The army was forced to retreat, and the soldiers were forced to retreat.

After a period of training, all the soldiers of the three thousand households of Lu Cheng's two Haizhou Guards were adjusted to young and strong, and the rest were used as miscellaneous servants and reserve forces.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also spent a lot of silver to update the weapons for all soldiers, and purchased a batch of high-quality war horses, pulling out a cavalry team of 500 people.

Of course, the number of special forces has also expanded to 50 people, and Ding Xian is leading the training.

In the era of cold weapons, there is a lack of ultra-long-range and large-scale destructive weapons. Even the best special fighters can only fight ten at most, and it is difficult to fight one against a hundred.

Therefore, when selecting special forces, Lu Cheng also lowered some standards and increased the number.

These fifty special forces members are required to be able to ride horses, shoot arrows, fight with long and short weapons, and learn camouflage, lurking, assassination, harassment behind enemy lines, spreading rumors, creating chaos, etc.

Moreover, these fifty special forces members are not on the roster of the three thousand households. They are private armed forces supported and trained by Lu Cheng himself.

Even the base of these fifty special forces members is not in the military camp, and their usual training is also very hidden.

There are many mountains and forests outside Haizhou City. Lu Cheng deliberately chose a suitable location in the mountains and built a mountain stronghold as a training base for special forces members.

After the special forces team expanded to 50 people, Lu Cheng also deliberately gave it a name, Dark Blade. It means a sharp blade hidden in the dark.

In addition to the fifty special forces members, Lu Cheng also established a second-level reconnaissance brigade, that is, a special scout, with a total of 150 people, all of whom are cavalry, specially used for reconnaissance and killing the scout team of the Later Jin.

If the reconnaissance brigade and the special operations team are included, Lu Cheng has 700 cavalrymen under his command.

None of the generals in Liaodong have so many cavalrymen under their command, mainly because the cost of raising cavalrymen is too high. It costs as much to raise one cavalryman as it does several infantrymen.

Moreover, Lu Cheng also equipped his cavalrymen with leather armor, and cavalrymen above 100 households also have iron armor.

As for Lu Cheng himself, he also specially asked someone to customize several sets of armor, one set of Shanwen armor for infantry combat and one set of light armor for cavalry combat.

As for the exclusive armor for guerrilla generals issued by the court, it does look good, but the quality is a bit worrying. Lu Cheng only wears it when attending important occasions or speaking to the soldiers.

A good set of armor can resist sword cuts and bows and arrows, and its defensive power is still very strong.

Like the Shanwen armor customized by Lu Cheng, the armor and helmet weigh forty or fifty kilograms, and the defensive power is absolutely unbeatable, which is very suitable for defending the city or infantry combat. If you wear it during a cavalry battle, the warhorse will not be able to withstand it.

After a period of busyness, the more than 3,000 soldiers of Haizhouwei have completed their training and started daily training. Lu Cheng no longer needs to worry too much.

There are people to take care of various affairs. Lu Cheng only needs to sign some documents and deal with some problems. He is rarely responsible for some specific affairs.

Of course, Lu Cheng often goes to the barracks for inspection. Among the more than 3,000 soldiers of Haizhouwei, Lu Cheng knows all the officers above the general flag and can remember their names accurately.

In fact, among these more than 3,000 soldiers, there are only 70 or 80 general flags, more than 30 centurions and trial centurions, three thousand households and deputy thousand households, which add up to more than 100 people. With Lu Cheng's current memory, he can still remember them accurately.

Moreover, Lu Cheng can not only remember their names accurately, but also remember their hometowns and family situations. He cares about them from time to time to ensure the loyalty of middle and upper-level officers.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, officers above the general flag have higher additional subsidies.

The whole army will also hold a competition every month, competing in subjects such as horse riding, archery, swords and guns, and physical fitness. The winners will receive food or cash subsidies.

Lu Cheng will also have a good meal with the winners and encourage them.

Under such circumstances, a good competitive environment has been formed in the entire army. Everyone is motivated and can not only get tangible benefits, but also win honors and be appreciated by Lu Cheng.

By the end of the year, more than 3,000 soldiers of the entire Haizhou Guard had completed basic training, and their discipline, obedience, physical fitness, and combat skills have all improved greatly.

Looking at the entire Liaodong, and even the entire Ming Dynasty, only the Haizhou Guard can keep all soldiers in high-intensity training.

After all, the greater the intensity of the training, the more the soldiers' physical fitness will be consumed.

The greater the consumption, the more food is consumed.

While the generals in other places were still thinking about how to eat empty salaries, the soldiers under Lu Cheng were all paid full salaries and had extra food subsidies.

Sometimes the court's food and salaries could not be paid on time, or even in arrears, Lu Cheng would directly take out his own savings and pay the salaries on time without delay.

Although this would cost a lot of silver, isn't silver earned to be spent? Only by turning silver into strength can you earn more silver.

The large amount of property that Lu Cheng had obtained before, including jewelry and antique calligraphy and paintings, was sold by Lu Cheng to merchants from Jiangnan in exchange for food, vegetables, salt, and iron supplies.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the end of the year. Lu Cheng asked the logistics department to purchase a large number of pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, etc. to ensure that each soldier could get two pounds of meat.

In addition, ordinary soldiers were given an extra 1 tael of silver, small flags were given an extra 2 taels, general flags were given an extra 5 taels, hundred households were given 10 taels, and thousand households were given 50 taels each.

When distributing silver, Lu Cheng personally went to one hundred households after another, watching the soldiers line up to receive the reward silver, ensuring that every ounce of silver could fall into the hands of the soldiers.

In this way, all the soldiers were naturally grateful to Lu Cheng.

In addition to the combat soldiers, each of the servants also received a reward of 100 coins. The craftsmen in each workshop also received different amounts of rewards.

There is no doubt that all the soldiers of Haizhou Guard will have a prosperous new year this year.

On New Year's Eve, Lu Cheng also hosted a banquet for officers above the general flag to encourage their contributions to training in the past year.

After this operation, compared with the soldiers in other places, those officers at all levels had the idea that a soldier would die for his confidant.

Of course, during the New Year, Lu Cheng did not forget to go around and visit Xiong Tingbi and several generals in Liaodong, build good relationships with these colleagues and superiors, and give them some gifts.

After the Chinese New Year, the army's training became more enthusiastic. As long as the weather was suitable, even if it was a little cold, the soldiers were willing to train.

At the same time, seeing that Nurhaci had not sent troops recently, Xiong Tingbi personally went to Shenyang, Fushun and other places to inspect the situation, and then discussed with a group of military generals to deploy garrisons and build fortifications in Shenyang, Fushun and surrounding castles.

After half a year of rest and conscription, the military strength of the entire Liaodong has recovered a lot. Xiong Tingbi is also planning to rebuild defenses in those cities that were broken and abandoned by the Later Jin.

After the beginning of spring, the entire Liaodong took action, and towns of all sizes were actively building fortifications and strengthening the training of new recruits.

The training on Lu Cheng's side was also in full swing.

Not only that, after a winter of training, Lu Cheng has accumulated a group of mature craftsmen and began to mass-produce soap and glass, selling them to merchants from Jiangnan to earn more money and support his own team.

With a stable source of income, the troops were more adequately supplied, and Lu Cheng had been continuously hoarding food supplies, ironware, arrows, etc.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also mobilized the previously selected chores, and the veterans between the ages of 35 and 40 were all used as reserves.

These reserves are not considered soldiers, and they do not receive military pay. They usually engage in farming and labor, and conduct certain military training regularly. During military training, Lu Cheng will give them a certain amount of food subsidies.

These soldiers are considered half-farmers and half-soldiers, and do not participate in outdoor combat. At critical times, they need to assist the soldiers in defending the city. On the surface, Lu Cheng still has more than 3,000 soldiers under his command.

In addition, Lu Cheng also set up a special welfare institution last winter to adopt and support orphans from the entire Liaodong.

These orphans are taken care of by the logistics department, and teachers are arranged to teach them to read and write. They are divided into different classes according to age and undergo appropriate physical training.

For children over ten years old, they not only need to learn cultural knowledge, but also undergo simple military training and learn military skills.

Lu Cheng also attaches great importance to these orphans. If he wants to grow and develop in the future, this will be his talent reserve base.

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