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As spring passes and the earth warms up, various parts of Liaodong are actively engaged in development.

Nurhaci, who had been silent for a winter, naturally would not sit idly by in Liaodong.

Therefore, starting from May, Hou Jin sent out a small group of cavalry to harass the entire Liaodong region, destroying the newly built fortifications, slaughtering villages, trampling fields and crops, etc. There was nothing they could not do.

After discovering this situation, Xiong Tingbi immediately summoned the generals from all parties to discuss countermeasures.

In the discussion hall, all the generals and generals in Liaodong looked a little worried.

"Master Jinglue, from this month to yesterday, Jiannu's cavalry successively attacked Tulaopo Mountain City, Hualing Mountain City, Wang adultstun and other places, causing us a lot of losses. If we can't contain this trend as soon as possible, Momentum, the defensive front we have built may completely collapse.

At that time, the Hou Jin Army will surely lead a large army to march straight in and attack Liaoyang or Shenyang. Shenyang and Liaoyang are bound to become isolated cities. "

Xiong Tingbi was also a little confused at this moment: "I didn't call you here to explain the situation. I already know all this. The most important thing now is to come up with a strategy quickly. Hou Jin must not be allowed to continue like this. "

At this moment, Lu Cheng stood up: "Master Jinglue, since Hou Jin dares to do this to us, we will retaliate in kind. The final general is willing to lead his troops to attack Hou Jin's tribe in the same way."

Hearing this, the commander-in-chief He Shixian reminded him: "Lu Guerbi, I know you have trained hundreds of cavalry. But the tribes of Houjin are not that easy to fight. As far as I know, every tribe of Houjin has at least one The strength of a Niulu army is one hundred armored soldiers and two hundred auxiliary soldiers.

Moreover, almost all adult men and women in Houjin's tribe can participate in the battle. If your cavalry cannot quickly defeat a tribe, it will inevitably attract siege from other tribes. By then, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape. "

"Thank you, General He, for your kindness. I have naturally considered this. I plan to focus on harassing and luring the enemy during this trip. We can send a part of the infantry to choose suitable terrain at the junction of the enemy and ourselves, and set up an ambush in advance.

Then they sent cavalry deep into Houjin's sphere of influence and harassed the Houjin tribe. If the enemy comes to attack, we will run away. If the enemy pursues us, we will lure them to the ambush trap set up. If the enemy retreats, we will continue to harass.

For the cavalry, we can imitate the way sparrows forage for food, moving east and west, gathering and scattering, coming and going invisible, so as to maximize the mobility of the cavalry and mobilize the enemy. When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we pursue; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack. "

Xiong Tingbi was shocked when he heard this, and his face showed joy: "Wonderful!"

Then, Xiong Tingbi looked at the other commanders and generals: "What do you think of Lu's guerrilla tactics?"

He Shixian also nodded repeatedly: "If we can really achieve this level, we will be able to confuse the enemy. However, this requires well-trained cavalry and elite scouts who can grasp the enemy's movements at any time."

Lu Cheng smiled slightly: "The general has specially trained a group of scouts, and all of them are specially selected riding masters."

"It seems that Lu Guerbi has been prepared."

Lu Cheng nodded: "To be honest, even if Hou Jin does not launch harassment tactics against us, I will still use this tactic to harass Hou Jin."

After Xiong Tingbi thought for a moment, he became a little worried: "Lu Guerrilla, if the enemy comes to attack in large numbers, how should we respond?"

"Reducing our troops, strengthening the walls and clearing the country, and taking strict defenses. When necessary, we can evacuate the people in villages and towns to various guard posts."

Xiong Tingbi looked at the others again: "What do you think?"

He Shixian was the first to stand up: "The general believes that this plan is feasible. The general is willing to cooperate with Lu's guerrilla tactics and send his own troops to participate in the ambush plan."

Commander-in-Chief Chai Guozhu and Li Huaixin also nodded in agreement: "I also agree with this tactic."

Seeing that most generals agreed to this tactic, a group of generals immediately gathered in front of the map to select suitable ambush locations, allocate areas for defense, etc.

After formulating the battle plan, the generals immediately went back to deploy troops and horses.

After all the other generals had left, Lu Cheng looked at Xiong Tingbi and said, "Master Jinglue, I look at your face and you seem to be overworked and suffering from heart failure. Why don't you let me diagnose and treat you?"

"Lu Youyi is also good at medical skills?"

"This is natural. In the end, the family has been practicing medicine for generations.

, has been learning medicine from his father since he was a child. If I had not been born in such a world, I might have been a good doctor. ”

“Then you can take a look at me.”

Lu Cheng did not say much, and directly examined Xiong Tingbi, and then said: “Sir, you are already over fifty years old this year, and you really shouldn’t spend so much energy. If you continue like this, I’m afraid your body will not be able to bear it. You should pay more attention to rest.”

“The emperor entrusted me with an important task and handed over the entire Liaodong to me. Now that we are in danger, how can I rest at ease?”

“Well, I will go to get medicine for you and take care of your body. "

Afterwards, Lu Cheng personally went to the medicine shop in Liaoyang City, got some medicine, and invited a doctor to adjust Xiong Tingbi's body according to the methods and prescriptions he taught.

After finishing all this, Lu Cheng returned to Haizhouwei to dispatch troops.

This time, Lu Cheng directly mobilized all the special forces, reconnaissance battalion, cavalry troops, and 2,000 infantry to march towards the border of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Haizhouwei left 1,600 combat soldiers to defend the city. Of course, there are nearly 2,000 reserve troops in the city, who can also defend the city at critical moments.

The 150-man reconnaissance battalion is divided into 15 scout teams, each with 10 people, specifically used to explore the movements of the Later Jin army and find the location of the Later Jin tribe.

Fifty special forces, led by Ding Xian, also It is fully armed, equipped with excellent war horses, spears, bows and arrows, crossbows, explosive packs and other supplies, and is responsible for hunting down the scouts of the Later Jin Dynasty, using explosive packs to complete special combat missions.

Lu Cheng himself led 500 cavalrymen to carry out sparrow warfare and guerrilla warfare.

In order to facilitate communication, Lu Cheng also specially made whistling arrows and made different types of whistling arrows to represent different meanings.

Just as the cavalry led by Lu Cheng approached the area occupied by the Later Jin Dynasty, two scouts came back to report that a team of Later Jin cavalry with hundreds of people was found in the north, marching towards a small town.

Lu Cheng immediately gave an order to summon the special forces active nearby, and together with the 500 cavalrymen, they surrounded them.

When Lu Cheng led his cavalry to arrive, that force The Houjin cavalry was preparing to destroy the farmland outside the town.

Lu Cheng immediately gave an order, and 500 cavalrymen rushed forward directly, 500 feather arrows were shot out at the same time, and the battle was about to start.

With 500 to 100, even if the Houjin cavalrymen on the opposite side were more skilled in archery and horsemanship, they soon fell into a disadvantage and began to flee in all directions.

The special forces and scout teams wandering around immediately began to intercept.

There is no doubt that this was a very successful annihilation battle.

A total of 103 Houjin cavalrymen were killed, without any escape. 72 intact war horses were seized, 20 wounded war horses could be cured, and the remaining ten war horses were too seriously injured and could only be killed for meat.

As for Lu Cheng's side, more than a dozen cavalrymen died and more than 30 were injured. The loss was not Not big.

There was nothing that could be done about it. After all, the cavalry under Lu Cheng had only been trained for a few months, and they were no match for the Later Jin cavalry who lived on horseback.

But in general, this was also a big victory, and it was a good start, which greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

In previous battles, even if the Ming army had an absolute advantage, they would often suffer heavy losses.

It was already very good to have such small casualties now.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng returned with the cavalry and met up with the infantry brigade. He handed the injured soldiers over to the logistics troops for further treatment, and collected the bodies of the dead soldiers and transported them back to Haicheng for burial.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng would lead his troops deep into the enemy's rear to harass and rob...

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