After the family of Zhang Guoji was taken care of, Lu Cheng did not have much time to pay attention to them. Zhang Guoji found a job in the logistics department, assisting Lao Ma and managing some miscellaneous tasks. After Zhang Guoji had worked for a while, Lu Cheng asked Lao Ma about it. According to Lao Ma, although Zhang Guoji did not have much ability, he was sincere and down-to-earth. As for Lu Cheng, he became even busier after Xiong Tingbi left. Now the entire Liaonan Four Guards were considered Lu Cheng's territory. Needless to say, the soldiers of Haizhou Guard, Gaizhou Guard, Fuzhou Guard and Jinzhou Guard were of mixed quality and poorly trained.

The fundamental reason was lack of money.

These three guards were not as commercially developed and wealthy as Haizhou Guard, and the lives of the people were even more difficult.

Especially in the past two months, the court began to default on food and wages, and the lives of the soldiers in the three guards were also difficult.

After Lu Cheng learned about the situation, he summoned officers of all levels in the three guards, learned about the situation in detail, and promised to provide some food and grass materials, at least not to let the soldiers starve to death.

Just when Lu Cheng was arranging the four guards in southern Liaoning, the new Liaodong governor Yuan Yingtai issued an order to summon the Liaodong generals to discuss matters.

In fact, Lu Cheng didn't want to have the opportunity to pay attention to this Liaodong governor who came from the Donglin Party.

Yuan Yingtai was a Jinshi in the 23rd year of Wanli. He had been a county magistrate and worked in the Ministry of Works. He had done some practical things for the people before, but he knew nothing about military affairs.

No matter what line you are in, the most taboo is that an amateur commands an expert.

When Xiong Tingbi was in charge of Liaodong before, he selected talented people and discussed the general strategy with the generals and soldiers. He was also good at listening to the opinions of the generals and soldiers, and never cared about how the generals and lieutenants below used troops to fight.

Yuan Yingtai commanded blindly as soon as he came. Before he had figured out the situation in Liaodong, he wrote to the emperor to lead the Liaodong army and civilians to recapture Fushun.

When Xiong Tingbi was in charge of Liaodong before, he enforced the law strictly and rectified military discipline, which made the Liaodong soldiers look brand new.

But Yuan Yingtai thought that it shouldn't be done that way. Strict rules and regulations should be lenient to soldiers and emphasize benevolence, righteousness and morality, and directly overturned many strategies formulated by Xiong Tingbi.

In the original history, it was this guy's blind command and mess that gave Nurhaci the opportunity to capture Liaoyang and Shenyang, completely occupy most of the land in Liaodong, and develop from then on.

Even if Yuan Yingtai finally burned himself to death and died with the city, it was difficult to cover up his crimes.

It was just because this guy had the support of the Donglin Party and died with integrity that the court ignored the stupid things he did.

In contrast, Xiong Tingbi, who did practical things, was unjustly killed and ended up with his head sent to the nine borders.

Who can save such a Ming Dynasty? Who is willing to save it?

Lu Cheng was also speechless about superiors like Yuan Yingtai.

On the way to Liaoyang, Lu Cheng was already thinking about how to kill this old guy quietly.

Otherwise, the good situation of the entire Liaodong would definitely be destroyed by Yuan Yingtai's blind command.

Lu Cheng is currently concentrating on development, and he can't let the situation in Liaodong become chaotic and affect himself.

While Lu Cheng was daydreaming, he had already arrived in Liaoyang and immediately rushed to the Liaoyang government office.

Today was a formal occasion, and Lu Cheng deliberately wore the bullfighting suit awarded by the court, with a mountain-patterned armor on the outside and an embroidered spring sword on his waist, which made him look even more heroic and extraordinary.

When Lu Cheng arrived at the meeting hall, he saw that He Shixian, Chai Guozhu, Tong Zhongkui, You Shigong and other generals had already arrived.

When everyone saw Lu Cheng, they all greeted him.

Since the end of the Haizhou defense war, the generals of various routes have realized the power of gunpowder weapons, and have sent their own stockpiled gunpowder to Lu Cheng, asking Lu Cheng to process it into bombs, explosive packs, etc.

Lu Cheng naturally accepted everyone who came, and according to the ratio of three to one, for every three finished products, he would keep one as processing fee.

With this kind of transaction, Lu Cheng's Haizhou Guard has stockpiled quite a lot of explosive packs and bombs.

The generals of various routes also benefited. Naturally, they were very polite to Lu Cheng.

After everyone greeted each other, the governor Yuan Yingtai came in, and the soldiers hurriedly saluted.

Yuan Yingtai smiled and said gently: "No need to be polite, soldiers. This official has just arrived in Liaodong, and I will rely on your help in the future. Well, I called everyone here today because I want to

I want to discuss something with you all.

Now that the cold winter is coming, all Mongolian tribes on the grasslands have suffered disasters. Many Mongolian herdsmen fled to the pass for refuge, and many also fled to Liaodong. I plan to place these herdsmen on the grasslands in the two cities of Shenyang and Liaoyang. What do the soldiers think? "

Tong Zhongkui, the commander-in-chief, was the first to stand up and object: "Sir, no. The Hou Jin Dynasty had many contacts with the Mongolian tribes in the steppe, especially the Horqin tribe, which had close contacts with the Hou Jin Dynasty. If we rashly accept those Mongolian herdsmen, we will not be able to distinguish them. Are there any spies sent by Hou Jin among them?"

Commander-in-Chief You Shigong also stood up immediately: "Sir, what Commander-in-Chief Tong said is true. I think the reason why Nurhachi was able to capture the cities of Kaiyuan and Tieling was because of the cooperation between spies who had sneaked into the city and successfully opened the city gates. "

Yuan Yingtai, who was still cheerful at first, saw that his two generals actually opposed his opinions, and his expression immediately turned a little ugly: "Why are the two generals so alarmist? Liaoyang and Shenyang are two fortified cities, each with tens of thousands of soldiers. How can a few spies be able to destroy it?

Moreover, if we do not accept the herdsmen on the grasslands, they will inevitably turn to Nurhaci and become our enemies in the future. I do this also to use the enemy to control the enemy. What's more, we still have Jin Yiwei in the city, and we can also ask Jin Yiwei to investigate those Mongolian herdsmen. We only need to find out the spies among them. "

He Shixian still stood up and objected: "Sir, even if we want to accept those grassland herdsmen, we cannot let them enter the two big cities of Liaoyang and Shenyang. This is the foundation of our entire Liaodong, we must not lose anything!"

"Hmph! Are you generals so afraid of the enemy? Now, the situation in Liaodong is very good. Yesterday, some surrendered soldiers who were captured by the Jiannu returned yesterday. Don't you know?"

At this time, Lu Cheng couldn't help but stand up: "Sir, where are those surrendered soldiers and generals now? Have they been questioned in detail?"

Yuan Yingtai turned to look at Lu Cheng: "Are you General Lu Cheng of Dingguo? I have heard of your name. Young people have won several battles, so they should guard against arrogance and impatience and be open-minded. It is important to know that arrogant soldiers will be defeated. Okay, don't use a questioning tone when you talk to your superior in the future. I see that you are still young and will not care about you.

As for those who surrendered their troops and generals, since they can abandon the darkness and surrender to the light and return to the embrace of my Ming Dynasty, I will naturally accept them. Let us also show those soldiers who surrendered and became slaves. As long as they turn back if they are willing, our Ming Dynasty will still accept them. "

Lu Cheng remained calm on his face, but in his heart he had already sentenced Yuan Yingtai to death.

A person like this still wants to manage the entire Liaodong?

If Nurhachi knew Yuan Yingtai's mysterious operation, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams. No wonder the Qing Dynasty later gave Yuan Yingtai the posthumous title of "Zhongjie".

After that, Lu Cheng kept silent, but he had already planned the old guy's death in his heart.

Didn’t Yuan Yingtai want to take over the Mongols on the grassland? Didn’t he receive a lot of surrendered soldiers and generals?

Just in time, let him pay for his mistakes.

Historically, both Liaoyang and Shenyang were breached because of the spies who had infiltrated this time. The commander-in-chief He Shixian and You Shigong went out to kill the enemy. When they returned to the city, the city gate was closed by the spies in the city. Unfortunately, the two generals were indiscriminately attacked. Killed by arrows under the city wall. Chief military officers Chen Ce and Tong Zhongkui went to the rescue, but were also killed by the Jiannu cavalry.

When leaving the Liaoyang government office, all the generals were worried. He Shixian, You Shigong and Lu Cheng walked side by side. After leaving the government office, they looked back at the government office. He Shixian sighed: "Brother You, Brother Lu, The days ahead will be difficult.”

You Shigong also shook his head: "Brother Lu, it's pretty good. At least the Liaonan Four Guards don't have to take over those herdsmen and surrendered soldiers of unknown origin. Brother Lu, if we encounter any unexpected events then, you have to pull us together." Bundle."

"Don't worry, two brothers. Lu's one thousand Qingqi are on standby at any time."

After returning to Haizhou Guard, Lu Cheng immediately called Ding Xian and gave him a task, asking him to personally go to the grassland to meet the leader of Khalkha, Zai Sai.

This kind of murder of a minister must be done extremely covertly, and the trap must not be exposed...

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