The emperor was born in a wealthy family, and the emperor's family was buried in a grave.


In the spring of 1628, Lu Cheng officially proclaimed himself emperor in Yanjing and founded the Chinese nation.

Although the ministers below were very dissatisfied with this, they thought that they should follow the tradition and use a single word, such as Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, or "Da Hua". But they were all directly rejected by Lu Cheng.

As the founding emperor who fought all the way from the north to the south, Lu Cheng had the absolute right to speak. Others could make suggestions, but whether they listened or not depended on Lu Cheng's mood.

As for the reign title, Lu Cheng also directly decided on "Yongchang", which means "longevity and prosperity". As for the fact that this reign title had been used by other emperors in history, even Li Zicheng had used it, Lu Cheng did not care.

The fate of a dynasty is not determined by the name of the country or the year.

The Later Jin was both "heavenly mandate" and "heavenly wisdom", but they were all destroyed by Lu Cheng, weren't they?

It sounds simple to be an emperor, but the process is quite cumbersome. The preparations alone took one or two months.

Although Lu Cheng wanted to keep everything simple, the civil and military officials below did not agree. They argued with reason, quoted classics, and said a lot.

Lu Cheng did not refute this time. After all, it was only once in a lifetime, and the ceremony was more solemn and tolerable.

As for whether there would be another chance to be an emperor in the future, Lu Cheng himself was not sure.

After a series of cumbersome procedures, including offering sacrifices to ancestors, offering sacrifices to heaven and offering sacrifices to the gods, and completing various ceremonies, Lu Cheng finally achieved the yellow robe and stepped onto the pinnacle of power.

After that, it was natural to reward meritorious officials, reward concubines in the harem, formulate various national policies, etc.

In terms of conferring titles on his ministers, Lu Cheng referred to the standards of past dynasties and established seven levels of titles, including duke, marquis, earl, viscount, and generals of the first, second, and third ranks.

However, the titles did not include land, but only generous treatment, and allowed descendants to inherit the titles, but the titles would be reduced by one rank every generation. Only by making military achievements could the titles be kept or continued to be promoted.

Nowadays, there are many generals under Lu Cheng, but no one has been conferred the title of duke, and the highest title is only a marquis.

After all, the war has not been over yet, and there will be more wars to fight in the future. If all the titles are conferred to the highest level in advance, how can they be conferred if they make contributions in the future?

However, the highest rank for those who followed Lu Cheng from Liaodong was the general, and they had no titles before. It was a great honor to be conferred the title of founding marquis.

Moreover, as long as they continue to make contributions in the future, there is still a lot of room for advancement.

It is worth mentioning that among Ding Baiying's disciples, Ding Xiu has been leading cavalry to fight east and west, and has made great contributions to Lu Cheng's cause, and was named the founding brave and resolute marquis.

As the commander of the special operations brigade, Ding Xian has also been leading people to fight on the front line, and his contributions are no less than Ding Xiu, and he was also named the loyal and brave marquis.

Ding Chong and Ding Tai are latecomers. In the southern expedition, they also made many military achievements and were named Zhengnan Bo and Pingnan Bo.

Others who were named marquises included generals from various routes.

Many generals who were named were still leading troops outside, and the imperial edicts of the titles were sent directly to the front line.

For a while, it aroused the fighting spirit of the generals on the front line and accelerated the speed of recovering various places.

While rewarding the ministers, it was natural to reward the harem.

Among the women in the harem, the one who helped Lu Cheng the most in his career was naturally Ding Baiying, and the position of the queen naturally belonged to her.

In addition to the queen, Zhang Yan also assisted Ding Baiying to handle all the affairs of the harem properly, so that Lu Cheng could work hard outside with peace of mind.

Therefore, Zhang Yan was named Imperial Noble Consort, second only to Queen Ding Baiying.

Moreover, both the queen and the Imperial Noble Consort are exclusive titles, and there is only one person.

In fact, the ancient Chinese harem also had a strict hierarchy.

Since the Zhou Dynasty, the king's harem generally has the queen, three wives, nine concubines, twenty-seven wives, and eighty-one wives, a total of 121 concubines.

But in fact, there will be changes in every dynasty. The concubines in the harem of the Ming Dynasty did not follow the so-called system of three wives, nine concubines, twenty-seven wives, and eighty-one wives.

Lu Cheng's harem did not want to be so particular, but only set up five levels: queen, imperial concubine, concubine, concubine, and beauty.

The queen and the imperial concubine are both one person, and there is no strict limit on the number of others, it all depends on Lu Cheng's preference.

Currently, only Zhou Miaoxuan has been designated as a concubine, and she is named Shufei.

Zhou Miaoxuan's sister Zhou Miaotong has also just been admitted to the palace, and is temporarily

As concubines.

As for Hailanzhu and Dayuer, they were designated as beauties.

Adding these together, there were only six women in Lu Cheng's harem.

The ministers in the court suggested holding a beauty contest to select beauties from all over the country for Lu Cheng to enrich his harem, but Lu Cheng refused.

It's not that Lu Cheng doesn't want more beauties, but now that the country has just been established, the world is not settled, and everything is complicated, it's not the time to enjoy.

Compared with the beauty contest to enrich the harem, Lu Cheng is more inclined to reopen the imperial examination, select talents, and fill the vacancies of officials in various places as soon as possible.

So, less than a month after Lu Cheng ascended the throne, he asked the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Rites to start Chinese newspapers, and then publicized the news of the reopening of the imperial examination in the form of newspapers, and set the date for the examination.

Of course, the imperial examination system must also be changed, and it must not be based on the Four Books and Five Classics, poetry, and songs as before.

Before the imperial examination began, Lu Cheng also ordered officials from all over the country to count the number of scholars in each state and county, rebuild schools, promote new-style education, etc.

Of course, the promotion of new-style education is also inevitable to encounter various resistances, and it also requires a process.

In a word, after the founding of the country, Lu Cheng was still very busy, but there were more and more people working for him, and the power he could mobilize was also greater.

After all, with the throne in his body, he was truly justified and commanded the world.

Due to the corruption, natural disasters, wars and chaos in the Ming Dynasty, the population was also reduced a lot.

In order to restore the population as soon as possible and reserve the human resources foundation for the great development of China, Lu Cheng also formulated a new marriage policy and encouraged childbirth.

First of all, Lu Cheng promulgated a new marriage law, stipulating that women can only marry and have children when they are 16 years old.

In ancient times, many women started to marry at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and some even got married at the age of eleven or twelve.

Such a young woman, still a child herself, had to give birth before her body was fully developed. Naturally, the child she gave birth to could not be too healthy, and the infant mortality rate was extremely high.

Therefore, Lu Cheng asked the Ministry of Households to conduct a census of the whole country, formulate household registration for residents, and stipulate a new marriage age.

At the same time, in order to ensure the survival rate of newborns and to extend the average life expectancy of Chinese residents, Lu Cheng gathered a group of doctors, produced a barefoot doctor manual, and promoted it widely across the country. At the same time, he established doctor training colleges in various places, and placed medical education in a very high position.

Just as the rear was developing vigorously, war reports came from the front line. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places in the southwest were successively recovered, and the northwest also successfully entered the Western Regions, and the areas on both sides of the Yangtze River were basically pacified.

At the end of the first year of Yongchang in the Huaxia Empire, the entire Huaxia had initially achieved great unification.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Cheng formulated a grand strategic policy of three years of recovery, five years of development, and ten years of expansion. The entire Huaxia land began to recover and flourish...

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