On the road north of the small town of Zenda, Meng Fanle was like a walking corpse, unconsciously striking the match in his hand, and he didn't even notice that the matchstick had stabbed his finger.

At this time, Meng Fanle recalled the last battle not long ago, in which he lost all his comrades.

Time went back to that battle. At that time, the Japanese tanks had already driven to the position where Meng Fanle's company was stationed. A group of soldiers rushed up fearlessly, hitting the iron lump in front of them with their rifles and machetes, but to no avail.

Meng Fanle held a Molotov cocktail and struck the match hard, but the match was soaked with sweat and couldn't be struck.

"Fanle, you asshole, you can't even light a fire? Hurry up."

Meng Fanle, who was lighting a fire, looked back and said, "Fuck you, I'm your company commander."

The old soldier standing on the Japanese tank didn't take Meng Fanle, the deputy company commander, seriously at all: "You are just a deputy, isn't the main one burning there? Can't you borrow a fire from him?"

Meng Fanle looked at the company commander who had died long ago and was on fire next to him, and then realized that he had done something stupid. He quickly picked up the last Molotov cocktail and wanted to borrow a fire from the company commander and throw it at the tank.

But at this moment, the machine gun on the tank sounded, and in a blink of an eye, all the soldiers under Meng Fanle were dead.

Meng Fanle couldn't throw the Molotov cocktail in his hand in the end.

In order to survive, Meng Fanle could only lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. Even when the Japanese soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield stabbed his thigh with a bayonet, Meng Fanle did not make any sound, so he survived.

Just when Meng Fanle was immersed in the past, a voice suddenly interrupted his memory: "That soldier, the lame soldier, I'm talking about you, come and sit down and rest for a while."

Meng Fanle raised his head when he heard the voice and saw a tall and strong major officer sitting not far away, waving at him.

Meng Fanle did not refuse the major's collar badge and the two guns on the other party. He walked to the other party and showed a flattering smile: "Sir, you called me?"

Lu Cheng nodded, patted the exposed tree roots next to him, and raised his hand to hand the military water bottle to the other party: "Drink some water and take a rest."

"Thank you, sir."

"From your accent, you are from Beijing. What's your name?"

"I am indeed from Beijing. My name is Meng Fanle. What's your name, sir? Huh?"

"Lu Cheng, from Central Plains. How did you get your leg injured?"

"When I was fighting with the Japanese, I was stabbed by their bayonet."

"I can smell the rotten smell of the wound. If you don't treat your leg quickly, even if it is cured in the future, I'm afraid there will be sequelae."

"Thank you for your concern, sir. When we get to Zenda, I will think of a way to see if I can treat it."

"How about this, you follow me and I will cure your leg. How about it?"

"Sir "I can lie to you, what do you have to lie to you?" The company has been fighting. "" Understand, the camp under my hand was abandoned by Shangfeng, and the position of 3 days and 3 nights was held. How can I want to go to the peak? There are some anti -inflammatory drugs in my pocket. The wound was obviously caused by the Japanese bayonet from behind, and the wound was not deep, and did not hurt the thigh bone. It was just that it had ulcerated and inflamed because it had not received timely treatment.

After reading it, Lu Cheng nodded and said, "It's not a big problem. Just clean the wound, apply some hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs, and suture the wound. However, your wound does not look like it was left by fighting with the Japanese. The wound is not big, and there is no sign of struggle. It was left from behind.

You didn't lie on the ground pretending to be dead, and were stabbed by the devil's bayonet? "

Meng Fanle was embarrassed when he heard this: "Sir, this..."

"No need to say more, I can understand, it's for life. Okay, let's go, let's go to Zenda first."

Then, Lu Cheng packed up his equipment, supported Meng Fanle, and walked all the way to Zenda.

At this time, World War II had already entered a white-hot stage. China on the Eastern battlefield had to seek international help due to its low industrial level and shortage of various strategic materials.

In order to facilitate the transportation of international aid materials purchased from abroad, the government ordered the construction of the Burma Road at the end of 1937 to open up the transportation line in the south and provide blood transfusion for China's domestic war of resistance.

A small life naturally would not allow China to successfully obtain external assistance, and it also began to expand to Southeast Asia.

Especially since June 1940 Starting from January, the Yunnan-Vietnam Highway was destroyed, and the Yunnan-Burma Highway became the only land route for China to contact the allies, and transportation became even busier.

For this reason, the government stationed a lot of troops on the border of western Yunnan to guard this blood transfusion line for the war of resistance.

At this time, wars were going on all over the world, and the small town of Zenda in western Yunnan was barely able to maintain some peace. The defeated soldiers from the nearby battlefields rushed here.

When Lu Cheng and Meng Fan arrived at Zenda City, it was already two or three in the afternoon.

A defeated army is worse than a bandit, and a wandering soldier is a thief. The defeated soldiers had long lost their energy and spirit, and when they were extremely hungry, For a bite of food, they would do anything.

In order to prevent the situation from getting too serious and to protect the local people, the local garrison set up some shelters to gather these defeated soldiers and reluctantly give them some food to prevent them from starving to death.

As for the injured, they could only leave it to fate.

Now there is a shortage of food and supplies everywhere, but there is no shortage of defeated soldiers. These defeated soldiers are also in a free-range state. Those who are capable and can find food for themselves can still have enough food, while those who are not capable can only endure it.

As soon as these defeated soldiers reached the entrance of the town, they were stopped by several sentries and told to go to the designated The shelter.

Although Lu Cheng was a major, the sentries did not take him too seriously. After all, among the fleeing soldiers who had recently escaped, there were some majors, and their treatment was no better than others.

Before Lu Cheng met Meng Fanle, he had put the 98K with a scope into the storage space, leaving only a box gun.

Not far into the town, Lu Cheng saw a girl wearing a gray cloth shirt and a pigtail on the side of the road, who was stopping the fleeing soldiers and asking something.

As he got closer, he could already hear her voice.

"Brother, are you from the Sichuan Army?"

"No, no. Ask someone else."

"Brother, do you know the Sichuan Army?"

"I don't know."

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