The next morning, Lu Cheng just got up and opened the gate, and saw He Xiulian standing at the gate.

"Xiulian, you were on the road all day yesterday, why did you get up so early?"

"I want to come and see if there is any work for me to do at home. I can wash your clothes and cook for you. I can also accompany you to work in the fields."

"Then let's cook first. I haven't been home for ten days. Maybe some villagers will come to see a doctor and get medicine. After ten o'clock, I will take you to Shigejie Commune by bike, and we will have lunch in the town."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

As she said, He Xiulian had taken out two sleeves from her pocket, put them on her sleeves, and prepared to cook.

Lu Cheng didn't hesitate and started to make a fire.

It's easier for two people to work together than for one person.

Lu Cheng's courtyard seems to be more lively because of the addition of a hostess.

After dinner, He Xiulian insisted on helping Lu Cheng wash clothes. While washing clothes, she chatted with Lu Cheng who was drying herbs.

"Brother Lu Cheng, our yard is quite big. We can fence it with a fence and raise a few chickens in the future. Then you can have eggs to eat every day. What else can we plant in the north corner?"

"It's all right. If you like, we can plant some flowers and bamboo. Or wait until summer and plant some cucumbers and beans."

"We can also plant some pumpkins outside the yard..."

It has to be said that this family is different with a woman.

Lu Cheng didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but after Xiulian said this, he felt that there were many things missing in the yard and the house.

The two were planning a better future, and someone really came to see a doctor.

This time, he didn't come to see He Xiulian specifically, but really came to see a doctor.

The person who came was Tian Wanyou from the first team. He caught a cold two days ago, and he had a fever due to the fatigue from working.

Lu Cheng asked him to take his temperature, put on a stethoscope to listen to the situation, and felt his pulse. After confirming the diagnosis, he said: "Uncle Wanyou, your fever is already 38 degrees. If you want to get better quickly, you have to get an injection."

"Then give me an injection. There's still work to do in the fields."

Lu Cheng took out the glass syringe and the stainless steel needle, soaked them in alcohol for disinfection, and took out the medicine to prepare.

After the disinfection was completed, he cleaned it, installed the syringe needle, shook the prepared medicine in the small bottle, sucked out the medicine with the syringe, pointed the needle upward, pushed out the air in the syringe, picked up a cotton ball with tweezers, dipped it in iodine and disinfected the area to be injected.

Then, Lu Cheng skillfully gave Tian Wanyou an injection.

When Lu Cheng was preparing the medicine at the beginning, He Xiulian was standing not far away and watching seriously, but when she saw the stainless steel needle, He Xiulian's eyes were obviously a little afraid.

This scene happened to be seen by Lu Cheng, and he couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that He Xiulian, who was fearless, was also afraid of injections.

However, this is normal. The stainless steel needles used for injections these days are made thicker due to the limitations of industrial level and repeated use, so injections are naturally more painful.

Whether adults or children, who has not been dominated by the fear of injections?

When Lu Cheng was about to give the injection, He Xiulian ran away, not only because she was afraid, but also because the person being injected was a grown man, and He Xiulian, a grown girl, was of course embarrassed to watch.

After the injection, Lu Cheng prescribed some medicine for Tian Wanyou: "Uncle Wanyou, go back and rest more. Don't do heavy work these two days. Eat less spicy food."

"Okay, I remember. Lu Cheng, that was your wife just now, right? She's so pretty. You have good taste. You are lucky."

After seeing Tian Wanyou off, Lu Cheng disassembled the syringe again and disinfected it.

Lu Cheng has a total of four or five sets of syringes at home. He usually pays attention to maintenance and disinfection. In addition to disinfection with alcohol, he also regularly boils and disinfects them.

If the conditions were not met, Lu Cheng would also like to perform high-pressure steaming and ultraviolet disinfection.

After all, this thing will be used for a long time, and it has to be used by men, women, and children in the whole village, so it has to be used with caution.

After seeing Tian Wanyou off, four or five villagers came to see the doctor. Except for the two women who came to see He Xiulian, they all had some minor colds and diarrhea.

When Lu Cheng was not in the village, the villagers did not want to go to the Shigejie Commune clinic and spend money, so they endured it.

Most of these minor illnesses only took a few days to cure without medication.

After sending all the patients away, Lu Cheng estimated that it was almost ten o'clock, so he rode

Get on the bicycle, take He Xiulian with you, and head towards Shigejie Commune.

The bicycle in Lu Cheng's family was bought from the commune six years ago with the help of the village, so that it can be used to see doctors for the villagers in Shuangshui Village.

There are only four bicycles in Shuangshui Village, one in Lu Cheng's home, two in the home of the village party secretary, and one in the village brigade.

Village party secretary Tian Futang also had the opportunity to get two bicycles because his brother Tian Fujun was a leader in the county. One was for Tian Futang's own use, and the other was for Tian Runsheng to go to school.

As for the one in Lu Cheng's family, the brigade also paid most of the money, and half of it was considered public property. Because Lu Cheng often went to the commune to buy medicine and ran around to see doctors for the villagers, it became his exclusive one.

We walked and talked all the way, and rode for more than half an hour before we arrived at Shigejie Commune.

"Xiulian, are you hungry? Let's go eat something first?"

"I'm not hungry. The food in this commune is expensive. Brother Lu Cheng, you can just eat."

"How can that be? Since we're here, let's go to a restaurant together."

Lu Cheng took He Xiulian and walked into a noodle shop that looked relatively clean and hygienic.

The income was low these days, but the prices were indeed cheap.

A sesame cake only cost 3 cents, a fried dough stick cost 4 cents, a bowl of plain noodles with only chopped green onions cost 8 cents, and a bowl of sauerkraut noodles with minced meat cost 1.2 cents.

Of course, these not only cost money, but also food coupons.

A fried dough stick counted for half a liang of food coupons, a bowl of plain noodles counted for 2 liang, and a bowl of sauerkraut noodles counted for 3 liang.

Lu Cheng ordered two bowls of sauerkraut noodles, but was afraid that He Xiulian would not be full, so he bought four fried dough sticks, spending a total of 40 cents plus 8 liang of food coupons.

Although this amount of money is small, it is enough for a strong laborer in the countryside to earn half a day.

"Brother Lu Cheng, we don't need to eat so well, a bowl of plain noodles is enough."

"Listen to me, I want you to eat something good. I will marry you in the future, not to let you suffer with me."

"But I am willing to suffer with you."

"That won't work either, be obedient."


He Xiulian stopped talking, lowered her head and took a mouthful of noodles, and then took a bite of fried dough sticks. She felt that this bowl of noodles was particularly fragrant and the fried dough sticks were delicious.

After dinner, Lu Cheng took He Xiulian to buy some red paper, some flour, two catties of meat, a big carp, and some candy gifts.

Lu Cheng was not vague at all about the thank-you gift he promised to He Fengying.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also gave He Fengying a big red envelope with five yuan in it.

When He Fengying received these gifts, she kept praising Lu Cheng for being open-minded and generous.

For a general thank-you gift, it would be good to give some snacks or a pair of shoes.

Lu Cheng's gift was definitely a big one, enough for people to introduce him to seven or eight girls.

Although it cost a lot of money, Lu Cheng was willing to spend it. If it weren't for He Fengying's matchmaking, how could Lu Cheng meet such a good girl like Xiu Lian? How could he have successfully completed the main task?

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