The battle was over, and the battle was over.

(How about playing Liu Rushi?)

In the spring of the second year of Yongchang (1629), there were basically no major wars in the entire Chinese territory, but the situation in the Western Regions was still entangled and needed time to settle.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng ordered the reorganization of the national army and divided China into eight major war zones.

A garrison war zone was established near the capital, mainly to protect the capital.

The northern war zone was established near the grassland in the north to prepare for the future attack on Tsarist Russia.

The northwestern war zone was established in the northwest to prepare for the future march into the European continent.

The western war zone was set up in the Western Regions to prepare for the conquest of the West Asia region.

The southwestern war zone was prepared for the future attack on Tianzhu and other places.

The Southeastern Theater was set up in Fujian, Guangdong and other places to control the entire Southeast Asia, and to increase the navy to prepare for the future conquest of Australia.

The Eastern Theater built sea vessels in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas to prepare for future ocean-going operations.

There is also the Central Theater, which was set up in the Central Plains to facilitate support for the whole country.

While reorganizing the national troops, the Ministry of Industry also began to step up the research and development of steam locomotives to prepare for the construction of railways.

In the next two or three years, China was not prepared to engage in large-scale wars, but to develop wholeheartedly, speed up the production of guns and artillery, and complete the deployment of hot weapons as soon as possible.

At the same time, wasteland was reclaimed across the country, and the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities was strengthened to ensure grain production.

During the construction of water conservancy, the people who participated in the construction could also get wages, or work in lieu of relief to repay the grain borrowed from the government.

In short, it is to cultivate land, develop construction, station troops, store grain and materials, first solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, and enhance the country's war potential.

In order to ensure the stable development of the country, Lu Cheng also specially organized the soldiers and horses that were dismissed from the reorganized army into local security forces, set up patrol houses in various places to maintain local security. Set up a security office to deal with various emergencies.

At the same time, schools were established across the country to focus on education.

Professional health centers were established in towns and villages to focus on medical treatment. A Chinese herbal medicine cultivation base was established to ensure the supply of medicine.

As long as Lu Cheng could think of it, it would be turned into a series of decrees and promulgated.

At the same time, Lu Cheng retained the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty, reduced its powers, and turned it into a pure intelligence organization responsible for internal monitoring of the world and collecting intelligence from all over the country.

Once it was discovered that an official was corrupt, an official oppressed the people, or was ineffective in doing things, it would be reported directly to the court. The court would organize multiple investigation teams to conduct open and secret investigations to confirm the truth of the news.

Once an official who was corrupt and derelict in his duty was found, he would be severely punished immediately.

Of course, corruption is impossible to completely prohibit.

The salary standard set by Lu Cheng for Chinese officials is relatively high, which is definitely enough to support their entire family and live a good life. This can be regarded as a high salary to maintain integrity.

If there is still corruption, then there will be severe punishment.

After the country returned to peace, some Confucianists jumped out again, wanting to win status in the officialdom, gain a voice, and thus influence the emperor's thoughts.

However, Lu Cheng has always let the intelligence department control public opinion, and anyone who is dishonest will be dealt with directly.

In addition, Lu Cheng also opened a column on the China Times, allowing knowledgeable people to participate in discussing some current affairs topics, and from time to time throw out some opinions, and also promote: practice makes true knowledge, unity of knowledge and action, Confucianism must also adapt to the development of the times, etc.

At the beginning, many people will come out and criticize the various opinions on the China Times.

Whenever they encounter those who can only talk back, the Intelligence Department will record them and arrange them to experience life in the poorest and most difficult places in China, under the pretext of training talents.

For those who resist and dare not go, public opinion will accuse them of only talking nonsense, not knowing how to work for the people and repay the country.

Anyway, public opinion is in Lu Cheng's hands, and there are ways to deal with those corrupt scholars, and even use magic to defeat magic.

Of course, in the development of natural sciences, Lu Cheng encourages a hundred flowers to bloom and sets rewards for various inventions and creations.

Someone can invent more convenient and easy-to-use tools, and someone can make the land produce more food, and they can all be rewarded.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also established an honor system for all walks of life. Every year, the most outstanding officials, craftsmen, doctors, and farmers in the country are selected, and they are commended, praised in newspapers, and even Lu Cheng, the emperor, personally meets with them, etc., to encourage various advanced workers, outstanding labor models, etc.

As a time traveler

Lu Cheng, who was always able to come up with all kinds of new tricks, mobilize the enthusiasm of the people across the country for production and construction, and win the support of the people.

In the next two or three years, the people on the land of China broke out with great enthusiasm for production and construction, forming a good competitive environment.

Steam trains and steamships were successively manufactured and tried to run.

Major arsenals across the country worked overtime, and the total number of rifles produced each month reached 30,000, and the rest of the mortars, shells, and bullets were countless.

Even the craftsmen in the workshop made infantry guns and field howitzers according to the drawings drawn by Lu Cheng.

Moreover, the new energy of electricity has also appeared and has been put into use in some areas of Yanjing City.

Major coal mines, iron mines, and copper mines across the country are also being mined, transported, and invested in infrastructure.

In the spring of the fourth year of Yongchang, the Huaxia Empire began to plan to build railways.

And this naturally requires a large-scale steel production, mountain opening and road construction, etc., which can provide countless jobs for the Chinese people.

At the same time, the major war zones along the border also began to gradually expand outward.

In the northeast, the navy and the army sent troops together to attack Sakura Island and prepare to trample Mount Fuji.

In the southeast, the navy took the lead in sending troops to Australia. After occupying Australia, it quickly occupied various islands, looking for mineral deposits according to the map provided by Lu Cheng, and mined various mineral resources and transported them to China.

Because the occupied territory is too large, with the current population of China, it is not enough to completely occupy all places.

Therefore, after occupying some places, only a certain number of troops are sent to garrison, declare sovereignty, and mine minerals. Of course, if there are people willing to immigrate, China also supports it.

In the summer of the fourth year of Yongchang, war reports came from the east. The Chinese army swept across Sakura Island, captured the second generation of shogun alive, and destroyed the Sakura Kingdom.

Lu Cheng named Sakura Island Izumo Province and officially incorporated it into the territory of China.

In the autumn of the fourth year of Yongchang, the Southwest Military Region of China launched an attack on the Mughal Empire (Indian Peninsula) on the grounds that the herdsmen of the Mughal Kingdom crossed the border to graze.

Less than three months after the war began, the Chinese army attacked the capital of the Mughal Empire, captured the royal family of the Mughal Empire, and sent them to the capital.

In the spring of the fifth year of Yongchang (1632), the northern theater of China sent 200,000 troops across Lake Baikal to attack Tsarist Russia on the pretext of sheltering the remnants of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Facing the Chinese army equipped with rifles, mortars, and Gatling guns, any country around them could only be beaten and could not cause any harm to the Chinese Empire.

In the autumn of the fifth year of Yongchang, the Northwest Military Region of China also began to march to the northwest. Many small countries in the northwest, such as the Kazakh Khanate and the Bukhara Khanate, fled or surrendered, and few dared to confront the Chinese army.

In the spring of the sixth year of Yongchang, the Chinese Empire had basically occupied the entire Asia and half of Europe, as well as Australia and other places. A small part of the ball under its feet had already fallen into the Chinese Empire.

At this time, Lu Cheng was only 35 years old, in his prime, and even very young.

It is only a matter of time before he becomes the captain.

The strength of the Huaxia Empire has also brought enough pride and honor to the people of the Huaxia Empire.

After conquering many neighboring countries, Lu Cheng also divided the Huaxia people and the people of the surrounding occupied countries into three classes of residents.

The original Huaxia people were first-class residents, enjoying the best welfare benefits, and had priority in medical care and children's education.

The people of the surrounding occupied countries were second-class citizens, and they needed to reach a certain number of years, or intermarry with the Huaxia people, work for Huaxia, and other conditions before they could be promoted to first-class citizens.

As for those who rebelled, they were naturally classified as third-class citizens and had to engage in the heaviest hard labor such as coal mining, bridge construction, and road paving. After working for a certain number of years, they could be promoted to second-class citizens.

As the Huaxia Empire became more and more powerful and the national pride became stronger, all the people and officials admired and loved Emperor Lu Cheng more and more.

In the summer of the sixth year of Yongchang (1633), under the organization of officials in the court, a national selection was held in China to enrich Lu Cheng's harem.

Lu Cheng did not refuse this time. After fighting for half his life, he was about to become the captain of the ball, and it was time to enjoy himself.

After the auditions in various prefectures and counties, 5,000 beauties were finally selected from all over China and sent to Yanjing.

After that, these 5,000 beauties went through layers of selection, checking their ancestors for three generations, checking their physical conditions, assessing their poetry, books and etiquette, etc., and selected 100 beauties with both talent and beauty for Lu Cheng.

When the detailed list was placed on Lu Cheng's desk, each candidate had a detailed introduction and portrait, family background, height, age, weight, cultural level

Etc., all with detailed descriptions.

Lu Cheng flipped through these lists one by one, and he was a little emotional. The happiness of being an emperor was indeed extraordinary.

However, when Lu Cheng saw a name, he was stunned:

Liu Rushi: Original name Yang Ai. Born in Jiaxing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, fifteen years old this year. Born in a poor family, she was almost sold to a singing girl's house by her parents when she was eight years old. When the rebels occupied Jiangnan, she was separated from her parents and was adopted by a wealthy family to teach poetry, books and etiquette. Hearing that His Majesty was selecting a beauty, she volunteered to participate...

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