng had mastered all the basics of what he should learn, and was already proficient in the Xinyou sword technique.

The rest was to practice diligently and then put it into actual combat.

At this time, Xiong Tingbi finally rushed to the capital from his hometown.

It was only because of the obstruction of Fang Congzhe, the chief minister of the cabinet, that Xiong Tingbi was temporarily shelved.

After Xiong Tingbi arrived in the capital for a few days, Lu Cheng prepared a visiting card and a letter and came to Xiong Tingbi's temporary residence.

At this time, Xiong Tingbi had been unemployed at home for more than seven years. He had just arrived in the capital and lived in a temporary residence arranged by the court.

Because of the targeting of the chief minister of the cabinet in the court, and no one was willing to go to Liaodong at this time, no one came to visit Xiong Tingbi.

Lu Cheng handed the gatekeeper his visiting card and letter, and stuffed a piece of silver into his pocket, and then let the gatekeeper deliver his letter and visiting card.

After waiting at the door for more than half an hour, Lu Cheng finally received a message from inside, allowing him to enter.

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