The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

On the third day after Xiulian came to Shuangshui Village, because there were not many patients in the village, Lu Cheng also needed to work in the fields to earn work points.

It has not rained recently, and the land is a bit dry. There are no water pumps in those days, and there are no wells in the fields. The villagers of Shuangshui Village can only carry buckets and draw water from the Dongla River and the Kuyan River for irrigation.

There are so many lands in the village. Even if all the men, women, and children in the village work together, it is not an easy task to irrigate all the land.

Early in the morning, Sun Shaoan, the captain of the first team, blew the whistle to go to work, calling on the villagers of the first team to work in the fields.

Soon, the villagers who had finished breakfast came out of their homes in twos and threes, carrying buckets on their shoulders, and went to the fields, greeting each other.

At Lu Cheng's home, He Xiulian snatched the shoulder pole from Lu Cheng's hand: "Brother Lu Cheng, I'll carry it. Your hands are for treating patients, how can you work every day? Let's go to the fields together."

"Didn't I do this work before? These are just two empty buckets, not heavy, so let me carry them. You came here early in the morning to wash clothes and cook for me. You've been busy all morning, so why don't you just rest at home?"

"No, it's so boring at home. I want to accompany you and work happily."

As she spoke, He Xiulian had already carried the shoulder pole and walked out of the courtyard, and Lu Cheng could only hurriedly follow.

After walking out of the courtyard, He Xiulian had already skillfully greeted some women in the village.

Although she had only been in Shuangshui Village for two days, He Xiulian had already successfully integrated into the Shuangshui Village Intelligence Bureau, the gossip center at the entrance of the village, and had become friends with those young ladies and wives, not considering herself an outsider at all.

And these people in Shuangshui Village had already regarded He Xiulian as Lu Cheng's wife.

These days, there are still relatively few people who regret their engagement after getting engaged, because both parties are afraid of being embarrassed. Unless something big happens, or they find that the other party is different from what they said before, and the deception is too serious.

He Xiulian carried a bucket and walked in front, talking and laughing with those women. Lu Cheng was surrounded by several unmarried young men in the team.

"Brother Lu Cheng, the woman you brought back from Jin Province is so pretty. Can you ask my sister-in-law to introduce me to one?"

"That's right, I heard that this sister-in-law doesn't want any dowry. Is that true?"

"How did you meet such a good thing?"

Lu Cheng laughed: "That's also our blessing. As for the dowry, if she doesn't want it, can we not give it? For such a good girl, no matter how much dowry she gives, I am willing."

"That's right, if I can find such a good woman in the future, I will sell everything I have to give for the dowry."

"Fugao, even if you are willing, your father must be willing."


The group went to work while talking and laughing, and then someone started to make a fuss, asking Tian Wanyou, who was walking in the middle, to sing a Xintianyou song to cheer everyone up.

Tian Wanyou is a famous singer in Shuangshui Village, "Chain Mouth". No matter what he encounters, he can make up a song on the spot, and the atmosphere is very joyful.

"It's not as wide as the flat plain

I can't drink enough of the Yellow River, which is winding

It's not as beautiful as the blue sky above

I can't live in the broken cave left by our ancestors

I can't finish talking about the bitterness and sweetness of our villagers..."

Coming to the field, Sun Shaoan began to assign work to everyone.

It's not so easy to be a production team leader these days. You have to manage the labor of the entire team, mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, reasonably allocate tasks, calculate work points, and take care of some old and weak people.

Farm work is more complicated, weeding, fertilizing, irrigation, manure fermentation, etc. The labor intensity and workload of each job are different, and the standard for calculating work points is naturally different.

If the team leader distributes unfairly, it will affect everyone's enthusiasm for work.

Moreover, the most common problem with this kind of big pot meal is that some people will be lazy and fish in troubled waters.

After all, they work together. No matter how much they work, it will be collective in the end. They may not get less points at the end of the year. Who doesn't want to fish in troubled waters?

As time goes by, the enthusiasm for work becomes lower and lower, the land is naturally not cultivated properly, and the yield will also decrease.

The situation of Team 1 is better. The team leader Sun Shaoan dares to think and act, allocates reasonably, and is always the one who does the most work. He is very prestigious in everyone's heart. In addition, there is Tian Haimin, the team accountant, who helps with calculations, and there are few mistakes.

The busy work, under effective command, is also

It looks orderly.

With Sun Shaoan's management ability, it is inevitable that he will be able to start a business successfully and become rich in the future.

The two rivers flowing through Shuangshui Village are very low, but the land in Shuangshui Village is distributed in high and low areas.

The terrain on the Loess Plateau is like this, with thousands of gullies and ravines, ups and downs.

In this way, it is naturally not more difficult to carry water for irrigation.

When working, He Xiulian always rushes to do it, and after finishing the work, she did not forget to remind the accountant Tian Haimin: "Don't forget to record all the work points I earn to Brother Lu Cheng, not one less."

"Don't worry, it will definitely be included. Fugao, what are you looking at? A grown man, his work points have been caught up by a girl, and you still have the nerve to be lazy?"

Tian Fugao suddenly felt embarrassed, and hurriedly lowered his head to work again.

Lu Cheng also laughed and liked this atmosphere very much. Although he was a little tired, he was indeed very happy.

When it was almost noon, the women went home early to cook for the men, while the men took a break and continued to work.

Sometimes they were busy and did not go home at noon, waiting for their women to bring them food and water.

When they were done and resting, everyone sat together and chatted. Sometimes they would make a fuss and ask Lu Cheng to tell everyone a few stories.

After all, Lu Cheng came from the future and had experienced the era of information explosion. He had seen countless stories. He could tell some easy-to-understand, humorous and humorous stories, or directly tell some stories about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin, which could also relieve everyone's boredom.

"…Speaking of this, after Pang Tong had presented the chain of plans, he was about to return to Jiangdong, but he was suddenly stopped on the road: "What a bold Pang Shiyuan, Huang Gai used the plan of self-torture, Kan Ze issued a false surrender letter, and you came to present the chain of plans again. Aren't you afraid that the 830,000 troops in Cao's camp cannot be killed or burned? "

Guess who this person is who stopped Fengchu Pang Tong and saw through his plan? To know what happened next, please listen to the next chapter."

Everyone immediately started to make a noise: "Why is he gone again? Tell us more, who is it?"

"I guess it's Cheng Yu..."

"I guess it's Guo Jia..."

"Didn't Guo Jia die a long time ago?"

"Look, Lu Cheng's wife is here to bring food..."

A group of people were playing and laughing, and the sound of laughter resounded throughout the Loess Plateau.

Spring is really here...

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