The old man was in trouble, but the old man was in trouble.

When Lu Cheng saw Xiong Tingbi, the future governor of Liaodong, who was already fifty years old, was looking at a map, which showed the current situation in Liaodong.

"Sir, the people are coming."

Xiong Tingbi turned around and looked at Lu Cheng from top to bottom. Seeing that Lu Cheng was tall and strong, and had a murderous aura unique to soldiers, he nodded.

"Your name is Lu Cheng? Are you the general flag officer who escaped from the battlefield of Sarhu?"

"Yes, sir. I am a general flag officer under General Du Song."

"In the Battle of Sarhu, the commander of the Western Army and two generals were all killed, and tens of thousands of soldiers were slaughtered by the Jiannu. How did you escape? Tell me the details of this battle."

"Yes, sir. At that time, General Du led our army deep into the enemy's territory and lost contact with other armies. Generals Wang and Zhao also He tried to persuade General Du, but General Du was eager to make a contribution and insisted on finding the main force of Jiannu, wanting to fight to the death with them.

On the second day of March, Nurhaci personally led tens of thousands of troops to besiege our army. The two armies fought fiercely. By noon, the sky was dark and unclear, and it was difficult to see the distance. General Du ordered torches to be lit for illumination so that artillery could be used to attack the enemy. However, the enemy was in the dark and we were in the light. Jiannu took the opportunity to shoot arrows, and our army suffered heavy casualties.

Afterwards, the enemy took advantage of the fog, crossed the trenches, pulled out the stockade, and attacked our camp. Our soldiers fought hard. I fought hard, but I was outnumbered, and the enemy was well-equipped and in high spirits. I'm sure you know the situation of our army. In this battle, tens of thousands of people were slaughtered by the Jiannu. All three generals died in the battle.

I fought hard for a day, but I was exhausted and fainted. Fortunately, the entire battlefield was shrouded in fog, and I was buried in the pile of dead bodies, so I was able to save my life.

In the early morning of the next day, I woke up from the pile of dead bodies, and there were corpses all around me. I looked for food and water everywhere, and found four The Jiannu were about to kill two of our soldiers, so they attacked and killed four Jiannu together with Shen Lian, a small flag of the Jinyiwei who also survived by chance, and saved the garrison Lu Wenzhao and the military supervisor Guo Zhen..."

After telling the truth about all the situations, Lu Cheng added two more sentences: "Everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to investigate."

Xiong Tingbi had not been appointed to any official position at this time, so it was naturally impossible for him to investigate Lu Wenzhao and Shen Lian, two Jinyiwei, and even more impossible to investigate the eunuch Guo Zhen.

Of course, even if Xiong Tingbi sent someone to investigate, Lu Cheng did not lie.

After listening to the whole process, Xiong Tingbi pondered for a moment before speaking: "Since you can survive from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, you must be good at martial arts. I have a housekeeper who has some skills. Why don't you fight him a few moves?"

"Of course, no problem."

In fact, Xiong Tingbi really didn't believe what Lu Cheng said.

Ten years ago, in the 37th year of Wanli, Xiong Tingbi was inspecting Liaodong. Du Song, the newly appointed Liaodong General, defeated the Mongolian Chahan tribe, but accidentally injured the Kuanyi tribe that had already surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

Xiong Tingbi did not approve of Du Song's behavior of accidentally injuring his "allies" for the sake of merit, but he did not want to stimulate Du Song and hurt the morale of the soldiers below. Therefore, in the memorial to the court, Xiong Tingbi affirmed Du Song's merits and suggested that the court should be careful of the revenge of the Mongolian tribe.

Later, the Mongolian tribe really attacked the Ming army and massacred the people. Xiong Tingbi naturally blamed Du Song for this incident, causing Du Song to be dismissed by the court.

But General Du had many supporters in the court, all of whom pleaded for Du Song. Moreover, Xiong Tingbi made enemies everywhere in the officialdom, and many censors stood up to impeach Xiong Tingbi and support Du Song.

Therefore, Xiong Tingbi and Du Song had old grudges, and even looked down on Du Song from the bottom of his heart.

It is understandable if you think about it. Xiong Tingbi has been sitting on the bench for seven consecutive years. Du Song, whom he dismissed, continues to serve as the general, and even Du Song has become the main general of an army.

It's just that Du Song is incompetent, which directly led to the annihilation of tens of thousands of troops.

Just think about the process, and you can know what Xiong Tingbi's attitude will be towards the general Du.

Lu Cheng is also the general flag under the general Du, so Xiong Tingbi will naturally not have a good attitude towards Lu Cheng. The reason why he is willing to meet Lu Cheng is that he wants to learn more about the Battle of Sarhu from Lu Cheng.

Of course, Lu Cheng is just a small general flag. Even if Xiong Tingbi looks down on Du Song, he will not embarrass a small general flag because of his status and lose his status for nothing.

But if Lu Cheng performs poorly in the future and is a straw bag, then Xiong Tingbi will definitely go straight to

Then he blasted Lu Cheng out.

Since Lu Cheng came here, he was naturally fully prepared.

With Xiong Tingbi's greeting, a sturdy guard with a waist knife came in.

"Pei Hu, this is Lu Cheng, General Lu, you fight him."

"Yes, sir."

Then, the two came to the open space in the courtyard, and the man looked at Lu Cheng: "General Lu, please draw your knife."

Facing this fierce opponent, Lu Cheng just smiled slightly, untied his waist knife and held it in his hand: "Please!"

Seeing that Lu Cheng did not take the initiative to attack, the man was not polite, took a step forward, and smashed the saber in his hand and the scabbard towards Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng followed Ding Baiying to learn the knife for more than a month, and he was no longer a novice in knife skills. He immediately dodged the opponent's attack and hit the opponent's scabbard heavily with the scabbard in his hand.

With a clang, the wooden scabbard on the man's sword was shattered by the blow, and the opponent's wrist was directly shaken and his body was a little unstable.

Before the opponent could react, Lu Cheng's scabbard was already on his neck, and then he took a step back: "Thank you."

Xiong Tingbi, who was not far away, stared at him and was also a little frightened. His guard was also a warrior, and it was no problem to fight ten people alone, but he didn't expect that he would be defeated by Lu Cheng in just one encounter.

After seeing Lu Cheng's martial arts value, Xiong Tingbi believed Lu Cheng's words before.

"General Lu, I have something else to ask you."

"Please go ahead, sir."

"Since you have gone through so much hardship and finally escaped from the sea of ​​blood and corpses, why do you want to see me again? Do you still want to return to Liaodong? Are you not afraid of dying on the battlefield?"

"Sir, I joined the army at the age of seventeen and have been in Liaodong ever since. I have witnessed the brutality of the Jiannu Tartars with my own eyes. Now, after the Battle of Sarhu, the Jiannu have obtained a large amount of land and population, and their strength has been further strengthened. Sooner or later, they will Invade the Ming Dynasty, occupy our territory, and kill our people.

I have been determined to join the army since I was a child. I grew up listening to the stories of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, and I admire General Qi Jiguang of this dynasty. I especially like General Qi's words "I don't want to be a marquis, but I hope the sea waves are peaceful." Although I am a lowly official, I am also a military general of the Ming Dynasty, and I also have a heart to kill the enemy and serve the country. "

Xiong Tingbi nodded with satisfaction: "Listening to you talk, you have quite some knowledge. Let me test you, what do you think of Liaodong today? How do you see the situation? "

"After this defeat, the land outside the Great Wall is under the iron hoof of the Jiannu, and the initiative of the war is no longer in our hands. For now, the only way is to quickly stabilize the situation, gather the defeated soldiers first, and stabilize the people's hearts. When necessary, we may kill the fleeing generals.

Now, the enemy's troops and food supply have surpassed the Liaodong defenders. We should focus on defense, defend the city, and improve our defense capabilities to stop the Jiannu's attack.

At the same time, we can't sit back and watch the Jiannu grow stronger. We can train a small group of elite troops to constantly harass the Jiannu's rear in the form of guerrilla warfare. The Jiannu has just occupied a large number of cities in Liaodong, and it is bound to disperse its troops to garrison. While the Jiannu is still unstable, we can continue to harass them, so that the Jiannu cannot develop with peace of mind, and buy time for us to restore our strength..."

Lu Cheng talked freely, and what he said was basically consistent with Xiong Tingbi's various future measures in Liaodong.

Xiong Tingbi was shocked when he heard this. He had never expected that Lu Cheng, a small general flag officer, would have such insight.

At this point, Xiong Tingbi had already looked up to Lu Cheng. Even if Lu Cheng was just talking about war on paper, this insight alone was enough to be a staff officer.

Of course, Lu Cheng still had many strategies for Liaodong, which he did not say directly. Just what he just said was enough.

This is also thanks to the system, which did not seal Lu Cheng's memory of his previous life. Perhaps Lu Cheng's previous life was relatively simple and there was no emotional line.

In his previous life, Lu Cheng also read a lot of books, Chinese history and world history, various theoretical works of modern and contemporary military strategists, etc., in addition to scientific research and training.

It may not be too difficult to become a qualified special operations team member. But if you want to be an all-round special operations soldier king, a special operations commander, you can't just know how to charge into battle, but also understand tactics and strategy, and have a global view and strategic thinking.

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