The cakes were so delicious that they were eaten with a lot of sugar.

"Master Ma, try our craftsmanship. This is a freshly baked flower cake."

Ma Qiushan picked up one, took a bite, and praised it casually: "It's soft and sweet, not greasy, and delicious."

"If it tastes good, take more."

"Thank you, but I'm not suitable for eating too many sweets."

Ma Qiushan tasted it briefly and sat aside.

Chen Nanxing placed several flower cakes in front of Lu Cheng: "Lu Cheng, guess which one is made by me and which one is made by Hongdou."

Lu Cheng picked up one of them, put it in his mouth to taste it, and commented: "This one has a solid outer layer, the more you chew it, the more fragrant it is, and the inside is sweet but not greasy, with endless aftertaste, you can tell at a glance..."

When Lu Cheng said these words, he kept paying attention to the expressions of the two women. Obviously, when he started to comment, Xu Hongdou's expression was obviously very happy and concerned, while Chen Nanxing lowered his head and glanced at the one on the left side of the plate.

By observing the other party's micro-expressions and his own intuition, Lu Cheng smiled and said: "This one is obviously made by Hongdou. Hongdou is more rigorous and serious in his work. Although this flower cake is a beginner, it is full and round in shape. It is obvious that she has worked hard on the appearance."

Xu Hongdou's mouth curled up slightly, and she was obviously in a good mood: "You are right. But among the remaining ones, you have to pick out which one is made by Nanxing."

Lu Cheng nodded in agreement: "No problem, I can definitely pick it out."

As he said, Lu Cheng had already reached out to the one on the left, but then deliberately skipped the one on the left and picked up the one in the middle that was a little bigger, irregular in shape, and even had a little bit of filling exposed.

Although Chen Nanxing had not spoken yet, there was a slight disappointment in his eyes.

Lu Cheng picked up the one that looked like a substandard product, took a bite, and nodded: "This one has a thin skin and a large filling. Although the shape is slightly flawed, it can be seen that the maker has obviously tried his best and put in a lot of effort. I believe there will be great improvement next time. So, this one should be made by Da Mai."

Da Mai was also happy to hear this, and directly gave Lu Cheng a thumbs up: "Teacher Lu, you are awesome, I admire you."

When Chen Nanxing heard Lu Cheng's words, the little disappointment in his heart disappeared, and hope was rekindled, waiting for Lu Cheng to make a new choice.

This time, Lu Cheng picked up the one on the far left without hesitation. Chen Nanxing's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, obviously a little happy.

This time, Lu Cheng took a bite and pointed at the section that had been bitten open: "This one has eight layers of crispy skin with distinct layers, and the texture is crisper, but not greasy at all. When the maker rolls the dough, the action should be very gentle and careful, with uniform thickness, and then rolled up.

The result is as soft as clouds, but slightly crispy, sweet and delicious. It's like the breeze blowing through rose petals and the endless wheat fields. So, this one should be the work of classmate Chen Nanxing, am I right?"

At this moment, Ma Qiushan, Damai, and Xu Hongdou all gave a thumbs up, and Chen Nanxing was even more happy: "Is it really that good? I didn't expect it."

"Of course. Although the skills of the three of you are a little different, you can all feel the care in it. The food can convey It is not only the enjoyment of taste buds, but also the feeling of the soul. "

Ma Qiushan laughed: "High!"

Xu Hongdou teased: "Lu Cheng, I didn't expect you to be so good at talking, and you praised everyone, but you gave such a high evaluation of Nanxing's work. "

"My work is not as good as Hongdou's. Barley is also good. He said he couldn't make it, but he got the hang of it quickly. These are our first works, and there are others that have not been baked yet. After they are baked, we are going to send some back to our families to eat. "

"This is a good idea. We should let our family members taste it and share the fruits of your labor. "

That afternoon, several people couldn't wait to send the finished flower cakes by express delivery to their respective hometowns.

The next morning, Lu Cheng just got up and prepared to exercise, and saw Chen Nanxing and Xu Hongdou had also gotten up and washed.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but joke: "What day is it today? Why did you get up so early?"

"It's not a special day. I practiced the Ba Duan Jin you taught me these two days. It really feels good. I sleep more soundly at night.

I feel more energetic in the morning. I will plan to exercise with you in the future."

"This is a good thing. You should go to bed early and get up early, breathe fresh air, and greet the first rays of morning sun. Your body will become more and more energetic."

Chen Nanxing nodded in agreement: "That's right. I feel healthier and healthier now, much better than before I got sick. By the way, Hongdou also said that she will cook this morning and let you taste her cooking skills. Please look forward to it."

"Then I am really looking forward to it. "

The three of them jogged out of the yard and ran along the stone road in the village to the outside of the village.

After leaving Yunmiao Village, there were endless fields on one side of the road and rapeseed flowers all over the mountains on the other side.

Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing sometimes ran forward slowly, sometimes swung their arms straight and strode forward, and sometimes jumped forward, looking very brisk.

And Lu Cheng always kept a constant distance from them, following them slowly.

On both sides of the road near the town, there would be many uncles and aunts going to the market to set up stalls in the morning. Each of them had a three-wheeled motorcycle or a small electric donkey, and brought two baskets or backpacks. They came to both sides of the road, chose a place to stop the car, spread a snakeskin bag on the ground, and placed fresh vegetables grown in their own fields, or chickens, ducks and geese raised at home.

The vegetables here are not necessarily cheaper than those sold in supermarkets, and they may not look very good. , but they are basically fresh. Many of them were just pulled out of the ground in the morning, with fresh soil on the roots and dew on the leaves.

Several people bought some ingredients such as onions, ginger, tomatoes, eggs, etc., and walked back slowly. They were not in a hurry to get on the road, and they could also enjoy the scenery along the way.

Back to the windy courtyard, Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing walked into the kitchen and started to get busy.

Lu Cheng helped to pick onions, Xu Hongdou beat the eggs, and began to skillfully cut potato shreds, while Chen Nanxing cut the washed tomatoes, put them on a plate, and took a photo.

Tomato scrambled eggs, vinegar potato shreds, green pepper stir-fried pork shreds, three simple home-cooked dishes, Xu Hongdou was also very skilled in making them. It didn't take long for the dishes to be put on the table, and Chen Nanxing also started to serve rice.

Seeing that Da Mai was resting in the yard with his eyes closed, Chen Nanxing took the initiative to go out again and pushed Da Mai: "Da Mai, haven't you had breakfast yet? Let's eat together? "

Da Mai was still in a daze, so he followed Chen Nanxing.

Lu Cheng called out to Ma Qiushan who was meditating nearby: "Master Ma, do you want to eat something together?"

Ma Qiushan didn't move at first, but after smelling the fragrance from the kitchen, he got up and washed his hands.

Da Mai tasted the vinegar-fried potato shreds and was a little surprised: "Hongdou, you put soy sauce in your vinegar-fried potato shreds?"

Xu Hongdou nodded: "Yes, my mother has always done this, and I learned it from my mother."

Chen Nanxing also added: "Hongdou's mother's cooking is delicious. I've eaten it a few times and I can't forget it."

Ma Qiushan nodded immediately: "Mom is justice. I'll pour some soup and mix the rice. "

As he spoke, Ma Qiushan picked up the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, poured some soup into his bowl, mixed it, and then picked up some shredded potatoes and stir-fried pork with chili peppers, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Xu Hongdou looked at Lu Cheng again: "Teacher Lu, can you give me a review?"

"These three home-cooked dishes are very homely, with the taste of home, the taste of mother, and very warm."

"Is that all?"

"I think this is the highest evaluation of home-cooked dishes. Isn't it? Master Ma, at your speed, the rest is mine, and no one can grab it..."

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